
2021-03-24 11:28李富华
广东教育·高中 2021年1期




3 Ways to Take on More Responsibility at Work

Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to take on more responsibility is a great way to grow in your career, enabling you to make real progress. So give yourself a challenge, and try these 3 ways to step up and let co-workers see you shine!

Become an Expert

Take in new knowledge continuously and stay ahead in your field. If youre seen as an expert in a particular subject, youre more likely to be needed for new projects coming up. When you find articles about your teams work, send them out the main content. Youll be helping all of your teammates look better and keep up with the latest industry news, which can gain you a lot of trust as a team player.

Think and Act Earlier

Sometimes you cant wait for someone else to give you the green light. Think ahead, and do what needs to be done before someone asks you(or someone else)to do it. Start with tasks that have been forgotten and volunteer to find solutions to them. Your work will be valued. Mind you, keep your boss timely posted!

Start With the Fun things

Sign up for extra-curricular activities, be it the softball team or the body-building club. Show your leadership skills there and get to know more people at work as a first step towards working responsibility. Plus, it can be good for your co-workers to get to know you outside of your working environment.

1. What is an important way to achieve career growth?

A. To push yourself.

B. To make real progress.

C. To be more responsible.

D. To challenge others to debates.

2. What should be your first step to think and act earlier?

A. To get the undone done voluntarily.

B. To rush a red light.

C. To tell your boss everything you know.

D. To wait for your boss agreement.

3. How can you get your co-workers to know you outside work?

A. By talking about fun topics.

B. By stepping in their work.

C. By knowing more about them.

D. By joining in extra-curricular activities.


As a parent, you may have to put up with your childs tiring extracurricular activity schedule to provide him with the chance to explore a hobby and develop life skills. While extracurricular activities can surely be a good way for your kid to improve himself, they can also seriously influence the quality of his childhood.

School Performance May Become Worse

One of the problems brought by too many extracurricular activities is that your childs grades can begin to fall, according to psychologist Tom Ferraro, Ph.D. When time for sleep and homework is reduced, it is almost unavoidable that schoolwork quality becomes worse. While your child is in school, keeping focus on grades is his most important job. If extracurricular activities begin to take over his life, he could even risk not graduating from high school.

Loss of Other Fun

Just like adults, your kid is often attracted to a particular activity. If he overly prefers an extracurricular activity, he could become addicted to it. He will find it hard to quit and find no time for things more suitable for him, for example, experiencing outdoor adventures and reading the great works of literature recommended by some editors.

Medical Problems

Obviously, too many extracurricular activities may invite physical problems—say, if your child is too tired in ballet practice and completes a movement incorrectly—sickness and tiredness. High expectations from himself, you, friends, the challenges and teachers can also lead to health problems.

Finding a Balance

If you still want to put your kid in an extracurricular activity, focus on a balance between school and time for the family and relaxation. Experts found that, of the 10,000 15- and 16-year-old U.S. children, those who had extracurricular activities not more than 1.5 hours per day actually showed more good academic results.

4. For whom is the passage written?

A. Teachers.

B. Parents.

C. Grandparents.

D. Youths.

5. What might Tom Ferraro support?

A. Homework should be reduced.

B. Grades shouldnt be the most important thing for kids.

C. Kids shouldnt have too many extracurricular activities.

D. Kids should join in more extracurricular activities.

6. What is the problem with a kid who is a game addict?

A. He will lose other fun.

B. He will be physically sick.

C. He cant graduate from high school.

D. His school performance will get worse.

7. How many hours at most do experts recommend kids to spend on extracurricular activities every week?

A. 1.5 hours.   B. 8.5 hours.   C. 15 hours.    D. 10.5 hours.


Troubled Teens: Confusing Years

In the past, people thought that teens behaviour during the teenage years was directly connected to physical changes they start to experience at the age of 12, which makes them feel strange with their body changes and confuses them. Today, adolescence(青春期)is thought to start with the first time children want to try doing things on their own, sometime as early as the age of 3.

If teenagers seem confused to you, it is mainly because they have reached a point in their life when they need to decide who they are, what they think, what they like or hate, what their beliefs are and what they want to be later on in life. These decisions are difficult. I know many adults who have not completed that task yet, so this is not easy for a 12-year-old to do, although they are expected to know something about it.

One of the challenges parents have to face when dealing with the young generation is that they do not really understand what is so confusing about life. It is mainly because they have forgotten their thoughts and feelings during that time in their own life. Some parents become unfamiliar with these thoughts when they no longer have to deal with them. Some consider their own teen behavior as something shameful and avoid dealing with it. Only the brave parents keep these memories to make sure they will not repeat their parents “mistakes”.

