
2019-11-07 01:05
阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2019年9期



When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a farm, in the winter ___1___, we were quite out off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I ___2___ my bags and moved to the capital, ___3___ I soon discovered that my life has its problem too.

One big ___4___ is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention ___5___ like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I ___6___ asthma[哮喘], and the air is so bad that I am ___7___ to go outside. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I ___8___ use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go ___9___, but that can be quite ___10___.

___11___ there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, ___12___ you tastes in culture or entertainment[娛乐活动]. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of ___13___ a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the ___14___ of goods is very surprising—and, ___15___, shops are often only a short ___16___.

Is life ___17___ then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you get ___18___, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem ___19___. I certainly hope to move ___20___ there soon.

( ) 1. A. fortunately B. especially C. specifically D. regularly

( )2. A. discarded B. retrieved C. packed D. collected

( )3. A. However B. And C. So as  D. Further more

( )4. A. advantages B. disadvantage C. proposal D. objective

( )5. A. valuables B. implement C. treasures D. basics

( )6. A. suffer from B. escape from C. derive from D. keep from

( )7. A. excited B. disappointed C. angry  D. afraid

( )8. A. usually  B. seldom C. often  D. sometimes

( )9. A. by car B. by subway C. by bus  D. by bicycle

( )10. A. useless B. crowded C. dangerous D. safe

( )11. A. Of course B. Although C. Above all D. Of all

( )12. A. whatever B. however C. whoever D. wherever

( )13. A. treating to B. looking to C. moving to D. expecting to

( )14. A. plenty    B. variety  C. measure  D. quality

( )15. A. for instance B. in all    C. in conclusion D. what is more

( )16. A. far away B. run away C. around away D. walk away

( )17. A. busier  B. better    C. quieter  D. still

( )18. A. elder  B. richer    C. older    D. happier

( )19. A. available B. creditable C. preferable D. variable

( )20. A. back B. off    C. forward      D. toward


Sandra Cisneros was born in Chicago in 1954 to a Mexican American family. ___1___ the only girl in a family of seven children, she often felt like she had “___2___ fathers,” because her six brothers, as well as her father, tried to control her. Feeling ___3___ and unimportant, she retreated[躲避] into books. ___4___ her love of reading, she did not do well in elementary school because she was too shy to ___5___.

In ___6___ school, with the encouragement of one particular teacher, Cisneros ___7___ her grades and worked for the school literary magazine. Her father ___8___ her to go to college because he thought it would be a good way for her to find a ___9___. Cisneros did attend college, but instead of searching for a husband, she found a teacher who helped her ___10___ the famous graduate writing program at the University of Iowa. At the universitys Writers Workshop, however, she felt ___11___—a Mexican American from a poor neighborhood among students from wealthy families. The feeling of being so ___12___ helped Cisneros find her “Creative voice.”

“It was not until this moment when I considered myself ___13___ different that my writing acquired a voice. I knew I was a Mexican woman, but I didnt think it had anything to do with why I felt so much ___14___ in my life, but it had ___15___ to do with it! Thats when I ___16___ I would write about something my classmates couldnt write about.”

Cisneros ___17___ her first work, The House on Mango Street, when she was twenty-nine. The book tells about a young Mexican American girl ___18___ in a Spanish-speaking area in Chicago, much like the neighborhoods in which Cisneros lived as a child. The book ___19___ an award in 1985 and has been used in classes from high school through graduate school ___20___. Since then, Cisneros has published several books of poetry, a childrens book, and a short-story collection.

( )1. A. Like B. As C. With        D. For

( )2. A. five B. six C. seven        D. eight

( )3. A. confident B. shy C. admired D. ashamed

( )4. A. Despite B. Besides C. Although D. Except

( )5. A. consist B. involve C. anticipate D. participate

( )6. A. high B. elementary C. graduate D. middle

( )7. A. increase B. advance C. improved D. promote

( )8. A. enlightened B. encouraged C. made D. inquire

( )9. A. teacher B. program C. work D. husband

( )10. A. take B. attend C. build D. join

( )11. A. calm B. concerned C. lonely D. faint

( )12. A. different B. poor C. difficult D. creative

( )13. A. mainly B. truly C. principally D. chiefly

( )14. A. reliance B. imbalance C. alliance D. finance

( )15. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

( )16. A. remembered B. managed C. decided D. asked

( )17. A. published B. punished C. delivered D. spread

( )18. A. coming up B. taking up C. growing up D. keeping up

( )19. A. won B. beat C. attracted D. accept

( )20. A. rank B. range C. degree D. level




1. B。根据下文we were quite out off from the outside world可知作者是指到了冬天,在农场生活就更加与世隔绝了。especially意为“特别;尤其”,符合此处语境。

2. C。前面提到作者一直梦想着离家去城市的那一刻,因此迫不及待地打包好行李(pack my bags)搬去市中心。

3. A。前面说作者希望搬到城市去,后面又发现存在着一些问题,两句间应是转折关系,只有However符合。

4. B。此处开始讲存在的问题了,从It costs so much to go out可知第一个问题是缺钱。disadvantage意为“不利条件,缺点”,故答案为B。从Another disadvantage is pollution.亦可得知。

