
2018-01-24 05:09byCathMcLellan
疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年1期

by Cath McLellan


Many years ago, the world was dark. A badchief[酋长]was hiding the sun, moon and stars from the world in a wooden box. He didn’t want to share them with other people.

At that time, theRaven[渡鸦]was a beautiful white bird. He liked playing tricks on people. He decided to play a trick on the chief. One day, the chief’s daughter was drinking water from the river.The Raven turned into a leaf. The daughter drank the leaf with the water.

Soon, a baby grew inside her. When the baby was born, it looked quite strange. It had a face like a bird. But the chief was very happy. He loved playing with his grandson. The grandson loved the wooden box. One day, the chief gave him the box to play with for a minute.

At that moment, the grandson turned into the Raven again. He quickly flew out of the house to the sky. The Raven opened the box. Everyone saw the sun, the moon and the stars. The world was not dark any more.

Activity 1

Put the events from the story in the correct order(first, second, third).

a.The daughter had a baby.

b.The Raven opened the wooden box.

c.The chief gave the wooden box to his grandson.d.The world had no moon, sun or stars.

e.The grandson turned into the Raven again.

f.The Raven turned into a leaf.

g.Everyone saw the sun, moon and stars.

h.The chief was very happy to have a grandson.

Activity 2

True or false (not true)?

1. The chief was a kind man.

2. The chief’s daughter ate a leaf.

3. The baby was different from other babies.

4. The grandson was interested in the wooden box.5. The chief gave the Raven the box.ANSWERS:

Auswers:Activity 1




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