
2018-04-27 09:08
世界建筑导报 2018年2期

简介 Biography

达沃·马特科维奇(Davor Mateković)是克罗地亚建筑师,出生于克罗地亚萨格勒布,毕业于萨格勒布大学建筑学院建筑系。1992年,他建立了自己的事务所PROARH,现在事务所已演变为一个多学科工作室,创建了各种功能、类型以及规划和空间维度的不同项目。PROARH的作品曾获提名并获得过各种国家、区域和国际建筑奖项,多次在展览中展出并在国内外知名行业相关刊物上出版。

Davor Mateković is croatian architect, born in Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated in Architecture from Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb . In 1992, he established his own practice PROARH, which has evolved into a multidisciplinary workshop, creating different projects of various functions, typologies, as well as programmatic and spatial dimensions. Proarh's works have been nominated and awarded with a wide variety of national, regional and international architectural prizes, presented in many exhibitions and published in renown domestic and global profession related publications.

设计理念 Design Philosophy




Architecture is approached as a complex topic, where all its individual elements are formative and the design process is all encompassing. It includes not only solving the given functional requirements, but also concept implementation, a progressive idea that gives the project its final quality. While not attempting to limit itself to only one type of project, the divergence of typologies requires an individual approach to each problem, with a tendency to be better, diあerent, more innovative, and the final result is contemporary in every aspect. Our creativity, as well as dedicated work and acquired experience through relentless market conditions, have created a great number of successful projects and finished work of a wide spectrum.

We believe that architecture can make changes and strong impact, whether it communicates to a small family house owner, children in schools or people using large scale public buildings.Space is shaped, but it also shapes the user, so we are dedicated to responsible designing,trying to educate the user and open his mind. Firmitas, Utilitas et Venustas are living in every architects work , it just depends on his character what will prevail. Proah has chosen maybe the harder path- we believe in the balance between the elements. Durability, function and aesthetics must be in compliance. Neither one element can be more important and outweigh the others. The artistic elements sometimes must be harnessed with our conscious mind to make this balance possible.

This is a continuous effort and we strive to make our work better with every new project,keeping in mind our principle of responsible design- responsible to user, surroundings, society,aesthetic criterion and our own dignity as architect and author.

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