新目标英语七年级(下) Unit 5单元要点检测题

2018-05-26 08:48
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2018年4期



第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



( )1. Which animals does the boy like best?

( )2. What game will Laura watch tomorrow?

( )3. Where is the giraffe from?

A. Australia. B. America. C. South Africa.

( )4. When did they visit the zoo?

A. 8:40 a.m. B. 8:14 a.m. C. 8:50 a.m.

( )5. How will Paul go to the park?

A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.


( )6. Whats the matter with the panda?

A. It doesnt eat the food. B. It is hurt. C. It has a cold.

( )7. Whats the weather like?

A. Its cold. B. Its wet. C. Its hot.


( )8. Why does the boy like monkeys?

A. Because theyre friendly. B. Because theyre clever. C. Because theyre brave.

( )9. Where did the girl go last week?

A. A park. B. A zoo. C. A circus.


( )10. Who is Kitty?

A. The boys dog. B. The boys cat. C. The boys parrot.

( )11. Where is Kitty?

A. Under the boys bed. B. In their neighbors house.

C. In the boys sisters bedroom.

( )12. What did Mr. Smith buy today?

A. Fish. B. Beef. C. Pork.


( )13. What does the man want to do?

A. He wants to look for pets. B. He wants to get the job.

C. He wants to buy a pet.

( )14. Where did the man see the information?

A. In a magazine. B. On television. C. In a newspaper.

( )15. What does the woman mean at last?

A. He can work for her. B. He has to find another job.

C. He has no experience.

第二節 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)


Mike Is a Dog

第二部分 笔试部分



( )21. John ______ to do homework before dinner.

A. likes B. like C. liking

( )22. Mary likes ______ basketball with her classmates.

A. to play B. to play with C. play with

( )23. —Do you ______ koalas?

—Yes, they are very cute animals.

A. know B. hear C. look

( )24. Do you want to ______ the pandas this weekend? I can go with you.

A. look B. watch C. see

( )25. Lets go and ______ the dolphins now. They are very smart.

A. look B. listen C. see

( )26. —What are you interested in?

—Im interested in ______.

A. visiting animals B. visit animals C. visiting animal

( )27. Oh, dont forget ______ the windows, Jerry.

A. closing B. close C. to close

( )28. —Dont forget ______ your homework, John.

—OK. Ill do it right now.

A. doing B. do C. to do

( )29. My little cat sleeps ______ the day, but ______ night it begins to work.

A. at; at B. during; at C. on; at

( )30. —______ do they kill elephants?

—They kill them ______ their ivory (象牙).

A. Why; for B. What; for C. Why; on


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

My uncle Bob is a zoo keeper. His work is very interesting 31 it is hard. 32 it is dangerous. Every morning, Bob has to 33 at five thirty to give food to the animals. The lions like 34 meat. The deer like grass and leaves. The parrots like fruit and nuts. Bob 35 the cages every day.

Today, a mother monkey doesnt eat food. Uncle Bob 36 her. He takes it to see the vet. Dr. Joseph has a look at her and 37 , “She had bad food. Did you give her bad food yesterday?” Joseph asks Bob. “No, I 38 ,” Bob says.“I saw visitors giving food to her yesterday.”

If you visit a zoo, you 39 give food to animals. Some food is not good for them. This is a rule in a zoo. Dr. Joseph gives some medicine to her. Then the mother monkey becomes 40 .

( )31. A. and B. or C. but

( )32. A. Sometimes B. Some time C. Every time

( )33. A. put up B. get up C. set up

( )34. A. eating B. eat C. ate

( )35. A. washed B. cleans C. brushes

( )36. A. looks for B. takes care of C. look after

( )37. A. says B. said C. say

( )38. A. dont B. doesnt C. didnt

( )39. A. wont B. didnt C. mustnt

( )40. A. better B. worse C. cute




The wolves (狼) are very hungry (饥饿的). They go out to look for food. There are many sheep (羊) near the hill (山). There are also a few sheepdogs (牧羊犬) with them. The wolves think of an idea. They speak to the sheepdogs, “You are like us and we are brothers. But we have a very different life. We do what we like, and you must work for men. They make you look after their sheep. They eat meat and give you the bones (骨头). If you listen to us and give us the sheep, we can eat them together. All of us will be happy, right?” The sheepdogs are happy and do like this. The wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their house. The sheepdogs go to the wolves home. But the wolves eat them and then eat the sheep.

( )41. The wolves go out for food because _______.

A. they see the sheep near the mountain

B. they see the sheepdogs

C. they are hungry

( )42. The sheepdogs work for ______.

A. men B. sheep C. wolves

( )43. Why do the wolves ask the sheepdogs to go to their home?

A. Because they want to eat them.

B. Because they want to be sheepdogs friends.

C. Because they want to help sheepdogs to run.

( )44. What do the sheepdogs do?

A. Play with the sheep.

B. Look after the sheep.

C. Work with men.

( )45. What do you think of the wolves?

A. Sly (狡猾的). B. Kind. C. Lazy.


Baboons (狒狒) live in Africa. They are like monkeys. Most people think daddy baboons dont know their babies. But scientists find that daddy baboons know how to help their babies. The daddy baboons are smart. Joan Silk is a scientist. She studies the baboons for three years. She says the daddy baboons are happy to see their babies. They have big teeth to help the babies to eat hard things. Mother baboons are small. And they all live in a place. When a mother baboon gives birth (分娩), she often has only one baby. Baby baboons have fur. They are very cute. During the day, they play and eat things. At night, they sleep in the trees. Most children like baboons because they look like man.

( )46. Where do baboons live?

A. In Africa. B. In America. C. In Canada.

( )47. How are daddy baboons?

A. Theyre shy. B. Theyre beautiful. C. Theyre clever.

( )48. The underlined (划线的) word “hard” means “______” in Chinese.

A. 困难的. B. 柔软的. C. 坚硬的.

( )49. The mother baboon usually has ______ baby baboon(s) when she gives birth.

A. one B. two C. three

( )50. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Baboons are small monkeys.

B. Baby baboons are very cute.

C. Daddy baboons dont know how to help their babies.




51. This book is very _______. I will not read it again.

52. This kind of music is so _______ that I often listen to it.

53. You need a _______ life. Dont play computer games too much.

54. Peter will take the test. We say good _______ to him.

55. My father is _______ with me.



Elephants are very clever. They can use their noses to c 56 woods, because they are strong e 57 . In Thailand elephants can h 58 people to do many things. They carry goods for people. They have g 59 memory. They can w 60 for a long time and never get lost.

In a zoo, elephants can give talent shows to visitors. They can d 61 pictures. Is it interesting? Elephants are our f 62 , but some hunters are greedy to kill them for ivory (象牙). In Africa, the quantity of elephants becomes smaller and smaller. Elephants are in great d 63 now. People should take care of them!

Elephants walk and walk to look for trees and grass. They eat leaves and grass. Every year they often m 64 from one place to another place for more food. Our earth is a big f 65 . Every one should love elephants.

56. c__________ 57. e__________ 58. h__________ 59. g__________ 60. w__________

61. d__________ 62. f__________ 63. d__________ 64. m__________ 65. f__________





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