
2018-05-22 15:35ByArwaMahdawi
英语学习 2018年4期

By Arwa Mahdawi

So you want to write a bestselling book? Of course you do. Literally everyone and their dog think they have a book in them. And while not everyone may be able to write, with enough guile1 behind you pretty much anybody can make it to the top of a bestseller list.

Take Lani Sarem, for example. For a few hours in August, the novice2 authors debut novel, Handbook for Mortals, was No 1 on the New York Times bestseller list for young adult literature. Soon after Sarems fantasy novel reached the top spot, however, there was a plot-twist. People on social media began questioning exactly how a book nobody had ever heard of, by an unknown author, put out by an unfamiliar publisher, had suddenly magicked its way on to a prestigious literary list. The answer was somewhat prosaic3: bulk-buying copies of the book from bookshops that report their sales to the New York Times.


Bulk-buying is a tried and tested4 way of getting on the bestseller list and there are even specialist consultancies that will help you do it. However, the practice presents two problems: you actually have to write a book and you have to spend a fair amount of money buying it up. Thanks to the wonders of the modern internet, however, there are less arduous5 and expensive ways to get bestseller status.

The fastest, cheapest way is probably via Amazon. Last year a guy called Brent Underwood wrote a bestselling book called Putting My Foot Down: A Book Featuring My Foot, which consists solely of a picture of his foot. There are no words. Theres no story. Its just a picture of a mans left foot. You see, last year Underwood, a partner in a US marketing company, decided he wanted to tell the world about the“biggest lie in publishing … the word ‘bestseller.” So he took a photo of his foot and self-published it on Amazon.

Heres the thing about Amazon: it has hundreds of uber-niche6 categories you can choose to self-publish in and tracks the highest seller in each of these categories. Hit that spot for a mere hour and you get a shiny “#1 Best Seller” banner for life. So Underwood put his book in the Freemasonry7 category and set the price (another thing Amazon allows you to do) at $0.99. He bought a copy of the book and got a couple of friends to do so. All-in-all it took three sales, a princely8 investment of $2.97, to make his masterpiece the biggest seller in the Freemasonry category and get an orange bestseller banner next to his name. (Amazon removed the book when he published an account of what he had done.)

Underwood isnt the first person to discover you can game Amazons algorithms9. As he points out, theres a whole cottage industry around it: myriad online courses,10 webinars and consultants promising to get you to bestseller status for just a few thousand dollars. While the accolade11 may be hollow, its far from meaningless; as Underwood notes, being an Amazon bestselling author“dramatically increases your credibility and ‘personal brand.” If you are a businessperson, say, and quickly pen a “book” about your theory of Disruptive Blue-Sky Thinking in Game-Changing Workplaces12, that bestseller tag helps establish you as an expert, which helps you land lucrative gigs and generally parlay your faux fame into a real fortune.13

The Amazon Bestseller scam14 is a prime example of what you could call modern “egonomics”. If you want to be successful in the age of the internet, then image is everything. And so numerous services have sprung up that allow you to optimise your “personal brand” by fair means or foul: you can buy fake followers to inflate your social media presence; you can get a search engine specialist to put your website on the first page of Google; you can even hire a“Tinder15 consultant” to enhance your online dating profile.

Having a strong personal brand essentially just means having a strong reputation. However, all too often this is measured by the size of your social media following. Indeed, in industries like the media, having a large social following that you can leverage to amplify your employers brand, has become a huge competitive advantage, if not a prerequisite for being hired. Take, for example, a recent job advert for a news editor role at Mic, an American news startup that caters to millennials. The advert stipulates16 that not only do you have to “identify, assign, edit and publish at least 10 articles per day” (as a contractor, rather than a full-time employee) but you “must have” an “amazing personal Twitter feed”.

Having an “amazing personal Twitter feed” doesnt just help you land an extremely stressful job at a millennial-focused publication, it can become a lucrative career in itself. A large number of advertising dollars are now being diverted away from traditional media channels towards “influencers”, people with large social followings who are paid to endorse brands. According to influencer tech firm Hypr, influencers with 500,000 to one million followers across social platforms can make between $5,000 and $10,000 per post. And estimates from eMarketer show that globally, in 2016,marketers spent $570m on influencer marketing on Instagram alone. Tom Buontempo, president at Attention, a social media agency, explains that “the influencer economy is growing in popularity in part because its more difficult for marketers to reach their audiences because of adblockers.”

Constantly promoting yourself on social media can be very tiring. It can also make you very tiresome. Do you really need to be doing it to get ahead? Not everyone is convinced. Last year, Cal Newport, an associate professor of computer science at Georgetown University, wrote an op-ed17 for the New York Times headlined “Quit Social Media: Your Career May Depend on It.” Newport argues that“dedication to cultivating your social media brand … diverts your time and attention away from producing work that matters and toward convincing the world that you matter. The latter activity is seductive, especially for many members of my generation who were raised on this message, but it can be disastrously counterproductive18.”






安德伍德不是第一个发现你可以钻亚马逊算法空子的人。正如他所指出的那样,围绕亚马逊算法已经形成了一整套小规模产业:无数的在线课程、网络研讨会和咨询顾问都承诺只需要几千美元就可以让你获得畅销书的地位。虽然荣誉可能是虚的,但绝不是没有意义;正如安德伍德所说,成为亚马逊畅销书作家“大大提高了你的可信度和‘个人品牌。”如果你是一名商人,比方说,并且很快写出一本书阐述你的“颠覆性职场中的颠覆性蓝天思维”理论 ,那么畅销书的标签可以帮你建立起专家的身份,从而让你有机会获得收入不菲的临时工作,并且通常可以将你的虚名变成真金百银。





1. guile: 欺骗,奸猾。

2. novice: 新手,初学者。

3. prosaic: 乏味的,平淡无奇的。

4. tried and tested: 经过反复检验的。

5. arduous: 艰难的,费力的。

6. uber-: 指超级的,(程度)很大的,最大的;niche: 来源于法语,法国人信奉天主教,在建造房屋时,常常在外墙上凿出一个不大的神龛,以供放圣母玛利亚,因而后来被引来形容大市场中一个很小的产品或服务领域的缝隙市场。译为利基,指针对企业的优势细分出来的市场。按照菲利普·科特勒在《营销管理》中给利基下的定义:利基是更窄地确定某些群体,这是一个小市场并且它的需要没有被服务好,或者说“有获取利益的基础”。

7. Freemasonry: 共济会,出现在18世纪的英国,是一种带宗教色彩的兄弟会组织,也是目前世界上最庞大的秘密组织。

8. princely: 巨额的,庞大的。

9. algorithm: 算法。

10. cottage industry: 作坊式小产业;myriad: 无数的,大量的。

11. accolade: 荣誉,奖励。

12. 此理论为作者编造。

13. lucrative: 有利可图的,赚钱的;gig: 临时工作;parlay:有限发展,使增值。

14. scam: 欺诈,骗局。

15. Tinder: 是一款手机交友软件。

16. stipulate: 规定,约定。

17. op-ed: 专栏稿件。

18. counterproductive: 適得其反的。

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