
2020-12-21 03:43付利
疯狂英语·读写版 2020年11期



英语中的特殊句式主要包括强调句、省略句、倒装句、反意疑问句和感叹句。在书面表达中,我们常常使用的是强调句、省略句、倒装句和感叹句。这个专题也主要是对这四种句型进行探究、讲解和练习。同时,这部分也包括do、did、does 加动词原形的强调。

Step 1 句法唤醒

1. (2020·全国乙卷)So touched was I that I was determined to spare no effort to study hard.



2. (2020·全国甲卷)It is through this activity that I have realized how important teamwork is. (强调句)


3. (2019·江苏卷)It's just the so-called inconvenience that displays the richness, delicacy and

great fascination of Chinese culture with a history of thousands of years. (强调句)


4. (2016·全国丙卷)If convenient for you, let's meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. (if引導的省略句)


5. (2017·全国甲卷)Not only will our school's paper-cutting be displayed, but we will also have some valuable sets of paper-cutting works created by famous artists. (not only引导的倒装句)


6. (2018·全国甲卷)As expected, it will not only arouse the pride of all the students in our school, but also serve as a motivation for everyone to study hard. (as引导的省略句)


7. (2018·全国乙卷)I do have a few suggestions for you. (do强调动词)


8. (2018·全国乙卷)Last but not least, while chewing, you need to avoid making noises. (while引导的省略句)


9. (2019·全国甲卷)Only when we improve our skills and build up our strength can we ensure the victory. (only引导的倒装句)


10. (2016·江苏卷)In short, Internet voting, to some extent, is unfair, if not immoral and cannot be trusted. (if 引导的省略句)


11. (2013·陕西卷)Tired as I was, I never felt so happy. (as引导的倒装句)


12. (2013·重庆卷)If possible, how I hope you can help us by funding our project aimed at protecting finless porpoises. (if引导的省略句)


13. (2014·陕西卷)As scheduled, we have English Talent Show today. (as引导的省略句)


Step 2 句法提点


(一)句型“It is/was + 被强调的部分 + that(强调人时也可以用who)...”可以对动词以外的任何成分进行强调。强调动词用“do/does/did + 动词原形”。强调句有陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。

一般疑问句:Is/Was it + 被强调部分 + that(强调人的时候可以用who)...?

特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + is/was it + that...?

強调句的判断依据是,去掉It is/was...that/who以后,句子意思依然完整,结构基本完整。

e.g. Steven碰巧在电影院碰到他的朋友Jacob。

Steven met his friend Jacob in the cinema by accident.

①            ②                    ③             ④


1. It was Steven that/who met his friend Jacob in the cinema by accident.

2. It was his friend Jacob that/who Steven met in the cinema by accident.

3. It was in the cinema that Steven met his friend Jacob by accident.

4. It was by accident that Steven met his friend Jacob in the cinema.


1. Was it Steven that/who met his friend Jacob in the cinema by accident?

2. Was it his friend Jacob that/who Steven met in the cinema by accident?

3. Was it in the cinema that Steven met his friend Jacob by accident?

4. Was it by accident that Steven met his friend Jacob in the cinema?


1. Who was it that met Jacob in the cinema by accident?

2. Who was it that Steven met in the cinema by accident?

3. Where was it that Steven met his friend Jacob by accident?

4. How was it that Steven met his friend Jacob?


1. 我想知道Steven在哪儿遇到Jacob的。

I wonder where it was that Steven met Jacob.

2. 没有人知道火灾究竟是怎么发生的。

Nobody knows how it was that the fire broke out.

(三)not until用于强调句型: It is/was not until...that...。


It was not until he took off his sunglasses that I recognized him.

(四)强调动词:do/did/does + 动词原形。

1. I did see the Smiths yesterday.

2. He does like playing the violin.


(一)在时间、条件、让步、方式状语从句中,当主句主语和从句主语一致,而且从句中带有be动词时,可以省略从句主语和be动词。这种省略情况主要出现在when、while、if、unless、even if、as、than、as if、once、whenever, 以及wherever引导的从句中。

1. When (she was) very young, she began to learn to play the piano.

2. While (I was) at college, I got to know him.

3. Send the goods now if (they are) ready.

4. You should stay where you are, unless (you are) asked to leave.

5. If (I am) not invited, I won't go to his lecture.

6. While (I am) talking to him, I'm always weighing my words.

7. The kids are always told to be careful while (they are) crossing the road.

8. Once (they were) published, the books were sold out at once.


1. if so、if not省略前面整句话的内容。

(1)It sounds like something is wrong with the car's engine, if so, we'd better take it to the garage immediately.

(2)I don't know if he has reported his crime to the police, if not, he will get into more serious trouble.

2. if any省略there be结构和前面出现过的名词;if ever主要省略主语和动词。

(1)Correct the mistakes, if (there are) any (mistakes), in these sentences.

(2)There are few people nowadays, if (there are) any (people), who remember him.

(3)He seldom, if (he) ever (did), breaks his promise.

(三)习惯性省略。当possible、necessary和if、when、where、whenever、wherever一起出现时,习惯性省略it is。

1. Save water whenever (it is) necessary.

2. She learns English wherever (it is) possible.

3. If (it is) possible, donate to the people in need.




1. there be句型:

(1)There is/stands a tower on the top of the mountain.


(2)Long long ago, there lived/was a couple, who lived a poor life.

2. here/there放句首,动词是be、go、come、exist、follow、remain、lie等。

(1)There went the last bus.

(2)There goes the bell for break.

(3)Here you are. (主语是代词不能倒装)

3. out、in、up、down、away等表示运动方向的副词。

Out rushed a boy, with a kite in his hand.

Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away the thief escaped.

