Laughter Keeps Your Team Connected笑声拉近团队关系

2021-07-12 10:01J.斯图尔特·布莱克
英语世界 2021年6期


Video conferencing has been around1 for more than 20 years. Until the pandemic, though, you would find that many if not most people needing to attend a meeting remotely would be calling from a real conference room full of their teammates. Today, were routinely holding video conferences that are 100% virtual. And that introduces a problem technology cant fix.

The problem is us, specifically the fact that we havent evolved socially—or even neurologically—to the point where we can bear much isolation. So much of our well being, and by extension2 what makes us productive, is predicated on physical proximity, that the removal of that proximity for any period of time can be severely damaging. One surprising casualty of social distancing? Laughter.

Normally people laugh about 18 times per day. And 97% of that time were laughing with others—we are 30 times more likely to laugh with others than to laugh alone. Think about it: When was the last time you had a funny thought alone and laughed at it out loud? Now think a bit more: How often when you laugh and your friends laugh at something, is that something actually funny? It may surprise, but research shows that 80% of what people laugh at is really not that funny.

So why do people laugh? They laugh because others laugh. They laugh in order to laugh with others. Just as everyone starts yawning when just one person yawns, most people cant help but laugh when those around them do. This is why comedy shows on TV have prerecorded laugh tracks.

Laughing in response to other people laughing is not just a behavioral phenomenon. When we laugh, our body releases two key chemicals. First, our pituitary gland3 releases endorphins4 into our blood where they make their way into the brain and spine. Endorphins are polypeptides5 that interact with opioid receptors in the brain to help relieve pain and trigger feelings of pleasure. In fact, studies show that people can endure 15% more pain simply by laughing for a few minutes beforehand.

Second, when we laugh, our brain releases dopamine6—a neurotransmitter7 that creates a sense of euphoria8. Dopamine can enhance learning, motivation, and attention. In fact, the overall health benefits of laughter and the neurochemicals involved include improved immune functioning, stress relief, increased tolerance for pain, improved cardiovascular health, reduced anxiety, sense of safety, and improved mood. Laughter is also associated with higher motivation and productivity at work. Which brings us back to Covid-19.

The isolation we have imposed on ourselves to combat the pandemic is severely curtailing social interaction, leading to decreased laughter, and a consequent reduction in beneficial chemicals that our bodies need. To make matters worse, the associated stress and fear we are experiencing alone is pushing our biochemicals in the wrong direction. When we are under threat, danger, or stress, our body releases cortisol9, a glucocorticoids10 hormone produced in the adrenal glands11 on top of each kidney, into the bloodstream. Most cells within the body have cortisol receptors, so its effects are widespread. Too much cortisol can result in weight gain, headaches, irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and high blood pressure.

So, what can you do as a team leader to mitigate these effects? When taking on12 the job, you might not have thought that it would be your job to influence the body and brain chemistry of your subordinates. But in todays home-alone, virtual team world, thats exactly what you should be doing: for your team members to stay healthy and productive, you need to get them to laugh more and stress less. Does that mean that you need to become a comedian? Not at all. But it does mean that you need to take deliberate steps to foster some laughter. Here are five concrete steps you can take to do that:

1. Slow down. Most leaders feel that they need to make every virtual interaction as fast and efficient as possible. When virtual interaction is all people have, this is a mistake. In these times of isolation, an important part of a leaders job is to socially, psychologically, and emotionally connect and reconnect the team and not just get work done. Laughter is one of the best ways to keep a team emotionally connected. But you need to give it time and space, even if you have to put off some of the actual work.

2. Get the video working. Humans are amazingly good at reading both visual and auditory clues and cues13 when it comes to14 laughter. The more channels you can give them to give and read cues the better. For that reason, make sure that all your people can and do attend via video, because that will increase the cue-flow for laughter.

3. Smile a lot and talk in a slightly higher voice. People naturally look to15 the leader of a meeting for signals as to what is okay in terms of behavior, including permission to laugh. The simplest and strongest facial signal that laughter is okay is a genuine smile. The key auditory cue is the pitch16 of your voice. Almost regardless of culture, a slightly higher pitch in your voice signals that you want to set a lighter rather than more serious tone for your group.

4. Set the example. Because like a yawn, laughter sparks laughter, perhaps nothing is more powerful in generating some laughter in your team than laughing yourself. However, just as people can generally differentiate between genuine and fake smiles, they can tell the difference between a real and a forced laugh—which leads to the final recommendation.

5. Get in the mood yourself. You need to start with your own chemistry ahead of any meeting. Its easier to keep laughter (and its neurochemicals) going than it is to start cold17 in front of all the faces on your Zoom page. Ideally get yourself laughing—even for just a few seconds—in advance. Id advise watching a funny video just before the meeting starts.

One day, when we find a vaccine for the coronavirus, well be able get back to more natural social interactions. But it is very likely that even after the crisis is over, more people will work more often from home alone, which means the laughter issue is here to stay—because no matter how much better the tech gets, social behavior and neurochemistry evolve over thousands of years. Since that pace is unlikely to accelerate suddenly over the two, 20, or even 200 years, leaders are going to have to get good at making laughter happen.









1. 慢下来。大多数领导都觉得他们应当尽可能快速高效地进行每一次虚拟交流。在人们只能进行虚拟交流时,追求速度是错误的。当此隔离时期,领导者的一项重要工作是从社交、心理和情感方面反复强化团队成员间的联系,而不仅仅是完成任务。笑声是联系团队情感的最佳方式之一。但你要为此留出时间和空间,哪怕不得不推迟一些实际工作。

2. 发挥视频的作用。说到笑声,人类特别善于领会视觉和听觉上的线索和信号。你给他们提供传递和领会信号的渠道越多越好。为此,要确保团队的所有成员都能够真正通过视频参与进来,因为这会增加引发笑声的信号传播。

3. 多多微笑,声调略高。人们自然会留意会议主导者发出的信号,据此判断什么行为是适当的,包括是否允许发笑。鼓励笑声最简单也是最有力的面部表情信号,是真诚的微笑。听觉上的主要暗示是你的音调。几乎不论何种文化,略微提高你的音调都表示你想为团队设定比较轻松而非更为严肃的调子。

4. 树立榜样。要在你的团队中引发笑声,可能没有比你自己先笑更有效的方法了,因为这就好比打哈欠,笑声才能激起笑声。然而,正如人们一般都能区分真诚的微笑和虚假的微笑,他们也能分辨出真心的大笑和勉强的大笑——由此引出下述最后一点建议。

5. 调动情绪。在任何会议前,你都要先开启自己的“化学反应”。面对视频会议软件Zoom界面上的所有面孔,让笑声(及其神经化学物质)持续不断,比贸然开始更容易。最好自己先笑起来,哪怕只有几秒钟也好。我建议在会议即将开始前看一段搞笑视频。


