
2016-05-27 07:32周志广许鹏军刘爱民黄业茹国家环境分析测试中心国家环境保护二污染控制重点实验室北京100029
中国环境科学 2016年4期

齐 丽,任 玥,李 楠,郑 森,赵 虎,范 爽,周志广,许鹏军,刘爱民,张 烃,黄业茹 (国家环境分析测试中心,国家环境保护二污染控制重点实验室,北京 100029)

齐 丽*,任 玥,李 楠,郑 森,赵 虎,范 爽,周志广,许鹏军,刘爱民,张 烃,黄业茹 (国家环境分析测试中心,国家环境保护二污染控制重点实验室,北京 100029)

摘要:2013年4月至2014年1月对北京市某生活垃圾焚烧厂周边4km范围内5个采样点环境空气中二含量、组成特征及季节变化特征进行了分析.结果表明该垃圾焚烧厂周边环境空气中PCDD/Fs质量浓度的变化范围为8.3~115pg/m3,毒性当量(TEQ)变化范围为0.11~1.9pg I-TEQ/m3,其中秋季1个采样点和冬季全部采样点超出日本环境空气质量标准限值(0.6pg I-TEQ/m3).1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF和OCDF均是四季空气中PCDD/Fs质量浓度的主要贡献单体,而2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF是总TEQ贡献最大的单体.空间分布特征表现为近源点位(~400m)浓度水平较高而其他点位(>1000m)浓度水平与距污染源距离远近没有显著相关性;季节变化特征表现为冬季值显著高于其他季节,分析可能与冬季采暖及大气扩散条件差导致的大气整体污染较重有关.样品中二同族体及异构体分布指纹谱图与焚烧设施排放烟气存在差别,主成分分析(PCA)源解析结论与指纹谱图特征分析结论一致,体现为多种污染源共同作用的影响.二呼吸暴露剂量估算结果表明该区域人群呼吸暴露风险总体处于较为安全的水平(0.034~0.161pg I-TEQ/(kg⋅d)),但仍需关注大气重污染天气发生时的呼吸暴露风险.


* 责任作者, 高级工程师, ql_cneac@163.com



1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区域及样品采集


图1 环境空气采样布点示意(梯形区域为厂区)Fig.1 Ambient air sampling sites around the MSWI

1.2 样品前处理、分析及质控


2 结果与讨论

5个采样点四期监测得到的大气PCDD/Fs浓度如表1所示,其4~8氯代PCDD/Fs同族体总浓度范围为8.3~115pg/m3,各采样点季平均值为24.7~52.7pg/m3,17种2,3,7,8位取代的PCDD/Fs毒性当量浓度范围为0.11~1.9pg I-TEQ/m3,季平均值为0.40~0.77pg I-TEQ/m3.除冬季监测数据外,其余各采样点监测结果基本与之前报道的城市环境空气PCDD/Fs含量水平相当:北京市区(2006年0.268pg I-TEQ/m3;2011- 2012年0.251pg I-TEQ/m3)[26-27]、广州市区(0.364pg I-TEQ/m3)[28]及上海市区(0.268pg I-TEQ/m3)[29], 除S2采样点秋季监测结果达到被Fielder等[30]定义为受点源污染的标准范围(0.350~1.60pg I-TEQ/m3)外,其余点位均在Lohmann等[23]提出的城市环境空气中二标准浓度范围0.100~0.400pg I-TEQ/m3之内.与日本规定的空气PCDD/Fs的年均值标准(0.6pg I-TEQ/m3)[31]相比较,S2采样点秋季监测结果略高于此排放限值,而冬季各采样点均超出该标准限值83%~ 217%.


表1 各采样点大气中PCDD/Fs总质量浓度(pg/m3)及毒性当量浓度(pg I-TEQ/m3)Table 1 Mass and TEQ concentrations of PCDD/Fs in the samples at each sampling site

从表1可见,各采样点最高值均出现在冬季,最低值均出现在春季,其次是夏季和冬季.各点位不同季节PCDD/Fs平均浓度高低顺序为冬季(85.2pg/m3)>秋季(32.4pg/m3)>夏季(18.6pg/m3)>春季(12.6pg/m3);二毒性当量浓度的季节变化也遵循相同的规律,即冬季(1.4pg I-TEQ/m3)>秋季(0.41pg I-TEQ/m3)>夏季(0.20pg I-TEQ/m3)>春季(0.16pg I-TEQ/m3).这与天津、香港等地城市冬季大气二浓度水平最高相似[33-34],而与广州地区春季大气二明显高于秋、冬、夏三季不同[35].

2.3 PCDD/Fs毒性异构体分布特征


2.4 PCDD/Fs同族体分布特征

2.5 多变量来源分析

为进一步了解焚烧设施周边环境空气中PCDD/Fs与垃圾焚烧源的关系,应用主成分分析方法(PCA)对典型排放源烟气和空气样品之间PCDD/Fs的17种2,3,7,8-位取代二异构体特征相似度进行了分析.调研发现周边除垃圾焚烧设施外重要的热排放源还有无组织燃煤锅炉、殡葬焚烧厂和交通源等.为了分辨多种源对环境空气的影响,对采集样品和典型城市大气二排放源17种异构体相对丰度进行主成分分析(PCA),主要包括生活垃圾焚烧厂烟气、燃煤锅炉烟气、殡仪馆火化机烟气、汽油机动车尾气和柴油机动车尾气等(注:由于缺乏本地数据,燃煤锅炉及汽(柴)油车参考U. S. EPA二排放源数据库[39],殡仪馆及生活垃圾焚烧烟气二数据为排放源实测数据).


