Me in Ten Years

2018-05-07 09:11赵千卉
校园英语·中旬 2018年1期

【Abstract】What would I be like in ten years? I guess I must have achieved those crazy dreams in adolescence. I would probably be a lawyer, and I would also give a try on those crazy things. Whats more, I must have become better so that I can protect my family. Ten years, is really worth looking forward to.

【Key words】ten years; lawyer; concert; bungee jumping


Ten years, a decade, is so far but also so close a distance that nothing is impossible to happen. Its hard to imagine how this world would be like in ten years, but for oneself, it seems a bit more thinkable.

Ten years later, I must have become a lawyer as I wish. Rushing between offices and courts to manage affairs will be my daily tasks. Tired as I will be, I still take pride in my helping to those who are in emergency needs, for I get great satisfaction to see all the families hugging together in tears.

Ten years later, I must have been to a concert of my beloved singer. Not begging for too much, I just feel like listening to the voice which kept me company during all these years without abandoning me when I got trapped in life. As the song arises, I will follow it with a sweet smile, which is bright enough to light up the whole sky.

Ten years later, I must have gone bungee jumping in Australia. I will cry out when I feel great weightless, on account of my total rely to the fresh but cool wind. Perhaps a timid girl like me will burst into tears, nevertheless, I will definitely regard that brave try as an awesome one, as I struggle to do my best without regret.

Ten years later, I must have been stronger so that I am able to protect the ones I love. It is said that the speed you succeed must be faster than the speed your parents get old. As a matter of fact, that will be the time for me to take care of my dear families, just like what they did when I was young.

Ten years, an exciting but also nervous story, a delightful but also depressing journey, an amazing but also mysterious period, affects my heart deeply.

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