
2020-04-10 07:30王奕鹏
农业工程学报 2020年4期

李 康,王 魏,王奕鹏


李 康,王 魏※,王奕鹏

(大连海洋大学信息工程学院,大连 116023)

为解决集约化水产养殖过程水体氨氮浓度无法实时检测的问题,提出基于Bagging集成随机配置网络(stochastic configuration network,SCN)的建模方法,利用养殖过程采集的相关水质参数对养殖水体氨氮浓度进行软测量。该方法首先采用Bootstrap方式生成多个不同的训练子集,然后并行训练多个SCN模型,最后将各个SCN模型的输出结果取均值作为Bagging-SCN模型的输出。为验证方法的有效性,分别通过UCI标准数据库中的机翼自噪声数据集和集约化海水养殖过程数据集进行了仿真试验,将该研究提出的Bagging-SCN模型与单一SCN模型、以及目前应用最广泛的随机权向量函数连接网络(random vector functional-link net,RVFL)模型、Bagging-RVFL模型的测量效果进行了比较。试验结果表明:该文所提模型对机翼自噪声数据集中缩放声压级测量的均方根误差、平均绝对百分比误差和最大绝对误差分别为4.225 dB、2.599 %和17.500 dB;在对集约化海水养殖过程中水体氨氮浓度测量的均方根误差、平均绝对百分比误差和最大绝对误差分别为0.062 8 mg/L、27.851 mg/L和0.189 mg/L均优于其他测量模型;进一步说明该模型具有较高的测量精度和稳定性,更适合应用于集约化水产养殖水质监测过程。


0 引 言



近年来,随着随机权神经网络的不断发展,Wang等[17]提出的随机配置网络(stochastic configuration network,SCN)由于其特有的学习机制,在快速学习的情况下,很好的保证了网络较高的逼近性能,并因此得到了广泛应用[18-22]。王魏等[23]采用SCN模型对养殖水体氨氮浓度进行预测,并得到较好的效果。然而,在SCN模型建立的过程中,网络权重的随机初始化以及网络结构的不确定性会导致网络输出结果的不稳定。考虑到Bagging集成方法可以通过集成多个不同的子模型,在保证模型偏差不变的条件下,有效降低集成后模型的方差,进一步提高模型的泛化性能。因此,本研究提出基于Bagging集成的SCN建模方法,该方法首先利用Bootstrap的采样方式生成多个不同的训练集,然后基于不同的训练集训练生成不同的SCN模型,并将多个网络模型进行集成,通过UCI标准数据库中的机翼自噪声数据集验证了方法的有效性。最后,将所提模型应用于集约化养殖水体氨氮浓度的软测量。试验结果表明,该模型在测量水产养殖过程水体氨氮浓度时,不仅能够提高氨氮浓度的测量精度,还具有较高的稳定性。

1 随机配置网络(SCN)算法概述

随着工业信息化技术的不断发展,数据规模的不断增加,随机权神经网络在处理大规模数据时的有效性以及快速学习等优势逐渐显现[24]。与传统梯度类神经网络相比,随机权神经网络由于本身特有的学习方式,在保证模型逼近能力的情况下,很好的避免了网络参数迭代调整的过程,大幅度提高了模型的学习效率,而且很好的克服传统梯度类算法本身所固有的收敛速度慢,易陷入局部极小等问题,是近年来神经网络领域一个重要的研究热点[25]。然而,随机权神经网络在数据建模方面存在着一些问题。Tyukin等[26]通过实验表明,当随机参数的设置不合适时,随机权向量函数连接网络(random vector functional-link net,RVFL)不能以极高的概率逼近目标函数。Li等[27]揭示了增量式RVFL网络的不可行性,并且Wang和Li[17]提出了一种基于监督机制的SCN模型,保证了随机权神经网络在数据建模时的通用逼近能力,其基本的网络结构如图1所示。

图1 SCN基本网络结构图


图2 SCN算法基本流程图

2 Bagging-SCN算法研究



图3 Bagging-SCN基本流程图





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3 仿真试验与结果分析

本部分主要对2个不同背景的数据集进行试验。采用SCN、Bagging-SCN、RVFL以及Bagging-RVFL方法进行仿真,并通过均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE),平均绝对百分比误差(mean absolute percentage error,MAPE),最大绝对误差(maximum absolute error,MAE)3种不同的评价指标对上述不同模型的测量性能进行比较。

3.1 机翼自噪声数据集仿真

3.1.1 数据描述

选用University of California Irvine(UCI)数据库提供的机翼自噪声[31]数据集。该数据集通过在消声风洞中对二维和三维翼型叶片截面进行一系列空气动力学和声学测试获得,共包含1 503个数据样本,其中前5列作为网络的输入,分别是频率、迎角、弦长、自由流速度、吸入侧位移厚度,第6列为输出,即缩放声压级,单位dB。本研究随机取1 200个样本作为训练集,剩余303个样本作为测试集,部分历史数据如表1所示。

