
2017-03-27 00:14廖俊杰
江西教育B 2016年12期




本课取材于泸州市中考2015年的中考作文,从Reading 这一话题出发,将作文要点分解为各个句子,作为扩句练习的模板。


Step1 抢答

a.开拓眼界 b.好习惯

c.使某人… d.获取知识



Step2 Guessing

由简笔画带出“书”的图案,扣紧本课的主题并抛出问题:Who likes reading books?/ When do I read books?/Where do I read books?/ Why do I read books?

设计说明:让学生能通过“书”的图案,联想出“read books”这个短语,从而引导学生从“who, when, where, why”这四方面复习第一个抢答环节中出现的相应短语,提出写作可从四个“W”入手,让学生心中有个导向性。

Step3 扩句——找名词


I like reading books.

I like reading interesting books.

I like reading interesting books about history.

I like reading interesting books that are about history .

Exercise :①Lu Han is a singer. (lovely/ dance well)

Lu Han is a___singer____________________

设计说明:名词是我们中学写作中出现频率最高的词。为了让作文更加丰满,我们应该首先让名词丰满起来。此环节是让学生直观感受名词,并可以从以下三方面对名词进行扩展:1.用形容词等修饰,置于所修饰名词前面。 2.用短语修饰名词,置于所修饰名词的后面。3.用定语从句修饰名词。在平时的训练中,我们可以指导学生,让他们归纳对物的修饰时可以从颜色、形状、位置、作用、所属关系等方面发散思维。对人的修饰时可以从职业、年龄、高矮胖瘦、性格等着手。

Step 4扩句——添加时间、地点、原因等状语

I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning.

I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning at school.

I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning at school, because reading can make us grow up and make me clever.

Exercise:②I play sports.(because/be good for/with)


Step5 扩句——找动词,添加副词/运用句型

I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning at school, because reading can make us grow up more and more happily and make me clever.


Step6 扩句——运用句型

I like reading interesting books that are about history in the morning at school, because reading can not only make us grow up more and more happily but also make me clever.

Exercise:I walk to school .( in order to/ it is adj.for sb. to do sth.)

设计说明:句型的运用,对于学生的综合能力提出了更高的要求。我们背诵了很多诸如 so that, not only ,but also ,it is+adj+to do 等的句型,但是很少有学生可以在作文中运用自如。所以在这个练习中,我们进行的大量的训练,以求突破句型瓶颈。

Step7 扩句——linking words连接词

1)表示并列关系的:and, also, as well as, or…

2)表示转折关系的:but, yet, however…

3)表示时间关系的:when, while, after, before, then,

after that…

4)表示因果關系的:so, therefore, as a result…

5)表示目的的: in order to, in order that, so that…

6)表示列举的:for example, such as…

7)表示总结性的:in general, in all, in a word

Exercise:请用 not only…but also…, because, and填空

(2015,泸州)Reading is very important in our life. We can get knowledge through reading. It can _______ open our minds _______ make us more intelligent. Besides, it is also one of the most important ways to improve our reading ability.

Books, newspapers, webs ______ other kinds of reading materials can help us know more about the outside world and help us grow into intelligent person. At the same time, it is necessary for us to have a plan and make notes. Ill spend more time reading every day in class or after class, and even on holiday. _________I think reading can make us grow up happily and have a bright future.




Now let me tell you something about my everyday school life. ① I get up at 6:00, then I do exercise. ②At 7:00 , I have breakfast. ③I go to school at 7:30. ④I have four classes in the morning, I eat lunch at school. ⑤From 2:30 to 5:40 I have four classes in the afternoon. ⑥After school, I play sports with my friends. ⑦After that, I go home and do my homework. ⑧I go to bed at 9:30.



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