
2020-03-18 16:38谭叶陆超楠苏钧天
文化交流 2020年3期

谭叶 陆超楠 苏钧天







新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情在中国暴发后,宁波众多医护工作者在大年夜放弃与家人团聚的机会,不顾自身安危请命奔赴抗疫一线。曾在宁波诺丁汉大学交换学习的马来西亚大学生Jasmine Chong深受感动,写下了一首歌曲,致敬这些最可爱的人。“在宁波我看到了很多新事物,学到了很多新东西。这里就像我的第二故乡。”

Jasmine Chong的中文名叫张静汶。2019年,她以交换生的身份来中国宁波诺丁汉大学学习,专业是化学工程和环境工程。





Jasmine Chong, a young Malaysian woman, used to be an international student majoring in chemical and environmental engineering at University of Nottingham Ningbo. When the COVID-19 broke out in January 2020 in China, she was back in Malaysia. After learning a team of doctors and nurses in Ningbo left Ningbo for Wuhan on the eve of the Spring Festival (which fell on January 25 this year) in a nationwide concerted endeavor to contain the outbreak COVID-19, she was touched. She wrote a song to sing of the heroism of the doctors and nurses.

She came to University of Nottingham Ningbo China thanks to an international student exchange program. She is a song writer and singer and she has a passion for playing basketball. In Ningbo she took part in various singing festivals and competitions. She made quite a few friends due to basketball games. Wins and losses on the basketball court enabled her to share emotions with fellow players and make friends.

The exchange program ended last year, but her love with Ningbo has outlived the program. Shortly after the end of the student exchange program in 2019, she submitted an application for a postgraduate program in Ningbo.

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 in China, Jasmine has followed the news online closely. Reading news reports and communicating with friends on social media, she learns how China is fighting the vicious coronavirus. The song she wrote emerged from her concern with the epic battle going on in China. The song expresses her support to Chinas fight to bring the coronavirus under control and wipe it out.

“If possible I will certainly return to Ningbo. I have no doubt that the epidemic will pass soon. I believe firmly that China is one of the safest destinations for international students,” says Jasmine Chong.

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