
2017-08-01 19:55黄光侨林机
物理学报 2017年5期

黄光侨 林机

(浙江师范大学物理系,金华 321004)


黄光侨 林机†

(浙江师范大学物理系,金华 321004)




1 引 言

空间光孤子是线性衍射效应与非线性效应共同作用并精确平衡的结果.材料的非线性空间非局域性是指材料中空间某点的非线性折射率不仅与该点的光场有关,还与该点附近一个区域内的光场有关. 孤子在向列液晶[1−4]、铅玻璃[5−8]、热致非线性材料[9]和偶极玻色爱因斯坦凝聚体[10]等材料中表现出非局域非线性物理特性.其中,在向列液晶的非局域介质中亮孤子的吸引和排斥相互作用的临界值[11],暗孤子长程相互作用产生的稳定束缚态[12],非局域亮孤子在竞争自聚焦和自散焦非线性介质中的相互作用[13],这些特性都表明不同非局域非线性响应对研究空间光孤子的传输动力学有重要作用.此外,在非局域非线性克尔介质中,利用李群约化方法给出多种类型光孤子的解析解和Airy数值行波解[14],扩展了Snyder和Mitchell模型的理论分析[15].与Snyder和Mitchell的一维非局域模型相比,Mihalache等[16]在2006年提出的一维竞争非局域三次五次非线性模型,研究了竞争非局域自聚焦三次和自散焦五次非线性介质中亮孤子和偶极孤子的传输稳定性,并且证明了基本孤子的稳定性严格遵循Vakhitov-Kolokolov定则.Doktorov和Molchan[17]根据Toda链模型给出弱非局域三次五次介质中多孤子(链孤子)的解析解,并用数值分析孤子与孤子之间的相互补偿作用.对于弱非局域三次五次介质,Tosy[18]研究了亮孤子和暗孤子的特点.Zhou等[19]研究了非局域三次五次介质中受到自聚焦和自散焦非线性干扰的暗孤子的特点及其传输碰撞的动力学行为.此外,大量研究报道了非局域非线性介质中的多极孤子.在非局域克尔介质中,Xu等[20]发现偶极、三极和四极孤子可以稳定传输,但更高阶孤子的束缚态则不稳定.Dong等[21]发现在一维热非线性介质中,三极和四极孤子可在有限非局域范围内稳定传输.


2 非局域亮孤子解及其传输的稳定性



图1 (网刊彩色)基本孤子的功率和传播性质 (a)d3=d5=0时功率与传播常数的关系;(b)d5=10时功率与传播常数的关系;(c)b=1时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(d)b=0.4时的亮孤子传输图;(e)b=0.6时的亮孤子传输图Fig.1.(color online)Properties of the power and the propagation of the basic solitons:(a)The power versus the propagation constant when d3=d5=0;(b)the power versus the propagation constant when d5=10;(c)the structures of basic optical solitons and the induced refractive index when b=1;(d)propagation of the bright solitons when b=0.4;(e)propagation of the bright solitons when b=0.6.


3 同相位复合两孤子相互作用的数值分析

图2 (网刊彩色)不同非线性参量下同相位两孤子的相互作用 (a)a3=−0.1,两孤子间距L=12.876时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(b)a3=−1.69,L=4.878时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(c)a3=−1.73,L=4.822时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(d)a3=−0.1,L=12.876时的孤子传输图;(e)a3=−1.69,L=4.878时的孤子传输图;(f)a3=−1.73,L=4.822时的孤子传输图Fig.2.(color online)The interaction of the two solitons with the same phase for different nonlinear parameters:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when a3=−0.1 and the interval of two solitons L is 12.876;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when a3=−1.69 and L=4.878;(c)soliton structure and induced refractive index when a3= −1.73 and L=4.822;(d)propagation when a3= −0.1 and L=12.876;(e)propagation when a3=−1.69 and L=4.878;(f)propagation when a3=−1.73 and L=4.822.



图3 (网刊彩色)不同非局域程度下同相位两孤子的相互作用 (a)d3=1.2,L=11.236时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(b)d3=1.38,L=8.308时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(c)d3=1.39,L=8.220时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(d)d3=1.2,L=11.236时的传输图;(e)d3=1.38,L=8.308时的传输图;(f)d3=1.39,L=8.220时的传输图Fig.3.(color online)The interaction of two optical solitons with the same phase for different nonlocal parameters:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when d3=1.2 and L=11.236;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d3=1.38 and L=8.308;(c)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d3=1.39 and L=8.220;(d)propagation when d3=1.2 and L=11.236;(e)propagation when d3=1.38 and L=8.308;(f)propagation when d3=1.39 and L=8.220.

图4 两孤子在自散焦介质中的功率曲线 (a)U-b曲线;(b)U-d3曲线Fig.4.The power curves of the two solitons in the self-defocusing medium:(a)U-b curves;(b)U-d3curves.



4 竞争非局域多极孤子的传输特性




图5 (网刊彩色)不同非局域程度下三极孤子的特点和传输特性 (a)d5=1时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(b)d5=5时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(c)d5=8时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(d)d5=1时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(e)d5=5时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(f)d5=8时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图Fig.5.(color online)The characteristics and the propagation properties of the triple-pole solitons for different nonlocal parameters:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=1;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=5;(c)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=8;(d)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=1;(e)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=5;(f)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=8.


