
2019-02-26 00:19
初中生·考试 2019年1期

Emma Watson had different roles in her young life, a British actress, a model, a super scholar1, and an activist2 .


Early Life

Emma Watson was born on April 15, 1990, in Paris, France. Her parents are both British lawyers. When Watson was 5, she moved back to Oxfordshire(牛津郡)in England with her mother and brother. Watson grew up on camera at the age of 9 as one of Harry Potters best friends, Hermione Granger, throughout the entire3 film series. Watson attended the Stagecoach Theatre Arts School at Oxford. She studied singing, acting and dancing, and performed in school plays.

She spent 11 of her childhood years filming Harry Potter. She worked at least 12 hours per day and had to be at work before 6:30 in the morning. For the role of Hermione, she even kept the same haircut for nearly a decade4. While other peoples childhoods belong to themselves, Watsons belongs to Hermione.

Actress Career

Watson had never acted professionally5 when her theater teachers suggested an audition6 for an upcoming7 movie based on the first novel of the best-selling Harry Potter series. A 9-year-old Watson auditioned eight times for the role that would make her an international star.

The British child actress would become known around the world for her roles as the young wizard8 fighting between good and evil9. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone was released10 in November 2001. Watsons 11-year-old film debut11 was a huge success.

After committing12 to the Harry Potter series for a decade, Watson has transformed13 into a popular adult model and actress, in the popular films The Perks of Being a Wallflower, My Week with Marilyn and Beauty and the Beast. Though Watsons been closely connected with her Harry Potter character, as a young actress, she wanted to be seen as more.

Despite her young age, Watson has become very popular, and her career in the movie industry has developed quite rapidly. During her relatively short career, she won 25 awards and was nominated14 35 times.


Though Watson spent her earlier years on film sets, she kept up with her lessons, with five hours of tutoring15 each day. She took all high school exams, and achieved high scores in every subject. Watson took a year off from school to film the final two Harry Potter movies, but she was committed to furthering her education. With commitment to her education, Watson enrolled1 6 at Brown University, Rhode Island in the fall of 2009. Brown is one of the oldest universities in the USA, which is a part of the system of the best educational establishments in the United States, so-called Ivy League. Watsons focus was the study of history, philosophy, and English literature.

Watson said she chose an American university over a British education because the American system allows students to study many subjects at once1 7. Brown was also a place, Watson said, where she could more easily blend in1 8. “I want to be normal,” she said, “I really want anonymity1 9.”

Social Activies

Watson actively fights for womens rights. Watson had visited Bangladesh and Zambia to promote2 0 the education of girls in these countries.

In June 2014, Watson became a Goodwill Ambassador(大使)for UN Women. In fact, this honor started its work in January 2011 and was created to fight discrimination(歧视) against women in twelve major areas of modern life such as education, health, employment, human rights and others.






这位英国童星在影片中饰演为正义而战的年轻巫师,并因此享誉世界。 2001年,沃特森的银幕处女作《哈利·波特与魔法石》上映,获得巨大成功,这年她11岁。





沃特森说,她选择在美国读大学,是因为美国的教育系统允许学生同时修读多门课程。她还提到 :“我想成为一名普通人。我真的很想隐姓埋名。”而布朗大学能给她提供这样的平台,让她以普通人的身份轻松融入进去。