Around the age of 10, beliefs that were part of childrens identity are now like a broken plate and they need to put the pieces together and achieve a peaceful mind. Kids with high with a high EQ(情商)can do that, but most cannot, so they have to ask for help from those who have been there and done that.

8. What marks the start of adolescence today?

A. The age of three.

B. The strange feeling about the body.

C. The first time to try to do things independently.

D. The first experience in physical changes.

9. What might be a difficult decision for teenagers?

A. To decide on what to wear.

B. To complete the tasks given to them.

C. To accept what others think of them.

D. To think about what to do in the future.

10. What is difficult for parents when dealing with their kids?

A. To understand their kids.

B. To forget their own feelings.

C. To focus on the past.

D. To face their past behavior.

11. What happens to kids around age 10 according to the last paragraph?

A. They cant get help from the old generation.

B. They cant believe what they used to believe.

C. They have to learn how to repair broken plates.

D. They need to think about how to achieve more.


“Everyone procrastinates(拖延). Its part of the human condition,”says procrastination researcher Tim Pychyl, a psychology professor at Carleton University.“One of the ways we deal with things is to avoid, and thats what procrastination comes down to: We want to feel good now.”

Research has shown that the top tasks people often put off are cleaning up, advancing their careers, taking care of their health, and managing their money. At the end of the day—or month!—most people get their tasks done on time, but around 20 percent are serious procrastinators at home and at work. One big reason for them is fear of failure, of not living up to expectations.

Kelli Saginak, a 57-year-old health coach from Wisconsin, procrastinated about looking for a new job for years. Not being able to take action only makes her believe that she would never do any better.“Its totally fear of judgment,”says Saginak.“If I dont take the risk, decide, or make effort, I dont have to face the judgment. Yet its simply me judging myself.”

Some people take procrastination for granted, believing that they thrive under pressure. Researchers, however, have the very opposite results.“I did an experiment several years ago, putting procrastinators under time limit,”says Joseph Ferrari, a psychology professor at DePaul University.“Although they had their excellent self-evaluation afterwards, they actually did worse than non-procrastinators. They made more mistakes and took longer time.”Whatever the reason, procrastination is usually not going to be good for you.

12. What causes procrastination according to Tim Pychyl?

A. To follow others.

B. To avoid trouble.

C. To keep feeling good.

D. To delay the work.

13. Why didnt Kelli Saginak look for a job for years?

A. Because she could do nothing.

B. Because she was unhealthy.

C. Because she was too old.

D. Because she feared to be judged.

14. What does the underlined word“thrive”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Perform poorly.

B. Perform well.

C. Perform normally.

D. Fail to perform.

15. What is the best title of the text?

A. Why people procrastinate?

B. How to avoid procrastination?

C. What is procrastination?

D. Who procrastinates?


As a comparison to our efforts towards success, we often expect much more and want success to knock at our doors very soon.     16    . Great people, however, would continue to challenge themselves. Nothing could ever stop them on their ways to success.

17    . The company was started with only two persons in a garage(车库). In 1985, this great founder was fired from the company which he had started. However, he never quit it. Knowing his ability and taste in movie industry, he focused on movie making and came back with Pixar, the tycoon(巨头)in cartoon production.

Bill Gates started a business known as Traf-O-Data in 1970, which was one of the biggest failures in his life.     18    . But for Gates, it was more important to learn the lessons from failures than to earn money. In 1975, he successfully set up a biggest software company with the brand name‘Microsoft.

Albert Einstein once said that someone who has never failed cannot truly be a successful person. During childhood, he suffered from continuous failures.     19    , after which he was expelled (开除)from the school. His dream to Zurich Polytechnic School was also not realised. But, through endless efforts, he proved himself as a gifted person in science and finally won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

J. K. Rowling is known for the best-selling Harry Potter books. In a speech at Harvard, she talked about her unsuccessful marriage life and a jobless situation. It was such a difficult situation without a life partner and a job to survive that forced her to start a new life as a writer.      20     .

