
2019-09-10 07:22林巍
英语世界 2019年10期


Passage 1

[1] 预计到2020年,全国60岁以上老年人口将增加到2.55亿人左右,占总人口比重提升到17.8%左右;高龄老年人将增加到2900万人左右,独居老人将增加到1.18亿人左右。

[2] 涉老法规政策系统性、协调性、针对性、可操作性有待增强;城乡区域老龄事业发展和养老体系建设不均衡问题突出;养老服务有效供给不足,质量效益不高,人才队伍短缺。

[3] 规划提出目标,到2020年,老龄事业发展整体水平明显提升,养老体系更加健全完善。社会保险、社会福利、社会救助等社会保障制度和公益慈善事业有效衔接,老年人的基本生活、基本医疗、基本照护等需求得到切实保障。

[4] 老龄事业发展和养老体系建设的法治化、信息化、标准化、规范化程度明显提高。市场活力和社会创造力得到充分激发,养老服务和产品供给主体更加多元、内容更加丰富、质量更加优良,以信用为核心的新型市场监管机制建立完善。老年人合法权益得到有效保护,老年人参与社会发展的条件持续改善。


[1] It is expected that by 2020, the population aged over 60 will increase to about 255 million, accounting for approximately 17.8% of China’s total population. In the meantime, the number of the elderly will increase to about 29 million, while the number of the elderly living alone will increase to about 118 million.

[2] However, the current situation requires our urgent attention. Policies, regulations and laws concerning the elderly ought to be systematized, coordinated, specific and more practical; the development of urban, rural and regional ageing cause and the establishment of a service system are severely unbalanced; the elderly care service is inadequate, of low quality and suffering a shortage of talent in its team.

[3] The Plan sets certain targets: By 2020, the overall level of ageing cause will be obviously improved, the elderly care service substantially perfected. At the same time, social security systems (such as social insurance, social welfare and social assistance) will be effectively linked with public welfare and charity, so as to efficiently meet the demands of the elders’ basic conditions of living, medical care and nursing.

[4] Societally, significant progress will be made in legislation for and computerization, standardization and normalization of the old-age care undertaking and the pension system. With market vitality and social creativity being fully invigorated, the provision of pension services and products will be further diversified with more abundant supply and better quality. Meanwhile, a new market supervision mechanism with credit at its core will be fully established. As a result, the elders’ legitimate rights will also be more effectively protected, as conditions for them to participate in social development continuously improve.


[1]中,“高龄老年人”不是一个精确的概念,各国、各时期的标准也不相同,似可用aging advanced population、old old等,但此处不妨统称为the elderly。同时,其中涉及许多数字,因中英文里的计量单位不同,其换算需十分注意,如 2.55亿=255 million、2900万=29 million、1.18亿=118 million等。“独居老人”似可用old solitary people,但该词组更多是指the aged without spouse,故不如用old people who live alone、the elderly living alone等。

[2]開头便是“涉老法规政策系统性……”,为使英译文不显突兀,不妨增添一些词语,如:However, the current situation requires our urgent attention.增词不增意,从而起到衔接和连贯(coherence)的作用。“老龄事业”一般容易译成old-age undertaking、the enterprise for elderly population、sernilizational enterprise等,但分析起来,这里指的是提高老年人的生活质量,故可考虑用ageing cause。“有效供给不足”,似乎是lack of sufficient supply,但结合具体语境,特别是顾及后面的“质量效益不高,人才队伍短缺”的表述,此处不妨用the effective public pension service is inadequate;同时,“人才队伍短缺”的译文前应加一动词,以使意思更加完整。

[3]中,同样,“社会保险”前的译文亦缺乏衔接词语,不妨插入At the same time;鉴于“社会保障制度”包括社会保险、社会福利、社会救助等,故可用括号处理,如social security systems (such as social insurance, social welfare and social assistance);此处的“医疗”显然不只是medical treatment,而是medical care,即广义的医疗护理。

[4]进而谈论老龄事业的社会化方面的问题,亦应加一状语铺垫,如 Societally,以作自然转合。“以信用为核心的新型市场监管机制”,其主语是“市场监管机制”,前面的定语分别是“以信用为核心的”“新型”,而在译文中,两个不宜同时加在market supervision mechanism前面,特别是前一个,而更宜以介词with转化成短语,如with credit at its core。最后一句讲老人的合法权益等,这是前面的措施和努力的结果,故不妨加入短语As a result,以形成前后的因果关系。

