
2019-07-22 06:42AndreaDestefanis,FilippoGabbiani,李冬吟
中国建筑装饰装修 2019年5期


一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani和Andrea Destefanis 于2000 年联合创立于威尼斯。

自2002 年公司总部设于上海以来,Kokaistudios 已拥有60 余位杰出设计师,并成长为一家多元文化背景的设计公司,与客户协同合作,完成了涵盖亚洲、中东、欧洲及北美洲的众多创新设计项目。

Kokaistudios 专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵,早年间即对视觉艺术和舞台布景有浓厚的兴趣。完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,参与了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受其对设计中不同领域的兴趣驱动,Andrea 成立了合作工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000 年他与Filippo Gabbiani 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。在完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,出于其对不同学科和多元文化的好奇心,Filippo 先后闯荡于欧洲数国及美国,曾与多家世界顶级的建筑、室内及工业设计事务所合作。2000 年他与Andrea Destefanis 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。


An award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani& Andrea Destefanis.

Headquartered in Shanghai since 2002 we have grown into multi-cultural firm of 60 people working on a global scale with projects in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Kokaistudios partners with our clients to collaboratively develop innovative & ground breaking projects in diverse fields of design.

Primarily focused on developing cultural, corporate,commercial, hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations.

Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.

Andrea Destefanis

Born in Turin, Italy, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography.After graduating from University of Architecture Venice, he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a cooperative studio focused on research of innovative instrument of design in computer graphics before co-founding Kokaistudios together with Filippo Gabbiani.

Filippo Gabbiani

Born in Venice, Italy, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Upon graduating from the University of Architecture Venice, he began work on a European Community sponsored research project on the usage of alternative energies in architecture and worked in several countries in Europe and in the U.S.A.cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design before meeting Andrea Destefanis with whom he founded Kokaistudios in 2000.






占地面积:13,800 m2

建筑面积:58,000 m2


首席设计师:Andrea Destefanis, Filippo Gabbiani


建筑设计团队:李冬吟、Anna Maria Austerveil,

Paz Taibo Eva Maria, 郑泳、秦占涛、关博华、何

文彬、Daniele Pepe




媒体负责:Jacqueline Chiang

Site: Shanghai, China

Type: Urban Renewal

Service Scope: Architecture Renovation+Interior Design

Design Time: 2016-2017

Completion Time: 2018

Site area: 13,800 m2

GFA: 58,000 m2

Design Company: Kokaistudios

Chief Architects: Andrea Destefanis, Filippo Gabbiani

Architecture Design Director: Li Wei

Architecture Design Team: Li Dongyin, Anna Maria Austerveil,

Paz Taibo Eva Maria, Zheng Yong, Qin Zhantao, Guan Bohua, He

Wenbin, Daniele Pepe

Interior Design Director: Rake Wang

Interior Design Team: Kasia, Huang Wanqian, Xu Xinjie

Photography: Wu Qingshan

Media Contact: Jacqueline Chiang

在上海K11 艺术购物中心及北京中粮广场的改造项目赢得全球盛誉后,Kokaistudios又一次将城市更新方面的专长带到国内日益受生活方式所驱的购物中心项目中。Kokaistudios 近期完成了对上海世茂广场的改造,该项目是当代国内购物环境需求转变的缩影,其设计更在城市更新领域树立了业界典范:通过扩充空间功能和重新规划流线,可以让大体量商业建筑以新的面貌融入城市公共空间和市民的生活。

世茂广场建于2006 年,包括零售、酒店和办公空间,是其时上海的时尚标杆。建筑位于上海著名的南京东路购物街端头,俯瞰人民广场的绝佳景观。尽管地理位置优渥,人们却更偏爱与自己生活方式相契合的场所,因此彼时的世茂广场很快门庭冷落了下来。

Kokaistudios 肩负改造世茂广场零售空间的任务,重新梳理建筑内外流线、根据顾客类型规划体验路径,并创造了开放的公共空间。2018 年11 月改造项目完成后,世茂广场一跃成为上海商业地产的新贵,重新连结城市生活并注入新活力,吸引市民和游客一探究竟。




Kokaistudios 的设计概念是“剧场”,设计师将顾客赋予三种不同类型的“角色”:游客、观众与演员;而建筑则被定义为剧场的前厅、观众席和后台。在建筑外侧,一组飞天梯犹如红毯让人眼前一亮,将南京东路上的游客直接送至世茂广场的三层平台及主入口;而另一组飞天梯则可引导顾客直达五层:“包厢”。


如此设计除了柔化先前封闭的城市、重新连接建筑及环境之余,更将关注点引向高层空间。改造前,顾客仅能通过一层的旗舰店进入商场内部核心,而Kokaistudios 的方案能直接将游客送至三层(是为剧场的“前厅”),为从前冷清的上层空间注入活力。

