WeChat brings home missing yaks in Bhutan's remote highland

2020-04-10 07:56
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年2期

题材 体裁 篇幅 建议用时现代科技 说明文333 6分钟

Home to 200 people living in 28 households,Soe is the smallest county populated by nomadic (游牧的)people in Bhutan.It has no access to television,radio,and newspapers.Most people have not seen any form of traditional media.Village leaders and horsemen who occasionally travel to Thimphu bring them some news from the rest of the country.

Yet, things are changing slowly. Soe is about to catch up with a modernizing country.Electricity has reached the county.Some of the log bridges have been replaced by Bailey bridges.Among the new arrivals in Soe,3G cellular service has caught the imagination of the villagers.Most of them are already on WeChat touching base and forming groups to discuss community issues.

Kencho Dorji, the county's head, says WeChat has brought the community together.The yak herders use the voice messaging app to bring missing yaks home.The most obvious feature of Soe's change is its only school.Established in 2009,the school has eight children,six girls and two boys.

The horizons of knowledge are expanding in Soe,which is reflected in the ambitions of its school children.Children of remote schools in Bhutan would typically want to become teachers,the only profession they can relate to.But the eight children in Soe have different ambitions.Four of them want to become teachers,three of them, doctors, and six-year-old Jigme Tenzin wants to be a pilot because he has seen a helicopter land near his school.

In the meantime,Jigme is seeing hundreds of tourists pass through his village,leaving behind much waste along the trails.County head Kencho Dorji says regulations against waste are clear but waste remains a increasing challenge.PET bottles and other plastic waste can be seen along the trails.

The villagers have heard that the media is a powerful tool of empowerment.They hope that WeChat,the only form of media they can use,not only brings home their missing yaks but also drives home their message against waste.


1.What's the purpose of paragraph 1?

A.To introduce the population of Bhutan.

B.To provide background information.

C.To explain the subtle changes in Bhutan.

D.To describe people's simple life in Soe.

2.What can be inferred from paragraph 4?

A.Hospital can hardly be seen in Soe.

B.Children in Soe have seen many helicopters.

C.Half of the children in Soe want to become teachers.

D.There are many teachers in Soe for children's education.

3.What can we conclude from Soe's change?

A.Knowledge is power.

B.Every coin has two sides.

C.A good beginning is half done.

D.Misfortune may be an actual blessing.



They hope that WeChat,the only form of media they can use,not only brings home their missing yaks but also drives home their message against waste.他们希望微信,这个他们可以使用的唯一媒体形式,不仅能够找回他们失踪的牦牛,而且能够让别人理解他们反对垃圾的信息。

【信息提取】not only...but also... 意为“不但……而且……”。


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