
2017-02-17 01:42东方君秋林夕
意林(绘英语) 2017年8期

译◎东方君 绘◎秋林夕

As I nervously awaited my turn at Claire's, the man with all the piercings assured me it was no big deal①. My racing heart told me otherwise. Sitting in the chair, the employee had me choose an earring. By this time, my anxiety was at all-time②high. Taking her time, the lady carefully set up the piercing gun

当我在克莱尔饰品店里紧张地等着轮我打耳洞时,那个耳朵上打满耳洞的男人向我保证这没什么大不了的。我坐在椅子上,为我打耳洞的店员让我挑选一只耳钉。那一刻,我的焦虑感达到空前的高度。那位女士不慌不忙地调好穿耳枪,然后清洗了我的耳朵。与此同时,我仍在考虑自己为什么要打耳洞。and cleaned my ear. Meanwhile, I continued to consider why I was doing this.

Teens believe that resisting conformity③makes them individuals or makes a statement. Author Quentin Crisp summed it up④best: "The young always have the same problem—how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying⑤their parents and copying one another."

The slight stinging right after the click of the gun was nothing compared to the pain to come. In the weeks that followed, I could not sleep on my left side and had to clean my ear three times a day. The pain never seemed to go away.

When my dad returned, I attempted to cover the piercing with my hair. Surprisingly, even when the earring was in plain sight, he failed to notice. In some twisted way I wanted to be punished. I wanted it acknowledged that I had done something wrong. So I waited until my mom returned. To my disappointment⑥, she didn't react either.

The majority of us rebel for absolutely nothing. We want a reaction, so we do something shocking just for the sake⑦of doing something shocking.

One morning, a few months after my act of rebellion, I woke up to throbbing⑧pain in my left ear. I unscrewed the back of the earring and blood gushed out. As I pulled the earring out,the pain miraculously disappeared.

Sometimes I unconsciously brush my fi ngers over the spot where my earring used to be. If I press hard enough, it still feels a little sore. I am pretty sure that small bump will never go away.







①no big deal 没有什么大不了的

②all-time 英 ['ɔ:ltaim] adj. 空前的;全部时间的;历来的

③ conformity 英 [kən'fɔːmɪtɪ] 美 [kən'fɔrməti]n. 一致,适合;符合;相似

④sum it up 概括,总结

⑤ defy 英 [dɪ'faɪ] 美 ['difaɪ]vt. 藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空 n. 挑战;对抗

⑥to my disappointment 令我失望的是……

⑦for the sake 为了……;为了……的利益

⑧ throbbing 英 ['θrɒbɪŋ] adj. 悸动的;跳动的 n. 跳动,激动

敢“破格” 不“出格”