观念改变一切It’s All About Ideas

2021-07-12 10:01林巍
英语世界 2021年6期












Although the most influential figures and inventions periodically appear in domestic and foreign media, the most powerful thing in changing the world is, so at least it seems to me, ideas. It has been the same in all ages.

In the West, the word “idea” ori-ginated from the Greek iδ?α, meaning to observe or understand. Since the 14th century, the term has been used to denote “ideal type”. Ideas, in a simple definition, are thus key words and essential elements to present a typified thought. The socialization of ideas will result in social action and social reform.

Typical examples can be found in the 15th century Europe, where the famous Renaissance was caused by a renewed understanding of humans. The profound analysis and rational knowledge of Enlightenment thinkers in the West, represented by Locke, Smith, Voltaire, Rousseau and Diderot, bred the Industrial Revolution, commodity economy and constitutionalism in Europe and America.

However, in Germany of the 1940s, a distorted idea of Darwinism possessed Hitlers head—eliminating all the “inferior ethnicities” from the earth at all cost—and resulted in the massacre of over 6 million Jewish people, while the world sacrificed a great deal as well. As some western scholars point out, at certain crucial junctures in history, several pages of ideas are capable of turning the world upside down, or even destroying it.

In Chinas history, two great events introducing foreign ideas to the country transformed Chinese culture: One was the introduction of Buddhist ideas, reconstituting the cultural landscape with Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism. The other emerged from the trend of “the eastward transmission of western learning”, which gave rise to the strategy of “employing western techniques based on Chinese Culture”, initiating the process of connecting Chinese society with the modern international community.

A classic example is the term ke xue (science), which was part of classical Chinese, referring to classified subjects and the eight-part essay examination, but had nothing to do with the idea of “science” in the West. In translating the western concept, the term ge zhi had always been used from the late-Ming to the late-Qing Dynasty before it was replaced by ke xue in its modern sense, as a result of the increasing exchanges of science and technology between China and the West. Correspondingly, the abolition of imperial examinations, the establishment of schools of western learning, the Westernization Movement, the Hundred Days Reform, and the New Culture Movement followed.

Sticking to the traditional idea of ruling the country, the Empress Dowager Cixi considered the Hundred Days Reform in 1898 extremely offensive and to be bloodily suppressed. Ten years later, however, having gone through the bullying and humiliation from foreign powers, revolutionary revolts, the Constitutional Movement as well as an investigation trip abroad by five ministers of the monarchy, the Empress Dowager gradually accepted the modern idea of government (if only in part), and issued the Imperial Constitution Outline, which was substantially more progressive than the previous proposals of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao (two representative personages of the Hundred Days Reform) in the areas of political and legal systems, the economy, the military, education and so on. Pitifully, history did not allow enough time for her to accomplish these reforms before her death.

In 1978, the mass debate on “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.” was widely launched, emancipating people tremendously from their ideological confinement, hence the enormous outcome of the “reform and opening up to the outside world”.

As far as the relations between man and nature are concerned, human beings did not establish their knowledge and wisdom, so to speak, until their proper position was located in the universe. By the same token, global warming and biological diversity capture our attention only after we have altered the way we approach nature from “mans fixed purpose is superior to Heaven” and “supremacy over all” to a more balanced view of the universe, to treat it as an interdependent, interactive and dynamic system.

In todays increasingly globalized world, we should not only view the world from Chinas perspective but view China with a global vision. In that way, many wiser decisions will be made using such transformed ideas.