Research on the Teaching Strategy of the MOOCs Class Based on the Characteristics of Network Learning Behavior

2016-05-30 05:09SHENJianDEChun
学理论·下 2016年3期

SHEN Jian DE Chun

Abstract: The small course and fine learning content, flexible learning time and space of MOOCS are especially suitable for the requirements of modern people to learn the high speed, convenient and flexible which has many advantages. However, MOOCS class registered learners a lot, but the real people who can complete the course of study is very few. In the network learning, need hierarchy theory, two factor theory to provide us with the analysis framework, found that the learner's learning motivation is very important for the beginning of learning, learning to adhere to the completion of the study are very important. Research on the characteristics of network learning behavior. It should reconstruct the relationship between teaching and learning, learners should take the initiative to create learning situations, to use mobile devices and social media to enhance online communication, to strengthen the motivation of learning motivation.

Key words: network learning behavior,features,MOOCs,teaching strategies

(责任编辑:宋 佳)

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