图6 (网刊彩色)不同非局域非线性下三极孤子的特点和传输特性 (a)a3=0.95,a5=−0.22,d3=d5=2时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率结构图;(b)a3=1,a5=−0.2,d3=d5=8时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率结构图;(c)a3=0.95,a5=−0.22,d3=d5=2时三极孤子加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(d)a3=1,a5=−0.2,d3=d5=8时不加微扰的不稳定传输图Fig.6.(color online)The characteristics and the propagation properties of the triple-pole solitons for the different nonlocal nonlinear parameters:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when a3=0.95,a5=−0.22,and d3=d5=2;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when a3=1,a5=−0.2,and d3=d5=8;(c)propagation of the triple-pole solitons with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when a3=0.95,a5= −0.22,and d3=d5=2;(e)propagation without white noise when a3=1,a5=−0.2,and d3=d5=8.

图7 (网刊彩色)不同非局域程度下四极孤子的特点和传输特性 (a)d5=3时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(b)d5=5时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(c)d5=8时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率;(d)d5=3时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(e)d5=5时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(f)d5=8时加白噪声δ2=0.01的传输图Fig.7.(color online)The characteristics and the propagation properties of the quadrupole solitons for the different nonlocal parameters:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=3;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=5;(c)soliton structure and induced refractive index when d5=8;(d)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=3;(e)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=5;(f)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when d5=8.

图8 (网刊彩色)不同非局域程度下五极孤子的特点和传输特性(a)a5=−0.23,d3=3,d5=5时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率结构图;(b)a5=−0.24,d3=3,d5=5时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率结构图;(c)a5=−0.24,d3=3,d5=6时孤子的光场波形和诱导折射率结构图;(d)a5=−0.23,d3=3,d5=5时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(e)a5=−0.24,d3=3,d5=5时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图;(f)a5=−0.24,d3=3,d5=6时加δ2=0.01白噪声的传输图Fig.8.(color online)The characteristics and the propagation properties of the penta-pole solitons for different nonlocalities:(a)Soliton structure and induced refractive index when a5=−0.23,d3=3,and d5=5;(b)soliton structure and induced refractive index when a5=−0.24,d3=3,and d5=5;(c)soliton structure and induced refractive index when a5=−0.24,d3=3,and d5=6;(d)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when a5= −0.23,d3=3,and d5=5;(e)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when a5= −0.24,d3=3,and d5=5;(f)propagation with the white noise of δ2=0.01 when a5=−0.24,d3=3,and d5=6.

5 结 论


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PACS:42.70.Nq,42.65.Sf DOI:10.7498/aps.66.054208

Propagating properties of spatial solitons in the competing nonlocal cubic-quintic nonlinear media∗

Huang Guang-Qiao Lin Ji†

(Department of Physics,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004,China)

11 September 2016;revised manuscript

5 December 2016)

We study the new spatial optical solitons and their propagating properties in the one-dimensional nonlocal cubicquintic(C-Q)nonlinear model by the numerical method.We obtain multi-bright solitons and multipole soliton solutions in the one-dimensional nonlocal C-Q nonlinear model.The propagation of bright solitons is stable in the competing nonlocal cubic self-defocusing and quintic self-focusing nonlinear media when these nonlocal and nonlinear parameters are in the appropriate value domain.Considering the different nonlinear cubic effects,the interaction between two optical solitons with the same phase in the general nonlocal media displays the attraction or the repulsion for different nonlocal and nonlinear parameters.We find that the interval of two solitons affects the interaction between them.The refractive index is changed with the propagating constant when the nonlocal constantd3is 10.Moreover,the triplepole,quadrupole and pentapole solitons can propagate steadily when the nonlocal parameters are appropriate,but hexa-pole(or above)solitons propagate unsteadily for any nonlocal parameter.Furthermore,we investigate the multi-pole solitons and their propagation stabilities by the Newton difference method and the Fourier split step method,obtain the stable propagation conditions for dipole,triplepole and quadrupole solitons,and find that the propagation of the pentapole and higher-order pole solitons is unstable.We also discuss the interactions of multi-pole solitons when they propagate along the axisz.The interactions are attraction or repulsion when the nonlocal and the nonlinear parameters are different.Meanwhile,we simulate the evolution of the refractive index along the axiszwhen the spatial optical solitons are multi-pole solitons.Finally,we study the relation between the power of soliton and the propagation constant under different degree of nonlocality.The power of the single bright soliton does not monotonically increase with the increasing propagation constant when the degree of nonlocalityd3is 10.We also derive the relation between the power of dipole bright solitons with the cubic nonlinearity parameter and the propagation constant under different degree of nonlocality.The power decreases monotonically with the increasing propagation constant when the cubic nonlinearity is a certain value or with the increasing cubic nonlinearity when the propagation constant is a certain value.

nonlocal nonlinear effect,spatial optical solitons,stability





*Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China(Grant No.LZ15A050001)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11675146).

†Corresponding author.E-mail:linji@zjnu.edu.cn
