
2021-01-13 00:58
红色文化学刊 2021年3期


Qi Weiping

Abstract:General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that the “two maintenances” should have a firm maintenance determination and maintenance ability, which has important theoretical and practical significance. “Two maintenances” are political issues, position issues, organizational issues. The political determination to safeguard the authority of the CPC Central Committee is the requirement to grasp the political direction, firmly follow the political road, distinguish the side between political right and wrong and adhere to the political principles. The political ability to safeguard the authority of the CPC Central Committee is the ability of political determination to be put into practice, so as to strengthen the political capacity to safeguard the authority of the CPC Central Committee with a focus on improving political judgment, political understanding and political executive power, which will help to firmly grasp the political determination. In order to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we must adhere to the Party’s political construction as the guiding principle, adhere to the unity of ideological consciousness and action consciousness and continuously improve the maintenance and maintenance ability of the “two maintenances”. Strong leadership from the CPC Central Committee is the key to an important matter in China. To unify the “two safeguards” in the overall practice of the Party, the state and the people’s cause are related to the interests of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country.


Li Danmeng

Abstract:The Propaganda and Thought Work of the Party is always placed in the important position of the Party’s overall work. Xi Jinping’s important discourse on the Party’s propaganda work provides important guidance for the Party’s propaganda and ideological work in the new era. Taking strategic position, principle and path selection as the logical starting point, Xi’s discourse reflects the resolute maintenance of the Party’s propaganda and ideology work to the Party Central Committee’s Authority. From the important grasp of the Party’s governance and the important means of the Party’s cohesion, the Party’s propaganda and ideological work is strategically positioned, which is the principle of the Party’s propaganda and ideological work to master the Party’s leadership over ideological work, adhere to the Party principle of press and public opinion work and arm the whole Party with the latest theoretical achievements of Marxism. We should do a good job in external propaganda work, promote the development of media and play the role of Party’s schools and universities from the scope of propaganda work, propaganda means and propaganda positions to maintain the Party Central Committee’s authority in the propaganda and ideology so as to provide a path countermeasure. Maintaining the authority of the CPC Central Committee in the Party’s propaganda and ideological work creates a good atmosphere of public opinion at home and abroad for the consolidation of the ruling position of the Communist Party of China.


Tang Zhengmang

Abstract:Taking the people as the center is the main theme line of the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong, as a typical and symbol of the Communist Party of China’s fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. Serving- the-people-wholeheartedly was his constant initial thought and eternal pursuit. He cared the common people all the time. All the people-centered speeches and actions in the history of the Communist Party of China’s century struggle can find genes and passwords in Mao Zedong. This is also a powerful spiritual impetus for the people of the whole country to continue to strive for and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream of the Chinese nation.


Yu Haojie Li Guoliang

Abstract:Reading the original Works of Marxism would lay a solid foundation for Mao Zedong to establish his Marxist belief. In comparing other non-Marxist ideas, founding cultural book clubs, organizing Hunan Russian Studies Association and founding theXiangjiang Review, Mao Zedong completed the transformation from radical democrat to intellectual with preliminary communist ideology to Marxism. After establishing his faith, Mao Zedong was determined to establish and lead the early organization of the Changsha Communist Party and became one of the main founders of the Communist Party of China. Mao Zedong’s understanding of the initial heart, firm faith and determination to carry out the course of the heart, which inspires us to remember the initial mission, firm ideals and beliefs, practice the purpose of the Party and strive to move forward. It has important practical significance.


Tan Sijia

Abstract:The great spirit of Party building originated in the founding practice of the Communist Party of China. As a core member of the early organization of the Communist Party of China, Chen Wangdao personally experienced the whole process of the early creation of the Communist Party of China, made comprehensive contributions to the creation of the Communist Party of China in ideological propaganda and organizational mobilization and provided vivid examples and vivid footnotes for the great Party building spirit of “adhering to the truth, adhering to the ideals, practicing the initial heart, assuming the mission, not afraid of sacrifice, heroic struggle, loyalty to the Party and being committed for the people”. Standing at the historical meeting point of “two hundred years”, going back to the historical origin of the Chinese revolution and revisiting, Chen Wangdao’s revolutionary practice will not only help to fully understand the history of the early founding of the Communist Party of China, but also help to accurately understand and grasp the rich connotation of the great Party building spirit before and after the founding of the Communist Party of China.


Xu Fengli

Abstract:The great spirit of the Party-building is the spiritual pattern bred by the Chinese Communist Party in 100-year struggle, with profound meaning and characteristics. It combines “changing” and “unchanged” and “same” and “different” in the space-time sequence to produce other spirits. Its theoretical logic is an annotation of the value of “why Marxism should be carried out”, the historical logic is an expression of the value of the Chinese Communists in adhering to their original intentions and missions, and the practical logic is a experience summary of the Chinese Communists in their struggle for survival and development. In order to become the vanguard force, young people must inherit the great spirit of Party-building, learn and practice in the dimensions of cognition, emotion and action and strive to become the doers, witnesses and participants in the irreversible historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, so as to realize the assimilation of personal value and social value.


Huang Weiliang

Abstract:During the period in the Central Soviet Region, Mao Zedong attached great importance to the work of the masses and formed the mass thought with the viewpoint of the masses, safeguarding the interests of the masses, organizing the masses and paying attention to the working methods of the masses as the core, which played an important role in consolidating the Soviet regime and strengthening the revolutionary forces. It is of great significance for practicing the Party’s initial mission to study Mao Zedong’s mass thought in the Central Soviet Region for carrying out the development thought centered on the people and striving to realize the people’s yearning for a better life.


