The 10th National Stone Appreciation Day

2021-08-28 08:17
宝藏 2021年7期

On August 29,an art performance with the theme of "Celebrating the centennial of the founding of the party and singing the song of stone appreciation" was held in Beijing to celebrate the Centennial glory of the party,promote the culture of stone appreciation and promote the development of the industry.

From August 29 to September 29,in Beijing,Li Keran and Li Keran co-hosted the joint exhibition of stone appreciation,calligraphy and painting with the theme of "stone painting and painting stone".The joint exhibition will mainly display the fine viewing stones with red theme and the picture stones reflecting the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and the beautiful scenery of the motherland,as well as the real works of Li Keran and the paintings of famous painters of Li Keran Painting Academy.