
2018-03-05 02:33潘曙鸿
安徽教育科研 2018年4期


(合肥科学岛实验中学 安徽合肥 230001)


PISA将“阅读素养”(reading literacy)定义为“人们为了达成目标、开发潜能和参与社会,理解和运用书面文本并对其进行反馈,与之互动的能力”。“阅读素养”是对“阅读能力”概念的发展,其内涵要大于“阅读能力”。针对中国中小学生的外语阅读素养而言,它不仅包括学生学习和运用所学语言和其他知识获取信息、建构意义的能力;还包括他们通过阅读发展跨文化理解、促进多元思维、获得审美体验、形成正确价值观的积极态度和良好习惯。因此,外语阅读素养体现为“阅读能力”和“阅读品格”(王蔷、敖娜仁图雅,2015)。其中,阅读能力包括解码能力,语言知识,阅读理解和文化意识;阅读品格包括阅读习惯和阅读体验(王蔷、陈则航,2016)。



本文以北京师范大学版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 Festivals为例,从导入、读前、读中、读后等四个教学环节具体阐述如何在高中英语阅读课教学中培养学生的阅读素养。


本文是北师大版第一模块第三单元的第一课。课文Festivals是介绍中国传统节日的说明文。从文化意识来说,本文从介绍夏、秋、冬三个季节中所对应的中国传统节日端午节、中秋节和元宵节入手,介绍中国主要节假日的庆祝方式、风俗。从语篇结构和文本内容来看,每个节日主要从时间(time),典型食物(typical food),典型活动(typical activities)和节日的意义(meaning)四个方面进行阐述,其中端午节加上了节日的由来(stories of its origin)。借助于本文的阅读,学生将获得有关端午节、中秋节以及元宵节的有关英语信息,掌握相关节日的英语词汇;借助于表格的填写,提高学生对文本信息的整理及内化能力;借助于语言信息输出有助于提高他们的阅读理解能力和表达能力;借助于对文本写作目的的追问,培养学生的评判性思维;借助于补充网页上的阅读材料扩大学生的阅读量,增加趣味性,培养愉悦的阅读体验。这些活动会加深学生对祖国传统文化的理解,增强爱国情怀,坚定文化自信,并学会用英语进行跨文化交际,传播并弘扬祖国文化。综上所述,本文的教学有助于提高学生的阅读素养。












T: What festivals do we have in this term?

S: Teachers’ Day, National Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year’s Day.

T: Do you like them? Why?

S: Of course. Because we have holidays and we can go home during the festivals.

T: Why do we have holidays during National Day, the Mid-Autumn Festival and New Year’s Day?

S: Because we need time to celebrate the festivals...

T: In what way do we celebrate them?

S: We go home, eat delicious food and stay with our families...

T: Do you know why we celebrate the festivals?

S1: Because we want to show our respect to teachers.

S2: In order to celebrate the foundation of our country.

S3: Because we want to get together with our families and celebrate the harvest of this year.

S4: To enjoy the happiness of the coming of the new year.



教师通过询问本学期的节日把所学内容与学生的生活联系起来。在中国节日就意味着放假,因此这些节日是学生喜欢的。话题感强,容易引起学生的共鸣;学生代入感强,能很快进入轻松愉快的学习节日的氛围中;通过问题和图片,不仅创设合适的语境学习了目标词汇如celebrate, the Mid-Autumn Festival等,并且可以了解学生的英语语言储备情况,为接下来的课文学习做好铺垫。积极的阅读体验是培养阅读素养的必要条件。通过教师与学生之间轻松自然的交流,学生体验了愉悦的阅读氛围。



T: How many festivals are mentioned in the text?

S: Three.

T: What are they?

S: They are the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Lantern Festival.

T: How do you know the names of the festivals in English?

S: The Mid-Autumn Festival is in autumn, the Dragon Boat Festival is related to dragon boats and the Lantern Festival is related to lanterns.

T: What information do you expect to get according to the pictures and the title?

S: It’s about the food and activities in each festival.

T: What do they have in common?

S: They are Chinese traditional festivals.