A. All his money went to nothing

B. Her works finally led her to success

C. Yet, she kept on improving her writing

D. He couldnt speak fluently till age nine

E. If this does not happen, we often become sad

F. Vincent Van Gogh died at an early age of only 37 years old

G. Steve Jobs is known as the father of Apple, one of the biggest companies




1. C 从第一段第一句话Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to take on more responsibility is a great way to grow in your career可知,挑战自我以承担更多责任是职业成长的好方法,故选C项。

2. A 从第三段Start with tasks that have been forgotten and volunteer to find solutions to them可知,早点思考并行动的第一步是把被遗忘的任务积极主动完成,故选A项。

3. D 从最后一段可知,参加业余活动可以让同事们了解工作环境之外的你,故选D项。



4. B 由文章首句“As a parent,you ...”和全文的人称代词you或your kids可知,该文是寫给家长的。

5. C 由第二段第一句One of the problems brought by too many extracurricular activities is that your childs grades can begin to fall, according to psychologist Tom Ferraro, Ph.D.可知,Tom Ferraro认为太多的课外活动会影响学生的成绩,由此可以推断出Tom Ferraro不支持过多的课外活动,故选C项。

6. A 由第三段的小标题Loss of Other Fun及第三句He will find it hard to quit and find no time for things more suitable for him, for example, experiencing outdoor adventures and reading the great works of literature recommended by some editors可知,任何一项吸引孩子以致其上瘾的活动,都会导致孩子没有时间去参与其它活动,会使其错失其它的乐趣,故选A项。

7. D 由最后一段中的those who had extracurricular activities not more than 1.5 hours per day actually showed more good academic results可知每天的课外活动时间最好不要超过1.5小时,每周不要超过10.5小时,故选D项。



8. C 由第一段第二句Today, adolescence is thought to start with the first time children want to try doing things on their own可知,如今人们认为青春期从孩子们第一次尝试独立做事开始,故选C项。

9. D 由第二段第一、二句If teenagers seem confused to you, it is mainly because they have reached a point in their life when they need to decide who they are, what they think, what they like or hate, what their beliefs are and what they want to be later on in life. These decisions are difficult可知,决定自己是谁、想什么、喜欢什么或讨厌什么、信仰什么以及在以后的生活中想要成为什么样的人是青少年们觉得困难的决定。选项D包含在what they want to be later on in life之中,故选D项。

10. A 通过第三段第一句One of the challenges parents have to face when dealing with their kids is that they do not really understand what is so confusing about life可知,父母在解决孩子问题是最大的挑战就是不知道他们因什么而困惑,故选A项。

11. B 由最后一段第一句Around the age of 10, beliefs that were part of childrens identity are now like a broken plate and they need to put the pieces together and achieve a peaceful mind可知,10岁左右,过去相信的东西现在看上去如同一个破碎的盘子,他们需要把这些碎片拼起来,以获得内心的平静。意即,他们现在不再相信过去他们曾经相信的东西。故选B项。



12. C 从第一段的One of the ways we deal with things is to avoid, and thats what procrastination comes down to: We want to feel good now可知,Tim Pychyl认为我们应对事情的方法之一是逃避,其实质是,我们想要感觉良好,故选C项。

13. D 从第三段Saginak的引语Its totally fear of judgment可知,Saginak多年来迟迟拖延找工作,是因为恐惧外界评价,故选D项。

14. B 因“thrive”一词所在的句子表达的是拖延者的自我评价,和下一句的研究人员的结果相反,下文对实验的详述表明拖延者的工作品质更差,因此可知,拖延者的自我评价应该很好,因此选择表达褒义的B项。

15. A第一段末句thats what procrastination comes down to: We want to feel good now, 第二段末句One big reason for them is fear of failure, of not living up to expectations, 第三段Its totally fear of judgment, 第四段首句Some people take procrastination for granted, believing that they thrive under pressure分层阐述拖延原因,第四段的最后一句对全文进行总结Whatever the reason, procrastination is usually not going to be good for you,说明文章围绕人们为什么拖延层层展开,故选A项。


clean up 打扫(或清除)干净

advance /?藜d?謖vɑ:ns/ n. 前进;发展

vi. 前进;发展vt. 发展;促进

title /?謖taItl/ n.(書、诗歌等的)名称;标题;职称;头衔



16. E 选项E的代词this和we与前面一句的代词和句意保持一致,在逻辑上,该选项和下一句构成转折。

17. G 后面一句的主语the company承接选项G的关键词Apple, one of the biggest companies;且选项G的中心词Steve Jobs和本段内容一致。

18. A 选项A为前文business failure的结果,并且关键词money与后面一句的money是原词复现。

19. D 该空上下文讲的是爱因斯坦遭受的一系列挫折,选项D的句意和主语he均和上下文一致。

20. B 选项B的关键词works符合上文的writer的语境,人称代词her和上文一致,句意上表达J.K.罗琳的努力使她走向成功,和上文J.K.罗琳的努力自然承接。


fluent /flu:nt/ adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的

责任编辑 蒋小青