图2 各点位17种2,3,7,8-位取代PCDD/Fs单体占总质量浓度的相对丰度Fig.2 Relative abundance of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs congeners in the samples at each sampling site

图3 各点位17种2,3,7,8-位取代PCDD/Fs单体占总毒性当量浓度的相对丰度Fig.3 Relative I-TEQ abundance of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs congeners in the samples at each sampling site

图4 焚烧厂烟气2,3,7,8-PCDD/Fs异构体质量浓度、毒性当量及四~八氯代同族体质量浓度相对丰度Fig.4 Relative contributions of individual congener and homologue to the total mass and TEQ of PCDD/Fs in flue gas

图5 各点位PCDD/Fs同族体分布特征谱图Fig.5 PCDD/Fs homologue profiles of the samples at each sampling site

式中:IPad/ch指经呼吸二暴露量(pg I-TEQ/ (kg⋅d));Cair为空气中PCDD/Fs浓度水平(pg I-TEQ/m3),取每个采样点四季采样监测的浓度均值;Vrad/ch指吸入速率(m3/d),取《中国人群环境暴露行为模式研究报告(成人卷)》和《中国人群暴露参数手册(成人卷)》中推荐的吸入速率值0.25m3/(kg⋅d),儿童取值0.51m3/(kg⋅d);ƒr指肺中停留系数,成人和儿童取均值0.75,Wad/ch指人体体重,成人取我国居民成人平均体重60.6kg, 儿童取15kg;(Nso,ad/ch+ Nwo,ad/ch+ Nsl,ad/ch+ Nwi,ad/ch+ Nsi,ad/ch)指肺中停留时间,取美国EPA推荐的估算值,成人0.457,儿童0.616.

图6 排放源与环境空气中PCDD/Fs相关性分析(采样点名称指代季节+点位)Fig.6 Correlation of PCDD/Fs profiles in emission sources and air samples

3 结论

3.1 生活垃圾焚烧厂周边大气中PCDD/Fs质量浓度和毒性当量浓度的变化范围分别为8.3~ 115pg/m3和0.11~1.9pg I-TEQ/m3,其中1,2,3,4,6, 7,8-HpCDF和OCDF是四季环境空气中PCDD/Fs质量浓度的主要贡献单体,2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF是总TEQ贡献最大的单体.

3.5 对焚烧厂周边区域人群的PCDD/Fs呼吸暴露剂量的估算结果表明其处于较为安全的水平,但大气重污染季节的呼吸暴露风险应该得到足够的重视.


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Concentrations, spatial and seasonal variations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air around a municipal solid waste incinerator—a case study in Beijing.

QI Li*, REN Yue, LI Nan, ZHENG Sen, ZHAO Hu, FAN Shuang, ZHOU Zhi-guang, XU Peng-jun, LIU Ai-min, ZHANG Ting, HUANG Ye-ru (State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Dioxin Pollution Control, National Research Center for Environmental Analysis and Measurement, Beijing 100029, China). China Environmental Science, 2016,36(4):1000~1008

Abstract:The concentrations, profiles and seasonal variations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air around a municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI) in Beijing from April 2013 to January 2014 were investigated. The mass concentrations and TEQ of 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/Fs in the air samples ranged from 8.3 to 115pg/m3and from 0.11to 1.9pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. The concentration values at 1sampling site in autumn and all 5sampling sites in winter were higher than the ambient air standard of 0.6pg I-TEQ/m3for dioxins regulated in Japan. 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF and OCDF dominated PCDD/Fs in all the samples for all four seasons, while 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF was the dominant congener contributing to TEQ. The spatial distribution basically exhibited a trend that the concentrations at site close to the MSWI (~400m) are higher whereas those at other sites (>1000m) are comparable and not related to the distances from the source. Seasonal variation showed obviously higher concentration in winter than the other three seasons, which may attribute to domestic heating and worse atmospheric dispersion that occur in winter. The homologue and congener profiles of PCDD/Fs in the air samples differed from those of the flue gas emission from the MSWI, consistent with the principal component analysis results, indicating that the concentrations of PCDD/Fs in ambient air were not affected by the MSWI exclusively, but jointly influenced by multiple sources. Dioxin inhalation exposure dose estimation showed that the dioxin inhalation exposure risk of residents living in the studied area was at a relative safe level (0.034~0.161pg I-TEQ/(kg⋅d)). However, the dioxin inhalation exposure risk in heavily polluted seasons still needed great concerns.

Key words:MSWI;ambient air;PCDD/Fs;seasonal variation;principal component analysis;inhalation exposure

作者简介:齐 丽(1980-),女,河北邢台人,高级工程师,博士,主要从事二类及有机气溶胶研究.发表论文20余篇.



中图分类号:X510.2,X831 文献识别码:A


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