表1 机翼自噪声部分历史数据

3.1.2 仿真试验


图4 SCN节点个数与训练误差下降关系曲线


图5 基学习器个数与误差下降关系曲线


图6 Bagging-SCN模型测试结果曲线图

图7 Bagging-SCN测量值与真实值关系散点图

为方便对比不同模型对机翼自噪声数据的缩放声压级的测量效果,分别将Bagging-SCN模型,单一SCN模型,Bagging-RVFL模型以及单一RVFL模型对缩放声压级进行连续测量20次,统计各模型训练和测试结果如表 2所示。

3.1.3 试验结果分析

由表2可知,SCN模型的测量性能优于RVFL模型,Bagging-SCN和Bagging-RVFL 模型的训练和测试效果在精度和稳定性方面优于单一模型,说明集成后的模型具有更好的性能。

3.2 养殖水质氨氮浓度软测量仿真试验

3.2.1 数据采集预处理


表2 缩放声压级测量结果比较

表3 所选水质参数的部分历史数据

3.2.2 仿真试验与结果分析


图8 Bagging-SCN模型的氨氮浓度测量结果


表4 氨氮浓度测量结果比较


4 结 论


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Application of ensemble stochastic configuration network in aquaculture water quality monitoring

Li Kang, Wang Wei※, Wang Yipeng


Ammonia nitrogen concentration is an important parameter to evaluate the quality of aquaculture water, and it determines the yield and benefits of intensive aquaculture production. In order to solve the problems of high cost, high consumption and difficulty in real-time and effective detection of ammonia nitrogen concentration, a method combining bagging ensemble algorithm and stochastic configuration network (SCN) which called Bagging-SCN were proposed. In this method, according to the current development of ammonia nitrogen measurement methods and random neural networks technology, SCN was chosen as the base learner due to its advantages of fast learning speed and strong ability to approach training data. The bagging ensemble method was used to integrate multiple networks, which effectively reduced the variance of the integrated model under the condition of keeping the model deviation unchanged. Specifically, the bootstrap method was used to generate multiple different training subsets for parallel training of multiple SCN models, and then different SCN models were generated by training with different subsets, and the uncollected samples in this subset were used as the verification set of each base SCN model to verify the performance of each model. Finally, the outputs of all base SCN models were averaged as the output of the final model, and the test set was used to evaluate the final model. In the modeling process of base learners, the SCN model started from a small network with little human intervention and randomly selected input weights and thresholds based on inequality constraints. It adaptively selected the value range of the random parameters according to the size of the random parameters to further ensure the universal approximation of the randomized learning model. The bagging method solved the problem that the randomization of network parameters and the uncertainty of network structure lead to the instability of measurement effect in the process of SCN modeling, and improved the measurement accuracy and stability of the model. To verify the validity of the proposed method, the experiments were mainly performed using two data sets with different backgrounds. The first experiment was based on the airfoil self-noise data set in the UCI standard database, and the frequency, angle of attack, chord length, free-stream velocity, and suction side displacement thickness was chosen as the auxiliary variables for modeling of scaled sound pressure level. The soft sensing modeling method of Bagging-SCN, SCN, random vector functional link net (RVFL) and Bagging-RVFL were carried out respectively based on the data set, for 20 consecutive times, and the output results of each model were statistically analyzed. These algorithms were verified by comparing the mean of the root mean square error (RMSE), the mean of the maximum absolute error (MAE) and the mean of the average absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the output predicted by different models, and the experimental results showed that the proposed Bagging-SCN model had a certain improvement in measurement accuracy and stability and had the best measurement performance compared with other models. The data set in the second experiment was collected by our laboratory intensive aquaculture system, and the proposed method was applied to the soft-sensing of ammonia-nitrogen concentration in intensive aquaculture. The relevant water quality parameters such as water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity which collected by sensors in the laboratory system were used as auxiliary variables for modeling of ammonia nitrogen concentration. Experiments with comparisons on the prediction effect of Bagging-SCN, SCN, Bagging-RVFL and RVFL models were carried out as the first experiment. Results indicated that the proposed algorithm had higher prediction accuracy and better generalization performance when measuring the ammonia nitrogen concentration in intensive aquaculture water. It had certain guiding significance for the monitoring of aquaculture water bodies.

soft sensing; ensemble learning; stochastic configuration network; ammonia nitrogen concentration;water quality monitoring

李 康,王 魏,王奕鹏. 集成随机配置网络在养殖水质监测中的应用[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(4):220-226. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.026 http://www.tcsae.org

Li Kang, Wang Wei, Wang Yipeng. Application of ensemble stochastic configuration network in aquaculture water quality monitoring[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(4): 220-226. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.04.026 http://www.tcsae.org




李 康,从事水质参数软测量的研究。Email:1564028632@qq.com

王 魏,副教授,博士,从事复杂工业过程建模的研究。Email:ww_wangwei@dlou.edu.cn




