
2016-05-14 17:16
中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年6期

I. 听力技能(三部分,共20小题,计25分)

A)反应 根据你听到的对话,选择最佳答案回答问题。(共5小题,每小题1分)

( )1. Whats the boys favourite animal?

A. Giraffe. B. Monkey. C. Tiger.

( )2. How does the boy go to school?

A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike.

( )3. What did the boy see last summer?

A. The Sydney Opera House.

B. The Big Ben.

C. The Eiffel Tower.

( )4. What does the boy want?

A. Hamburgers. B. Milk. C. Orange juice.

( )5. What does the girl want to do this weekend?

A. Go skiing. B. Go cycling. C. Go hiking.

B)理解 根据你所听到的内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题1分)


( )6. Whats the boy looking for?

A. His pencil. B. His pencil-box. C. His ball.

( )7. What does it look like?

A. A bird. B. A boat. C. A bottle.


( )8. Whom will the woman buy the sports bag for?

A. Her son. B. Her daughter. C. Herself.

( )9. How much will the woman pay for the bag?

A. 30 dollars. B. 25 dollars. C. 50 dollars.


( )10. What is Jim doing?

A. Having a journey.

B. Preparing for a journey.

C. Helping his parents do some cleaning.

( )11. Where are Jims family going?

A. To America. B. To England. C. To Australia.

( )12. When are they going?

A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next holiday.


( )13. Whats the weather like now?

A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Snowy.

( )14. Where is the boy from?

A. The West. B. The North. C. The South.

( )15. What will they do?

A. Watch TV.

B. Make a snowman.

C. Go skating.

C)笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格。(每空不超过3个单词,共5小题,每小题2分)

II. 知识运用(两部分,共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

A)语法填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)

( )21. My brother is in trouble, but I dont know how to help ______ out.

A. he B. his C. him

( )22. —Could you help me put up the signs on the wall?


A. No problem B. I hope so C. Thats all right

( )23. —Have you seen the American film Avatar?

—Yes. I ______ it last year.

A. saw B. have seen C. will see

( )24. Im sure there will be ______ in our country in a few years. Well have a better environment.

A. more pollution B. less pollution C. fewer pollution

( )25. Paul never plays video games in his spare time, ______?

A. is he B. does he C. doesnt he

( )26. —______ day it is!

—Lets go out and enjoy the sunshine!

A. What a lovely B. How lovely C. What rainy

( )27. —Do you know ______ about China?

—The people and the food.

A. what Jim like

B. what does Jim like

C. what Jim likes

( )28. Today computers ______ everywhere in China.

A. use B. are used C. were used

( )29. Some of us raised money to help the people ______ live in the Philippines.

A. who B. whom C. which

( )30. —I cant find our English teacher. Where is she?

—Im not sure. She ______ be in the library.

A. must B. may C. cant

B)词语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分)

Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy 31 . Since the days of long ago, adults (成年人) and children have called their friends together to spend 32 , even days playing sports.

Sports help people to live 33 . They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing sports, people 34 a lot. This is good for their health. Having 35 with their friends makes them happy.

Many people enjoy sports by watching others 36 . In small towns, crowds (人群) meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer games. In big cities, thousands of people 37 to see an ice-skating show or a baseball game.

What are your favorite sports? Is the weather 38 where you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in China love to 39 . There are wonderful beaches and there are beautiful 40 and lakes across the country. The weather is also good for swimming.

( )31. A. music B. movies C. sports

( )32. A. hours B. weeks C. months

( )33. A. alone B. carefully C. happily

( )34. A. speak B. think C. move

( )35. A. fun B. jokes C. dinner

( )36. A. play B. jump C. run

( )37. A. buy tickets B. take turns C. read newspapers

( )38. A. cool B. cold C. hot

( )39. A. skate B. swim C. surf

( )40. A. mountains B. cities C. rivers

III. 阅读技能(五部分,共25小题,每小题2分,计50分)

A)阅读短文, 根据短文内容判断所给句子正(T)误(F)。(共5小题,每小题2分)

A lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now. Why is it so popular? There are some reasons. First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be connected to the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they dont need to go to the shop themselves. Because of these good facts, few people refuse it.

On the other hand, some people dont like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping online. Customers (顾客) can only see the pictures of products (商品) on the Internet. And they cant enjoy the pleasure of buying things in large supermarkets or some wonderful stores. These are the reasons why they do not like it.

But I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.

( )41. Many people are interested in shopping online.

( )42. Shopping online cannot save money.

( )43. All the productions on the Internet are good.

( )44. Some people dislike shopping online because they dont have their own computers.

( )45. The writer of the passage supports (支持) shopping online.


The“Silk Road” is not only the name of a number of roads of international trade between ancient China and other parts of the world, but also a bridge of culture between China and many other countries in history. It was named because of the Chinese silk, which was one of the most important products in the trade.

