Eat healthfullyIn a trip

2019-06-25 13:23张蕊


When you're on vacation, the temptations to overdo the eating and drinking are everywhere,said the New York-based nutritionist Joy Bauer. After all, the specialties of your destination, thebuffet(自助餐) breakfast at your hotel and treats are always at the ready.

But Ms Bauer said that a sensible diet doesn't have to and shouldn't fall by the wayside whenon vacation.“Overindulging(过分放纵) will leave you feeling lazy and likely with a few extra pounds,but if you know how to eat smartly, you can still eat enjoyably," she said.

Below, Ms Bauer's tips on eating healthfully, yet pleasurably, on the next getaway.

Travel with food

As a frequent traveler herself, Ms Bauer never leaves home without a stash of healthy snacksand advised other travelers to do the same.“When you have food handy that you like eating, you'refar less likely to grab something unhealthy," she said. Options include whole fruit such as apples,nuts already portioned in 1/4-cup serving sizes, pumpkin seeds and roasted edamame(日本毛豆).(Or, consider Ms Bauer's line of granola bites, called Nourish.)


Eat healthfully on a trip

Fast-food restaurants abound at airports and at highway rest stops, and Ms Bauer said thatthey're not off-limits so long as you order the right foods. Choose a grilled chicken sandwich withlettuce and tomato (hold the mayo) and a side salad. If you enjoy hamburgers, order a single patty,and top it with extra lettuce and tomatoes. Can't resist French fries? Order the smallest size, and eathalf.


Ms Bauer also said that several fast-food chains offer fruit-topped oatmeal and yogurt parfaits

that make for satisfying and tasty snacks._____3_____

When in Rome, splurge strategically

Trying the local cuisine, Ms Bauer said, is a pleasurable part of any vacation. “You can andshould let yourself enjoy one 'cheat' food each day, but be selective and pick something that isunique to that destination," she said. That could mean veal Milanese in Milan, a lobster roll in Maine,a chocolate croissant(巧克力羊角包) in France and pad thai(泰式炒河粉) in Thailand. Stick to areasonable portion of whatever you choose, and savor every bite.


Watch those sips

Drinks don't fill you up, and many are packed with sugar and calories. Ms Bauer said that itsbest to skip sweetened iced teas and lemonades throughout the day- seltzer flavored with fruitis an appealing alternative. When it comes to alcohol, many cocktails, including margaritas, caneasily top 500 calories. Drink wine or a light beer instead. Or try a lower-sugar mixed drink such asvodka(伏特加) with club soda and a splash of fruit juice or a gin and tonic (金湯力酒).


1. In Ms Bauer's opinion, the reason that can NOT account for overeating is.

A. you can find food and drinks everywhere

B. your hotel has rich buffet breakfast

C. you are treated well by your hotel

D. there are many specialties at your destination

2. The following statement Ms Bauer may agree with is.

A. usually self- discipline can be indulged at a right time

B. laziness must give rise to overindulging when you are traveling

C. a few extra pounds on a trip results from eating smartly

D. self-restraint allows you to enjoy food and keep fit

3. The following sentence can be put at_____

“If you're traveling by car, Ms Bauer suggested taking a small cooler along flll with mess-freefoods like hard-boiled eggs, string cheese and nut butter, or turkey sandwiches."





4. Why does the author advise you to“savor every bite" at the end of the last paragraph butone?

A. To avoid wasting food.

B. To eat less and save money.

C. To show your elegant manner.

D. To enjoy the food and eat less.

5. If you want to keep fit, which drink you'd better NOT choose when you have dinner?

A. Vodka.

B. Margaritas. C. Fruit juice.

D. A gin and tonic.


1. A。细节理解题。文章第一段可以看出四选项内容,其中只有A不符合第一句话 。

2. D。段意理解题。根据文章第二-段第一句话“在度假时,理性节食不需要、也不应该被中途放弃”,以及引号中的内容可以知道D符合句意。

3. A。写作方法题。这个句子说的是自备食物,所以A正确。

4. D。细节理解题。文章主旨是说如何在出游时有效节食,所以D正确。

5. B。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段内容可以知道margaritas是鸡尾酒, 卡路里很容易超过500,是作者不建议饮用的饮品,其他的酒水热量相对较少,故B正确。

二长难句分析 小

1. 如果你喜欢汉堡,就点一个小肉饼,上面多放点儿生菜和番茄。

这是个复合句。【|】f弓 导条件状语从句,主句是两个并列的祈使句。其中top‘ 形成顶部”可以理解为“多放点”。例如:他比他父亲高出半个头。他的学识超过其他人。


这是个复合句。是个句型,意思是“ 当谈到....”.,其中to是介词,后面的动词用动名词形式。例如:

1. When it comes to dancing, I'm all thumbs.谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通。

2. When it comes to_____in public, no one can match him.(C)

A. speak

B. being spoken

C. speaking

D. being speaking

新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2