The Old Manse in Autumn古宅之秋

2019-09-10 07:22纳撒尼尔·霍桑兰秀娟
英语世界 2019年9期

纳撒尼尔·霍桑 兰秀娟

【導读】纳撒尼尔·霍桑(1804—1864),美国著名浪漫主义小说家,出生于美国马萨诸塞州,毕业于波登大学。著有长篇小说《红字》《七角楼房》,短篇小说《重讲一遍的故事》《古屋苔痕》等,其中《红字》已成为世界文学经典,也奠定了他在美国文坛的地位。诗人、批评家T. S. 艾略特曾评价道:“霍桑具有纯正艺术家所必备的铁石心肠、真诚而严厉的冷静头脑。”


If ever my readers should decide to give up civilized life, cities, houses, and whatever moral or material enormities1, in addition to these, the perverted ingenuity of our race has contrived2, —let it be in the early autumn. Then, Nature will love him better than at any other season, and will take him to her bosom with a more motherly tenderness. I could scarcely endure the roof of the old house above me, in those first autumnal days. How early in the summer, too, the prophecy of autumn comes! —earlier in some years than in others, —sometimes, even in the first weeks of July. There is no other feeling like what is caused by this faint, doubtful, yet real perception, if it be not rather a foreboding3, of the year’s decay—so blessedly sweet and sad, in the same breath.

Did I say that there was no feeling like it? Ah, but there is a half-acknowledged melancholy4, like to this, when we stand in the perfected vigor of our life, and feel that Time has now given us all his flowers, and that the next work of his never idle fingers must be—to steal them, one by one, away!

I have forgotten whether the song of the cricket be not as early a token of autumn’s approach, as any other; —that song, which may be called an audible stillness; for, though very loud and heard afar, yet the mind does not take note of it as a sound; so completely is its individual existence merged among the accompanying characteristics of the season. Alas, for the pleasant summer-time! In August, the grass is still verdant5 on the hills and in the vallies; the foliage of the trees is as dense6 as ever, and as green; the flowers gleam forth in richer abundance along the margin of the river, and by the stone-walls, and deep among the woods; the days, too, are as fervid7 now as they were a month ago;—and yet, in every breath of wind, and in every beam of sunshine, we hear the whispered farewell, and behold the parting smile, of a dear friend.

There is a coolness amid all the heat; a mildness in the blazing noon. Not a breeze can stir, but it thrills us with the breath of autumn. A pensive8 glory is seen in the far, golden gleams, among the shadows of the trees. The flowers—even the brightest of them, and they are the most gorgeous of the year—have this gentle sadness wedded to their pomp9, and typify the character of the delicious time, each within itself. The brilliant cardinal-flower has never seemed gay to me.

Still later in the season, Nature’s tenderness waxes stronger. It is impossible not to be fond of our Mother now; for she is so fond of us! At other periods, she does not make this impression on me, or only at rare intervals; but, in these genial days of autumn, when she has perfected her harvests, and accomplished every needful thing that was given her to do, then she overflows with a blessed superfluity10 of love. She has leisure to caress her children now. It is good to be alive, at such times. Thank heaven for breath!—yes, for mere breath!—when it is made up of a heavenly breeze like this! It comes with a real kiss upon our cheeks; it would linger fondly around us, if it might; but, since it must be gone, it embraces us with its whole kindly heart, and passes onward, to embrace likewise the next thing that it meets.

A blessing is flung abroad, and scattered far and wide over the earth, to be gathered up by all who choose. I recline upon the still unwithered grass, and whisper to myself:—‘Oh, perfect day!—Oh, beautiful world!—Oh, beneficent God!’ And it is the promise of a blissful Eternity; for our Creator would never have made such lovely days, and have given us the deep hearts to enjoy them, above and beyond all thought, unless we were meant to be immortal. This sunshine is the golden pledge thereof. It beams through the gates of Paradise, and shows us glimpses far inward.

By-and-by—in a little time—the outward world puts on a drear11 austerity12. On some October morning, there is a heavy hoar-frost on the grass, and along the tops of the fences; and, at sunrise, the leaves fall from the trees of our avenue without a breath of wind, quietly descending by their own weight. All summer long, they have murmured like the noise of waters; they have roared loudly, while the branches were wrestling with the thunder-gust; they have made music, both glad and solemn; they have attuned13 my thoughts by their quiet sound, as I paced to-and-fro beneath the arch of intermingling14 boughs. Now, they can only rustle under my feet.

Henceforth, the gray parsonage15 begins to assume a larger importance, and draws to its fireside—for the abomination16 of the air-tight stove is reserved till wintry weather—draws closer and closer to its fireside the vagrant17 impulses, that had gone wandering about, through the summer.








自此,那幢灰色的牧师住宅就显得更为重要,它将我一整个夏天四处游荡的心都收了回来,拉近火炉,越来越近——在冬天来临之前,那个可憎的密封炉都派不上用场。     □