Passage 2

[1] 中国的改革发端于农村,目的在于调节农民和土地之间的关系。1978年之前,数亿中国人还在为温饱问题发愁,如今,经过40年的发展,中国有7亿多农村贫困人口实现脱贫。

[2] 从1978年至1985年,农村经济体制的深刻变革,为农村经济的增长和贫困人口的大幅减少提供了强劲动力。按当时标准,有50%未解决温饱的农村人口在这期间解决了温饱问题。按现在的扶贫标准,有超过1亿农村人口在这期间摆脱了贫困。这不仅为全面建设小康社会打下了坚实的基础,而且为全人类的扶贫和发展做出了巨大贡献。

[3] 1978年,安徽凤阳县小岗村的18户农民走出了中国农村改革的第一步。破除了计划经济体制的诸多束缚,实行以家庭联产承包责任制为基础的家庭经营,获得了可以自由耕种的承包土地,极大调动了生产积极性,使他们以巨大的热情投入到农业生产之中。


[1] China’s reform began in the countryside with the aim of adjusting the relationship between peasants and land. Before 1978, hundreds of millions of Chinese struggled with their daily food and clothing. Nowadays, after 40 years of reform and opening-up, more than 700 million rural poor people have been lifted out of poverty.

[2] From 1978 to 1985, the profound transformation of the rural economic system provided a strong impetus for the extraordinary growth of the rural economy and a dramatic reduction in the poverty-stricken population. In accordance with the standard at that time, half of the impoverished population in rural areas had been adequately fed and clothed during this period. By the current standard, however, over 100 million rural people had been lifted out of poverty within the same period. The practice has not only laid a solid foundation for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, but also made great contributions to poverty alleviation and development of all mankind.

[3] In 1978, 18 peasants in Xiaogang village of Fengyang County, Anhui Province, took the first step of rural reform by practicing family management based on the household contract responsibility system, which broke many restrictions of the planned economy system. Having gained the right to freely farm their contracted land, peasants were thus greatly motivated to put their efforts into agricultural production.


[1]中,“发端于”有started with、originated from、began 等。“调节……关系”可为regulate/adjust/balance relations/relationship。“为温饱问题发愁”,较为直译的,如worried about food and clothing;意译的,如struggled with the basic necessities;综合二者的,如struggled with their daily food and clothing。“脱贫”,正式文件的表述一般为poverty alleviation,使动方式to alleviate poverty,而口语化的更多,如“get rid of poverty”“overcome poverty”“get out of poverty”“throw off poverty”“be lifted out of poverty”“to lift… beyond the poverty line by doing…”,参考译文采用了比较通俗的用法。

[2]中,“提供动力”,可用“provide/offer incentive for…”,或调换角度,用gained momentum for,或用被动语态“has/have been greatly powered/empowered by…”。“按当时标准”和“按现在标准”,可分别为according to / in accordance with the standard at that time和by the current standard / standard of nowadays等。“全面建设小康社会”是句颇具中国特色的话语,一般译为build a well-off society in an all-round way / moderately prosperous society in all respects,这是句“中国英语”(Chinese English),但不同于“中国式英语”(Chinglish),Chinglish义为“language which is a mixture of English and Chinese, especially a type of English that includes many Chinese words and/or follows Chinese grammar rules”,故大都不可取;前者主要指内容而言,如one country and two systems、socialism with Chinese characteristics等,后者主要是形式上的“套用”,如“加快经济改革步伐”,译成to accelerate the pace of economic reform,其中the pace of是中式思维,属多余部分。同样,“我们应集中全力,有效实现振兴国营中小企业的目标。”一般译成:Our all efforts should be focused on the objective of effectively strengthening the vitality of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.第一个下画线部分属Chinglish 表述,应删去,而将strengthening the vitality of 简化为revitalizing。故在翻译这类文体时,应特别注重区分Chinese English和Chinglish。

[3]中,“破除了……束缚”可有多种表述,如“freed/liberated from the bonds of… / to deliver the people who are in bondage to…”等,由于涉及计划经济体制,可用 broke many restrictions of the planned economy system。“家庭联产承包责任制”亦为“中式话语”,一般译为household contract responsibility system、 contract responsibility system、household responsibility system或the system of household contract responsibility,此处要加上“家庭经营”(practicing family management)。“获得了可以自由……”原文虽未分句,但译文里应理解为具有独立意思,故不妨以“Having the freedom to choose their own ways…”另起一句,以求确切。                                                        □

标准保“温饱” 特色促“小康”