
2020-08-04 08:49龙晓
重庆与世界 2020年7期








两地合作基础良好 发展前景广阔





On June 5, the second plenary meeting of the eighteenth session of the Standing Committee of the  Fifth People's Congress of Chongqing passed a decision to agree to establish friendly city-province ties between Chongqing and Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It marks the addition of a new friend into Chongqing's international "friend circle", reaching a total number of 47. That is, the whole city (districts and counties included) has formally entered into friendship relations with 47 provinces and municipalities, and established friendly exchanges with 104 provinces, states and municipalities.

A strong agricultural region and a major industrial center of Uzbekistan

Covering an area of 448,900 square kilometers with a population of 33.725 million, Uzbekistan is located in the hinterland of Central Asia as a major country along the Belt and Road and an key member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. China and Uzbekistan established a comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016. Under the strategic leadership and personal promotion of both heads of state, China-Uzbekistan relations have achieved leap-forward development.

Situated in the northeast of Uzbekistan between the Western Branch of Tianshan Mountains and Syr Darya and mainly consisted of plains in its landform, Tashkent Province was established  in 1938 with an area of 15,300 square kilometers, a population of 2.52 million and the capital city of Tashkent. Boasting superior geographical conditions, dense population, developed transportation and communication networks as well as refined cultural and educational foundation, Tashkent Province ranks at the top amongst all provinces in Uzbekistan and is also a strong agricultural area and a major industrial center, with comprehensive strength ranking first in the country.

Tashkent Province is highly developed in agriculture. Its pillar industries are cotton planting, grain crop planting, horticulture, grape planting, poultry farming, etc. at the same time, it also develops sericulture and produces abundant cotton, grain, fruits and vegetables. Indebted to renowned viticulturists and horticulturists, fine vineyards and distinctive gardens can be seen everywhere.

Also rich in natural resources, the province has a trove of lignite, kaolin, non-ferrous metals (copper, lead, zinc, bismuth, lithium), gold, silver, rare metals and other mineral resources, rich building materials, as well as a large amount of hot springs and mineral water. Almost all the ferrous metal smelters in Uzbekistan and most of the countrys non-ferrous metal smelting, machinery manufacturing, chemical industry, power, building materials, light industry, food and other industrial enterprises are concentrated here.

Both sides enjoy a good foundation for cooperation and broad prospects

As early as November 1998, Chongqing Municipality signed an economic, trade and cultural cooperation agreement with Tashkent Province and both sides began to actively promote the establishment of formal friendly city-province relations.

On April 18, 2018, Chongqing, China-Uzbekistan Tashkent Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum was held in Chongqing, and many Chongqing enterprises signed economic and trade project cooperation agreements with Tashkent Province. On May 30, the Tashkent Provincial Government and Chongqing Sunfeel Industrial Group Co., Ltd signed a Joint Venture Project MOU for the Construction of Uzbekistan Silk Circle Industrial Chain in Beijing. In July, the Uzbekistan Embassy in China sent a letter to the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, welcoming and inviting Chongqing enterprises to participate in the construction of the industrial park in the Akurhan District of Tashkent Province.

In September 2019, Li Mingqing, deputy mayor of Chongqing, led a delegation to visit Tashkent Province to promote cooperation in agriculture, investment and other fields between the two places.

With a sound foundation for cooperation, both sides embrace broad prospects for future development. The formal friendly city-province relation will further enhance the level of amicable and pragmatic cooperation between both sides. Its also conducive for Chongqing to better play the "three roles" and accelerate its drive as an inland open highland and an international exchange center in the midwest. It is of great significance, therefore, to expand Chongqings international partnership network, widen the “circle of friends” in international exchanges, create new highlights in cultural exchanges, set up a Belt and Road bridge for friendship, cooperation and people-to-people exchanges and serve Chinas overall diplomacy.

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