Females are better language learners 女性是更好的语言学习者

2020-10-20 02:59江苏海门中学郭鑫钰
疯狂英语·新策略 2020年9期

江苏海门中学 郭鑫钰

Every now and then,when I think about the differences between males and females,a question pops up in my head.Are females better language learners than males?After doing some research on the Internet I stumbled upon many studies and articles which show that the answer to this question is yes.Why is that so?

When it comes to language learning,males and females have totally different approaches:male's learning is somewhat instrumental,while female's is integrative(综合的).By integrative I mean that females tend to take a stronger interest in the culture,the country and the speakers of the target language.

Furthermore,it's well known that males are better with goals than females,but females possess natural verbal skills.This means that they are better listeners,speakers,writers,and readers.Now you probably ask yourself, “What does all these have to do with language learning?” The answer is rather simple:in order to learn a new language one must listen,speak,read and write in that language.That's the easiest and the most accurate answer to that question.

Another reason why females are better language learners than males is that girls(women)engage more skills(speaking,reading,listening,etc.)and language elements(要素)(vocabulary,pronunciation,etc.),than boys(men),who tend to stick with merely a handful of practical study methods.

The last reason that I will consider is perhaps the most important.The main reason why females are better at language learning than males lies in their brains,i.e.how their brains process the language.The structure of the brain is the same.It's divided into two hemispheres(半球):left(analytical and logic function)and right(musical,visual and non-linguistic processes).An experiment has shown that when females talk they use both hemispheres,while males use only one.Thus,females are more creative and engaged in learning than males.Males learn better with the help of visualization and hearing,while females process languages more efficiently.

Reading Check

1.What does the author mean by mentioning that female's learning is integrative?

A.Males use many tools while females only use one.

B.Females are more cautious than males in language learning.

C.Males aren't as patient as females when learning languages.

D.Females are interested in many aspects of the language.


2.Which is the reason why females are better language learners than males?

A.Females have a clearer purpose of language learning.

B.Females make use of more techniques to learn language.

C.Males are slower in remembering large vocabulary.

D.Males pay more attention to the language elements.

3.In the author's opinion,what decides the females'advantage over language learning?

A.The habits.

C.The interests.

D.The activities.

Language Study

Difficult sentence

When it comes to language learning,males and females have totally different approaches:male's learning is somewhat instrumental,while female's is integrative.


【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。When引导时间状语从句,males and females作主语,while引导让步状语从句。

锲而不舍 点石成金
新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2