Unit 2 词语训练场

2020-10-23 09:10赵霁月
考试与评价·七年级版 2020年1期


I. 根據句意和括号内的汉语提示,补全句中所缺的单词。

1. Jim often take a  (淋浴) at nine oclock in the evening.

2. Lisa is (从不) late for school.

3. My father works at a TV  (台).

4. I  (锻炼) at half past six and go to school at a quarter to eight.

5. Did you finish your  (家庭作业),


6.  (通常地) I clean my bedroom on weekends.

7. I often take a  (步行) with my mother after dinner.

8. The fish  (尝起来) good.

9. Time is up! Lets go  (很快地).

II. 英汉互译。

1. 刷牙

2. After school

3. 穿衣服

4. 七点四十

5. (在)周末

III. 根据句意填写适当单词,完成句子。

1. ——你通常几点起床?


—When do you usually  ?

—At about   .

2. When do you usually eat dinner? (同义句转换)

do you usually eat dinner?

3. 你要么读书,要么看电视,但是你不能出去。

You can  read books  watch TV, but you cant go out.

4. 丽萨知道垃圾食品有害健康,但是它尝起来不错。

Lisa knows junk food is not good for her health, but it  good.

5. 有时候,我帮妈妈打扫厨房。

I help my mother chean the kitchen.

IV. 根据首字母提示填写单词,完成短文。

Do you want to know something about my w1? Now let me tell you about them. I u2 get up at five oclock, Then I brush my 3  and take a s4. At about eight oclock, I go to the music club. The music class begins at half p5 eight. There the teacher shows us how to play the piano. I like playing the piano, so I am n6 late for the class. I have lunch at twelve. In the afternoon, I often have  l7 of  homework to do. I eat dinner at seven oclock. After that, I will take a w8. It makes me relaxed. I go to bed at about nine oclock.

What a wonderful day!

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