On the Importance of English Teaching in Modern Ballet

2021-07-28 07:03WangHaobo
速读·中旬 2021年1期

Wang Haobo

◆Abstract:This paper mainly discusses the importance of combining modern ballet teaching with English teaching and its positive and negative reactions. This paper analyzes whether students in different regions of China have the ability to carry out relevant courses and the current situation of modern ballet and English teaching in China.

◆Key words:ballet, modern ballet, ballet English teaching

Modern ballet is one of the categories of ballet in the new era. While inheriting the traditional elegance of classical ballet, it has the courage to break the shackles of the old style and add elements of modern dance, which has a unique style.

When modern ballet enters the classroom from the stage, the most realistic education method is to use English teaching. The combination of modern ballet and English teaching is a remarkable advantage of the development of liberal arts education in China. Of course, the development of ballet foreign language classes also has some shortcomings.

1 Merits

First of all, the combination of English teaching and modern ballet courses is conducive to creating an atmosphere of foreign language communication, so that students can adapt to the teaching method combining dance and English more quickly. At the same time, it can improve students' English listening and speaking ability, and improve their language ability while learning art.

Second, the use of foreign language teaching in modern ballet class is conducive to students to experience the charm of foreign culture more intuitively. Pure and authentic western art and culture can effectively enhance students' artistic aesthetic level.

Thirdly, the combination of modern ballet class and English teaching can help students learn to respect other cultures while choosing the essence and discarding the dross. On the premise of educating students to learn and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, we should recognize the excellent culture of other countries.

Finally, to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with foreign teachers and gradually promote the integration of modern ballet class and foreign language teaching is conducive to the establishment of good ethnic friendship. Promote cultural exchanges and cooperation between different countries and regions, play a positive role in training outstanding talents, and achieve mutual assistance and win-win results.

2 Faults

First of all, to achieve foreign language teaching in dance, various coordination and cooperation are needed. For example, we need to invite foreign teachers of modern ballet to teach. If there is no relevant policy support, the relevant course fee will be higher than the normal course fee. This will leave some students unable to pay.

Moreover, there are few institutions that can teach modern ballet and English at the same time. Most of them are in universities with arts majors or well-known training institutions in economically developed areas. So the number of students is relatively limited.

To sum up, the use of English in modern ballet teaching is a bold and avant-garde act, which has more advantages than disadvantages. The author believes that the proper development of such courses will help promote the two-way cultural input between Chinese modern ballet and English.

The present situation of ballet teaching abroad in China

Through the research of existing literature and the investigation of local educational institutions, the investigation and classification of the status quo of applied English teaching for modern ballet in China are summarized as follows.

3 Development status of economically developed areas

Due to the superior comprehensive conditions in economically developed areas, the application of English teaching in modern ballet courses is characterized by a large number of educators, wide coverage and high level of teachers. This is also the most important reason for the smooth development of modern ballet and English teaching classes in economically developed areas. In addition, people in these areas have a strong ability to accept the combination of modern ballet class and English teaching, and they trust the teaching methods of foreign teachers. This makes the development of related courses more smooth.

4 Development status of economically backward areas

In economically disadvantaged areas, a shortage of teachers haunts the use of English in modern ballet teaching. This is the result of poor local economic conditions and weak infrastructure. At the same time, people in these regions are less receptive to new things and have less trust in foreign professors. This is one of the main reasons for the scarcity and partial coverage of local courses.

Conclusion: To sum up, it is very important to combine modern ballet curriculum with English teaching. Under the current national conditions, how to develop the curriculum more effectively is a question that all dance workers should think about.

Introduction to the author

Wang Haobo, male, was born in Handan, Hebei Province in June 1994. He is a graduate student in the Conservatory of music of Qingdao University. His research direction is national folk song and dance performance and teaching.