5. D。食物和住房应属于基本生活用品(basics),valuables指“贵重物品”,implement指“工具”,treasure指“财宝,宝物”,故此处选D。

6. A。suffer from意為“忍受,遭受”,escape from意为“逃走”,derive from意为“得到;源自”,keep from意为“阻止,抑制”,只有A符合此处语境。

7. D。上文提到作者有哮喘病,而城市空气浑浊,不难得知作者应是害怕出门的。

8. B。从Although可知此处应表示转折,虽然作者有部车,但是因为交通问题却几乎用不上。

9. D。上文提到交通状况不佳,道路拥挤,比较四个选项,要解决这一问题只能骑自行车。

10. C。but表示转折,而骑自行车在车辆中穿梭是很危险的(dangerous),故答案选C。

11. A。此处开始讲在城市生活的优点,缺点之后自然也有优点,Of course指“当然”,其余几项均不符合此处语境。

12. A。此处是一个whatever引导的名词性从句,whatever在从句中充当的是宾语,意思是“所有……的一切事或东西”。

13. C。联系此处语境,这句是指城市里有着很好的工作以及换到更好工作或职位的很多机会。只有moving to符合此处语境。

14. B。联系此处语境,这里是指如果你喜欢购物的话,这里的商品种类(variety)会让你眼花缭乱,感到吃惊。plenty意为“丰富,大量”,measure意为“计量单位”,quality意为“质量”,故答案选B。

15. D。由and可知此处表示进一步说明。for instance表示“举例,例如”,in all表示“总共”,in conclusion表示“最后;总之”,what is more表示“而且,更甚者”。对比四个选项,只有D符合语境。

16. D。这里是说商店之间往往只要走几步就可到了(距离很近),walk away 表示步行的距离,符合此处语境。

17. B。此处是将城市和农场的生活作比较,联系下文可知作者认为城市生活虽然好,但对年龄较大的人而言,乡村生活更为适合。故此处选better。

18. C。从前文when you are in your teens(十几岁) or twenties及后文especially if you

have small children可知,此处应填表示年龄的词。elder一般指有血缘关系的年长的,older表示年长的,elder通常于名词前作定语用,而older用在be动词或系动词后作表语。故答案选C。

19. C。此处是指对有孩子的人来说,乡村的宁静更为可取。available意为“可用的,有效的”,creditable意为“可信的,值得称赞的”,preferablem意为“更可取的,更合意的”,variable意为“易变的,多变的”。故答案选C。

20. A。作者以前是住在乡村的,从城市搬回乡村应用move back,表搬回去之意。




1. B。此处指Sandra Cisneros是家里唯一的女孩,as意为“作为,以……的身份”。

2. C。由because her six brothers, as well as her father ,可知Sandra Cisneros有六个兄弟,再加上父亲,就像有七位父亲一般。

3. B。联系后文because she was too shy to___5___,可知此处应是shy(害羞的),confident意为“自信的”,admired 意为“羡慕的”,ashamed意为“惭愧的”。

4. A。这里指她虽然喜欢读书,但是成绩并不很好。despite意为“不管,不论”

5. D。consist意为“组成,构成”,involve意为“卷入,牵涉”,anticipate意为“预料”,participate意为“参加,参与”,此处指因为她太害羞而不擅与人相处,故答案选D。

6. A。前面说Cisneros小学时成绩不是很好,后面说父亲鼓励她上大学,可见此处应为正在上高级中学时。

7. C。成绩上的提高应使用improve,increase 意为“增长”,advance 意为“前进,提高”,promote意为“促进,发扬”。

8. B。enlighten意为“启发”,encourage意为“鼓励,怂恿”,inquire意为“询问”,此处指父亲提议她去上大学,故答案选B。

9. D。联系下文but instead of searching for a husband可知,父亲让Cisneros上大学是想她找个好老公。

10. D。join意为“参加(比赛、活动等)”,符合此处语境,attend意为“参加(会议等)”。

11. C。作为一个来自贫穷地区的美籍墨西哥人,在一群来自富裕家庭的同学之中,应是感到十分孤独的。lonely 意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,calm意为“冷静的”,concerned意为“关心的”,faint意为“虚弱的,模糊的”

12. A。聯系后文I considered myself ___13___different that my writing acquired a voice可知此处应为different。

13. B。mainly、principally、chiefly意思均为“主要地”,故可排除,truly意为“真实地”,此处指发现自己确实和别人不同。

14. B。reliance意为“信任,依靠”,imbalance意为“不平衡”,alliance意为“联盟”,finance意为“财政,金融”,正因为Cisneros觉得和别人格格不入,所以感觉到生活不平衡。

15. D。前面说Cisneros并不认为这和自己感到不平衡有什么关系,后面but表转折,并从这句的语气可知,实际上却有着莫大的关联,故使用everything。

16. C。这里指Cisneros因此决定要写与自己的同学们与众不同的东西。

17. A。从后文The book tells about…可知Cisneros把自己的第一份作业印刷成书了,publish意为“印刷”,deliver意为“递送”,spread意为“传播”,spread意为“传播”

18. C。这里指美籍墨西哥人的成长经历,grow up意为“成长”,符合此处语境。come up意为“走进;上来”,take up意为“拿起;开始从事”,keep up意为“维持”。

19. A。此处指书得奖应使用动词win。beat意为“打败”,attract意为“吸引”,accept意为“接受”。

20. D。从from high school through graduate school 可知,这里讲的是学习水平,level表示“(文化等的)水平,程度,标准”,rank 意为“等级,阶级”,range意为“范围”,degree意为“程度,阶段”,故答案选D。

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