观众:设计将世茂广场定位为城市生活目的地而不仅是零售商业场所,这是吸引另一类顾客— 被想象为“观众”的上海本地居民的关键。因此,改造后的商场在五、六层引入了数家高端餐饮酒吧。新设立的首层入口导向一个引人注目的中庭区域:该中庭的侧面置有竖直的木栅板,并点缀以LED 光柱,有效延展了空间的纵向尺度,将明亮的视野、开敞性和戏剧性注入此前亟待提升的空间。此处的直升梯将就餐的顾客直送至楼上餐饮区,而无需寻觅扶梯。

演员:在南京东路上另一个入口主要服务于在附近办公的人们,Kokaistudios 将其定义为“演员”。为了让这类顾客更频繁便捷地来到世茂广场,设计师置放了一组电梯直达商场核心。这是概念中剧场的“后台”,以灰色百叶墙面、锃亮的黑色玻璃打造出经典的工业风格。这些元素加强了该后台空间的高效性与目的性,并与商场前方侧重游客导向的区域形成鲜明对比。

Kokaistudios 的项目演示了,通过思考当今的城市生活并为未来发展预留可能性,设计可以改进过时的购物中心使之更好地为城市服务;大型的建筑可以被城市重新吸收,并成为其中不可或缺的存在。就世茂广场而言,这个曾经被忽视的购物中心如今华丽转身,成为上海黄金地带让所有人受益共享的城市生活空间。

After winning global acclaim for both K11 in Shanghai, as well as Beijing's COFCO Plaza,Kokaistudios once again brings its expertise in shopping mall renovation to China’s increasingly lifestyle-driven retail scene. The firm's recent renovation of Shimao Festival City in Shanghai illustrates this contemporary crossroads, and demonstrates how by expanding malls’functionality and reconsidering circulation, these sizeable structures can be reabsorbed by the city as useful public spaces of engagement and exchange.

Built in 2006, Shimao Festival City is a modern monument of Shanghai. Comprising retail,hotel and office space, it is located at the top of Shanghai’s famous East Nanjing Road shopping street, with views across nearby People’s Square.But despite its prime location the mall had fast become overlooked by residents in favor of venues more clearly aligned with their contemporary city lifestyle.

Kokaistudios was tasked with upgrading the pre-existing retail component of Shimao Festival City. By reconfiguring circulation both inside and outside the facility, identifying clear pathways according to visitor type, and creating openness and space, since renovations concluded in November 2018, the mall has helped reinvigorate a prime corner of Shanghai real estate. In doing so,it has placed the mall firmly on the radar of both residents as well as tourists, reconnecting it to the city.

Kokaistudios’ design concept is a theater and the renovation centers on visitor flow of three “roles” of users: tourists, audience and actors, with areas of the mall imagined as the foyer, auditorium, and backstage of a theater.Starting from outside, an external ‘red carpet’guides visitors along a sky escalator extending from Nanjing Dong Lu to a third-floor balcony and podium entrance space. From here, visitors may access a second external escalator, taking them to another covered balcony on the fifth floor.

Tourists: Created primarily with tourists in mind, the red carpet guides visitors on an experiential journey. Effectively circumnavigating the mall proper, the “red carpet” offers impressive views across East Nanjing Road and People’s Square; they reinstate an original intention of the architecture itself, particularly with regard to its diagonal axis. It also sees the mall’s functionality expand to that of tourist attraction,reestablishing Shimao Festival City as a public space for enjoying all facets of Shanghai life - not just shopping.

In addition to softening the perimeter of the formerly enclosed mall, and physically reconnecting the architecture to its environs, the intervention repositions the mall’s focal point to its upper levels. Where previously access to the mall's core was exclusively via its ground floor flagship stores,Kokaistudios’ solution transports visitors directly to its re-centred and newly opened-up third-floor‘foyer’, bringing energy and movement to the facility’s formerly under-visited upper levels.

Audience: Positioning the mall as a lifestyle destination that extends beyond retail was also key to attracting a second target demographic:Shanghai residents, imagined here as ‘audience.’For this reason, the renovated mall features several high-end restaurants and bars on its fifth and sixth floors. With this in mind, a newly created street-level entrance opens onto an attractive atrium: flanked with vertical wooden boards, seemingly extending the entirety of the mall's height and interspersed with LED columns, it lends light, openness, and drama to what was previously an under-optimized space. From here, banks of elevators take diners directly to F&B outlets, without the need to navigate escalators.

Actors: Another entrance on East Nanjing Road caters to a third demographic, defined by Kokaistudios as ‘actors’ and imagined as those working in nearby offices. In order to facilitate frequent, more convenient use of Shimao Festival City, an escalator conveys this group direct to theheart of the mall. Envisaged as a ‘backstage'space, it sets an industrial tone through grey louver walls, polished black glass. These elements combine to reinforce the space’s efficiency and purpose, and contrasts with the mall’s more tourist-oriented outer areas.










Kokaistudios’ project demonstrates how architectural renovation can serve cities by retrofitting outdated shopping malls with the lifestyle elements of now, and flexibility for the future. In this way, these large-scale structures can be absorbed back into the useful fabric of urban centers. In the case of Shimao Festival City, this translates to optimizing and opening-up a formerly overlooked space in the heart of Shanghai for the benefit, enjoyment and use of all.

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