Chen Lijuan Zhong Qinglu

Abstract:During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the Communist Party and the Red Army set up a propaganda system about the construction of the Central Soviet Region and the Revolutionary War, formulated propaganda norms, issued the Revolutionary Slogan and carried out effective slogan propaganda activities. These slogans are rich in variety, diverse in form and profound in connotation that record the creation, consolidation, development and the forced abandonment of the Central Soviet Region process, five “anti-envelopment” battles, the Long March breakout, three-year guerrilla war in the southern and other battles and “beating down the landlord, sharing the fields” in land revolution and other history. It witnessed the great feat of the Communist Party of China to save the country and the “Soviet spirit” of the important carrier and component. Paying great attention to propaganda work, adhering to people-centered idea, firmly establishing the sense of struggle, occupying ideological propaganda positions and other experiences have important enlightenment and reference significance for the current propaganda work.

TheHistoricalContextandTheoreticalSignificanceofXunwu Investigation

Zhou Jianhua

Abstract:It is the 90th anniversary of theXunwu Investigationup to now. It occurred long time ago, but its basic method of solving the problem, the spirit of seeking truth from facts is still time-honored and new. From Jinggangshan to the southwest of Fujian Province, the Red Fourth Army turned to the border area among the three provinces of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi. Choosing the superior instructions or the actual start of the revolutionary struggle in the dilemma, Mao Zedong did by means ofXunwu Investigationfind the Fourth Red Army’s marching direction and quickly mobilize the masses, expand the armed forces of workers and peasants, and thus consolidate and expand the Soviet region with the masses’ support.Xunwu Investigationwas a key step in the formation of the essence of Mao Zedong’s realistic thought.

AnAnalysisoftheInnerLogicofIdealandBeliefEducationinthe Socialist Development from the Fancy to Science

Tuo Jie

Abstract:The Socialist Development from the Fancy to Scienceis not only an introduction to scientific socialist theory, but also a brilliant document of Marxist ideal and belief education. Engels, in accordance with the “knowledge, feelings, meaning, faith, action” , gradually carried out ideal faith education the logical thinking to the workers of the masses. He, first of all, through the objective evaluation of the “three great idealists” thought established a scientific socialist theory of the preliminary understanding to expose the root cause of the working class and obtain the emotional resonance of the workers; Then, he instilled the sense of historical materialism, cultivate scientific thinking mode, lead the masses of workers to form a tenacious will to fight; Later, he clarified the “two inevitabilities”, drew a beautiful blueprint, firmed the courage and determination of the masses of workers to strive for the lofty ideals of communism; Finally, he pointed out the historical mission of the working class to realize the ultimate goal of ideal and belief education.


Shi Yongwei

Abstract:Dabieshan occupies an important position in the history of Chinese revolution, because it gave birth to an extraordinary red culture. To inherit and innovate Dabieshan’s red culture has important theoretical and practical significance with a certain realistic basis, although it is undeniable that there are still some challenges in inheriting innovation. In the process of heritage innovation, we should uphold the basic principles of protection priority, integrity, people-centered, local conditions and open cooperation , follow the combination of historical context and administrative division, the combination of national strategy and local bright spots, the combination of regional and integral red culture, the use of red culture and the protection of the display of the basic ideas and strengthen academic research, the implementation of the “five progress”, the development of new cultural industries, innovative cultural new ecology, unity of the spirit of Dabieshan in scientific expression. Finally, we should realize the overall goal of building Dabieshan into a demonstration area of red cultural heritage with significant national mark post.


Zhu Qiuju Sun Hao

Abstract:The red gene is passed through the century-long struggle of the Communist Party of China. It is the spiritual fulcrum for the Chinese Communist Party to lead the Chinese people to make steady progress and realize the great leap from standing up and become rich and be strong. At the beginning of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the red gene was rooted in the blood of the Chinese Communists and gave birth to the great spirit of the Party-building. In the process of inheriting the great Party-building spirit and the red gene, generations of Chinese Communists have made unremitting efforts for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and in the course of one hundred years of struggle, they have bred the revolutionary spirit and revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party of China, interpreted the initial heart and mission of the Communist Party of China, and demonstrated the political character and glorious image of the Communist Party of China. On the background of the new era, inheriting the red gene is conducive to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, enhance the cultural self-confidence of the Chinese nation and establish a correct view for the Party’s history.


Han Hongquan

Abstract:The Red Army Long March has a profound and far-reaching impact on China’s and the world’s history, with the written stories of the Long March shocking the world, It also cast the spirit of the Long March shining forever and sublimated rich culture of the Long March. The long march culture is a cultural form tobe generated and developed on the basis of the history of the Long March of the Red Army of Chinese workers, peasants and peasants and the remarkable linear cultural characteristics. The construction of the Long March cultural line is a major national project, which has important political, economic and cultural significance. Although the construction of the Long March cultural line has experienced decades of paving and accumulation, the formal introduction of time is not long and its innovation and development has a long way to go. To strengthen the construction of the cultural route of the Long March in the new era, we must take the red culture as the main line, take the work of relics protection as the traction, the red tourism as the focus, the rural revitalization as the opportunity, and the long-term as overall planning. We must grasp the key points, pay attention to the benefits, and truly form the overall advantage, fully highlight the contemporary significance and practical value of cultural line along the Long March.