Usually it can be divided into three roads. The Northern Silk Road on the land started from Changan (now Xian), an ancient capital of China, and went west to Europe. It is the most famous and we know it very well. The Southern Silk Road on the land usually started from Sichuan Province and went south to India. The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Dengzhou, and then it went east to Korea, Japan and west to Europe and Africa.

Now, China is planning an “One Belt and One Road” program—the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”).

It will connect China with Europe through Central and Western Asia, and connect China to Southeast Asian countries, Africa and Europe. Its welcomed by Silk Road countries. In the past year, over 50 countries have joined in the program. Its believed that it will help to realize the peace and development of this area.

( )46. The “Silk Road” was named because of ________.

A. the Chinese silk, which was one of the most important products in the trade

B. the Chinese silk, which was one of the most beautiful products in the trade

C. the Chinese silk, which was one of the least important products in the trade

( )47. ________ is the most famous and people know it very well.

A. The Silk Road on the sea

B. The Southern Silk Road on the land

C. The Northern Silk Road on the land

( )48. Where did the Southern Silk Road on the land usually start?

A. From Changan.

B. From Sichuan Province.

C. From Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Dengzhou.

( )49. The “One Belt and One Road” program will help to realize ________ of this area.

A. the peace B. the development C. both A and B

( )50. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Changan was an ancient capital of China.

B. The Silk Road on the sea mainly started from Guizhou.

C. “One Belt and One Road” program is not welcomed at all.



( )51. We can ________ according to the passage.

A. buy bicycles B. rent bicycles C. watch bicycles

( )52. How much should you pay for the 4th hour?

A. Free. B. One yuan. C. Two yuan.

( )53. If you rent a bicycle for 8 hours, you should pay ________.

A. 24 yuan B. 11 yuan C. 12 yuan


( )54. If you have lost ________, you can come to Mary.

A. a key B. a tape C. a schoolbag ( )55. You can call at ________ if you find Lindas Student ID card.

A. 8697132 B. 20150063 C. 8679561


A recent research shows that more than 80 percent of WeChat (维信) users consider the ads (广告) to be an annoying thing.

Tencent began testing these ads last week. The ads are pushed to 200 million WeChat users every day.

Zhang Jun, spokesman for Tencent, says the company pays much attention to the users experience. WeChat has more than 450 million active users every month.

“An ad will appear in a place no higher than the fifth place on the page. And it will be cleared away if it is not noticed for hours.”

Some big companies including BMW, Coca-Cola, and Cadillac are invited to take part in the test. They think WeChat users should receive different ads depending on their past behavior (行为). Many users dont agree with it. They say that theyve been considered as being able to buy only a bottle of coke because they always receive such ads while others receive ads for cars.

56. How many percent of WeChat users consider the ads to be an annoying thing?


57. What does Tencent pay attention to?


58. How many active users does WeChat have every month?


59. What big companies are invited to take part in the test according to the passage?


60. Why dont people agree that WeChat users should receive different ads depending on their past behavior?



If you go into the forests with friends, stay with them. If you dont, you may get lost. If you do get lost, these are what you should do.

Sit down and stay where you are. Dont try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.

There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Stop. Then shout and whistle three times again. And giving signal three times is a call for help. If you dont think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a small room with branches (树枝).

What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink water? You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Dont just walk away. Drop small branches as you walk so that you can find your way back.

There are many ways to deal with getting lost, but please remember: The most important thing to do when you are lost is to stay in one place.

IV. 写作技能(三部分,共11小题,计25分)


M: Hello, Lucy!66. ____________________?

W: Im going to Chang Chun to see my aunt.

M: 67. ____________________?

W: By train.

M: How long will the train journey take?

W: The train starts at six in the morning and gets there at two next morning.

M: 68. ____________________?

W: My uncle is going to meet me at the station. He can drive.

M: 69. ____________________?

W: It will be quite cold. So I will take some warm clothes with me.

M: 70. ____________________!

W: Thanks a lot, Jim. See you, bye.

B)翻译 阅读短文,将文中划线部分翻译成汉语或英语。(共5小题,每小题2分)

In America, when people speak of “mans best friend”, they mean a lovely animal—a dog!This shows the friendship between humans and animals. Dogs and other pets can give happiness to people. 71. Some people regard their pets as their children. A few even leave all their money to their pets when they die!72. 动物能够帮助人类。Dogs can be the “eyes” of blind people or “ears” of deaf people. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer!73. They make people happier. Because of that, animals are taken to hospitals for “visits”. 74. 因此,对动物要友好。75. If you have a pet, spend more time playing with it. Remember to give it delicious food. Also, be sure to keep your pet from danger. If you dont have a pet, be kind to animals around you. If others around you do bad things to an animal, try to stop them. As humans, we must protect animals.


76. 还记得那些陪伴你左右的同桌(deskmate)吗?他们乐观向上;他们自强不息;他们诚实可信;他们勤奋好学……你的生活因他们而精彩!请记述一件事,让我们认识一下你的一位勤奋好学的(hard-working)同桌吧!


1. 80词左右;

2. 文章尽可能包括提示内容中的所有信息,可适当发挥,语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁;

3. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名及校名。















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