4. 表示方位的介词短语放在句首。

(1)In front of the hall sat some professors, who were invited to be judges.

(2)Between the mountains lies a beautiful lake attracting many tourists every day.

(二)部分倒装。结构:助动词/情态动词 + 主语 + 主动词。

1. 否定词放在句首。never、nor、not、hardly、little、seldom、rarely、scarcely,以及带否定意义的介词短语in no case、on no condition、by no means等。

(1)Never before have I seen such a moving movie.

(2)Little does many foreigners know about Chinese history but they often criticise what China has done.

(3)Hardly had my father got his salary when he mailed it home every month when my grandma was ill.

2. “only + 状语”放句首。状语可能是单词,可能是介词短语,也可能是句子。

(1)Only when we asked her did we know about her true ideas.

(2)Only in this way can we study in an efficient way.

(3)Only with joint efforts can we take good care of the environment.

“only + 主語”不倒装:

Only he signed up for the activity. 只有他报名参加了这次活动。

3. 几个固定句型:

(1)某人也如此:so + 助动词 + sb

(2)某人也不:neither/nor + 助动词 + sb

(3)not only...but also...句型中not only部分倒装,but also部分不倒装。

(4)not until + 状语,倒装主句动词

Not until he told me did I know about the truth.


So touching was the story that I was moved to tears.

=Such a touching story was it that I was moved to tears.


感叹句是对句子的某些部分进行强调。强调名词用what来引导,强调形容词和副词用how来引导。however + adj./adv.也可以理解为另一种形式的强调句。

1. What a nice boy he is!

2. How attractive the painting is!

3. However hard the task is, we'll finish it.

Step 3 单句过手


1. (2019·全国丙卷)按照安排,活动上午9点钟开始,持续到12点。

_________________________, it will begin at 9 am and go on to 12 am. (as引导的省略句)

2. (2018·天津卷)按照计划,比赛将于七月底在天津大学举行。

_________________________, the competition will take place in late July in Tianjin University. (as引导的省略句)

3. (2017·江苏卷)如图表所示,从2012年至2015年,中国电影的票房收入在稳步上升。

_________________________, the box-office income of Chinese films increased constantly from 2012 to 2015. (as引导的省略句)

4. (2019·全国丙卷)如果你到场的话,你肯定会喜欢精彩的中国民歌和西方音乐。

_________________________, you will be sure to enjoy wonderful Chinese folk songs and Western music. (if引导的省略句)

5. (2015·江苏卷)重要的是那些遵守规则的人。


6. (2016·江苏卷)首先,当被要求去做他们不想做的事情的时候,人们会感觉很勉强。

First, people may feel forced_________________________that they don't want to. (when引导的省略句)

7. (2016·全国丙卷)如果不行,请让我知道什么时间你最方便。

__________________________________________________, let me know what time suits you best. (if引导的省略句)

8. (2018·浙江卷)我乘坐的是FL753航班。


9. (2018·北京卷)如果你有其他的问题,务必让我知晓。

If you have other questions,_________________________. (do作强调)

10. (2019·江苏卷)尽管漂亮又时尚,传统的中国服装在日常生活中还是显得有点怪。

_________________________, traditional Chinese dress seems a little bit strange in routine life. (although引导的省略句)

11. (2019·全国甲卷)这周五下午,排球比赛将在操场举行。


12. (2016·全国甲卷)你的参加,如果确定的话,将会给这次摄影展增加更多的乐趣。

Your participation,_________________________, will add more fun to the photo show. (省略句)

13. (2016·天津卷)给我们留下深刻印象的,不仅是你们的热情,还有你们的团队精神和良好的精神状态。


14. (2015·四川卷)我不仅被选为校广播室的播音员,去年我还在我们市举行的普通话比赛中得了二等奖。

_________________________, but also I won second prize of the Mandarin Contest held in our city last year. (倒装句)

15. (2015·重庆卷)当得知Bookcrossing.com组织的这个项目时,我非常高兴。

I'm more than delighted_________________________organized by Bookcrossing.com.(when引導的省略句)

16. (2014·天津卷)只有通过理解和互相学习,我们才能愉快地一起度过这些时日。

Only by understanding and learning from each other_________________________together happily. (only引导的倒装句)

17. (2013·安徽卷)我不但不随处乱扔、乱吐,我还在任何可能的时候帮助打扫马路。

_________________________, I will also help clean up the road_________________________. (倒装句;省略句)

18. 虽然你不来我有点失望,但是我也尊重你的决定。

_________________________, I respect your decision. (as倒装句)

19. (2013·天津卷)如果我当选的话,我将竭尽所能帮助别人。

_________________________, I would do whatever I could to lend a hand to others. (if引导的省略句)

20. (2013·江西卷)这项活动不但让我们亲近了自然、从学习中放松,而且还增进了彼此的友谊。

_________________________, but also it promoted the friendship among us. (not only引导的倒装句)

21. (2013·江西卷)多美好的一天呀!


Step 4 语篇活用



1. 诚恳致歉;

2. 解释意外经过;

3. 补救方法。


1. 可以适当增添细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数100左右。









Dear Claire,

I am writing to make a sincere apology to you for missing the English oral test this morning.

It happened as a result of an accident. This morning, I was knocked down by a motorbike on my way to school and I was sent to the nearest hospital. So I missed all the classes, the oral test included.

Actually, 1._________________________(你的课程如此有趣) that I've developed a deep love of speaking English. 2._________________________(是你的鼓励和引导让我取得了令人满意的进步). 3._________________________(虽然安排我们今天测试), I have made early preparations for it. 4._________________________(如果可能的话), would you please give me a chance to make it up? 5._________________________(如果这样的话), I will be grateful for that.

I'm so sorry to cause inconvenience for your work and looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