T: As Chinese, we have a good knowledge of the festivals. Why do we learn this text? Who writes the text, Chinese or a foreigner? What’s the purpose of this article? What will be talked about the festivals in the text? Are they the same as what we know about the festivals?

S: ...




First Reading

T: Read the three parts of the text and fill in the tables.

FestivalsSeason &date/monthTypical activities or foodSpecial meaningThe Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Lantern FestivalThe Dragon Boat Festival


学生通过填写表格找到facts,完成了提取信息的任务,知道了文章的内容(What a text says)。从文字到表格,运用不同格式整合信息,学生的思维得到了训练。

Second reading

T:If the purpose of this passage is to introduce the festivals in different seasons, what about the Spring Festival in spring? How do we introduce the Spring Festival to foreigners? Work in pairs, and underline expressions on when, what and why.


1. The Lantern Festivalfalls onthe 15thday of the firstlunar month.

2. The Dragon Boat Festivalfalls onthe 5thday of the 5thof thelunar year.

What (food)

1. It is also a day forspecial foods likemoon cakes.

2.The special foodfor the Lantern Festivalisthe sweet dumplings.

3.There is a special foodfor the festival. It iscalledzongzi.

What (activities)

1. Dragon boat raceswere organizedonlybyChinese people.

2. People from other cultures have alsotaken part inthe races...

Why (the meaning)

1.It is a special occasion forfamily.

2.It marksthe end of the Chinese New Year celebrations.

3.It marksthe beginning of the hottest season of the year.



Third Reading

T:Why do we call “yuanxiaojie” the Lantern Festival instead of the Yuanxiao Festival? Do you know “Yuanxiao” is a girl’s name?


T: Have you heard the two stories about how the Lantern Festival started? Do you know other stories about how the Lantern Festival started?

搜索网站www.absolutechinatours.com,浏览网页Chinese Lantern Festival,了解元宵节起源的另外一个故事(东方朔帮助元宵姑娘跟家人团聚的故事),并欣赏欧阳修的关于元宵节的诗《生查子·元夕》,了解元宵节更多的背景知识。



T: In your opinion, who writes the passage, Chinese or a foreigner? Who is the passage intended for?


浏览网页https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese New Year,从维基百科上了解Chinese New Year 和the Spring Festival 的区别。


教师用开放式的问题引导学生用评判性思维去发现、理解作者的观点、态度和意图(What underlines the text)。评判性阅读是一种深层次的阅读。评判性思维是高中生要注重培养的思维方式,对于文本内容应持有并表达出自己的观点、态度。支持、反对、赞成、质疑、欣赏都值得肯定。通过对比中国人把春节称为the Spring Festival和外国人称为Chinese New Year,了解节日文化,鉴别节日文化,培养学生的文化意识,养成良好的阅读习惯。大量的输入也为后面的输出做准备。


Dicussion 1

T: As Chinese, how do we introduce traditional festivals properly? If you want to attract more foreigners to experience Chinese festivals, what are the foreigners most interested in ?

S: We will introduce the date, the food ,the activities, the meaning and the origin of the festivals.

S: Maybe activities of the festival are the most interesting ones for foreigners.

T: How do you know?

S: Because they can take part in the activities and enjoy the happiness of the festivals.

Let’s summarize how to introduce Chinese festivals.

SummaryWhenIt falls on...of the...lunar month/year.WhatThe special food for the festival is...Special foods like...What...be organized/ People take part in...WhyIt marks... / It’s a special occasion for...



Discussion 2

T:As we know, Chinese New Year is the biggest celebration around the world. Why can foreigners take part in Chinese festivals?

S:A festival is a time of joy and peace, and a time to pass on traditions.

T: Why do the people around the world celebrate festivals?

(possible answers:

We have festivals to:

Forget our work and relax ourselves for some time.

Entertain ourselves and enjoy life.

Show respect to the dead and our ancestors.

Thank the God for the harvest.

Inspire ourselves to bring hope and good luck.

Value customs and cultures.

Admire some famous people.

Love our families and friends.




Write a passage about a Chinese traditional festival and try to contribute to the website:www.festival.com.





文本联读学概括 细致观察促写作
必修上素养测评 第四测
必修上素养测评 第三测
必修上素养测评 第八测
必修上素养测评 第七测