
2021-09-28 22:08赵柏松吴军金赛芬宋兴荣
中国现代医生 2021年22期

赵柏松 吴军 金赛芬 宋兴荣

[关键词] ORSIM模拟器;规培医师;纤支镜;实践研究;困难气道

[中图分类号] R-4          [文献标识码] B          [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)22-0156-05

Research on the practice of ORSIM simulator to improve the operation ability of fiberoptic bronchoscope for standardized training physicians

ZHAO Baisong   WU Jun   JIN Saifen   SONG Xingrong

Department of Anesthesiology,Guangzhou Women and Children′s Medical Center,Guangdong,Guangzhou   510623,China

[Abstract] Difficult airway refers to the difficulty of face mask ventilation or intubation by anesthesiologists who have received professional training,and improper treatment will lead to the death of patients.Previous research has confirmed that fiberoptic bronchoscope is the most effective method to deal with difficult airway,which helps to reduce the incidence of improper airway treatment.However,it is found that anesthesiologists can′t skillfully use fiberoptic bronchoscope to deal with difficult airway.The reason is that they are short of clinically practical experience,few cases of difficult airway and emergencies.Therefore,it is impossible to give enough opportunities for standardized training physicians.Optical remote sensing imagery (ORSIM) simulator is a kind of portable virtual fiberoptic bronchoscope simulator with high simulation.Standardized training physicians with ORSIM simulator can improve their operation ability of fiberoptic bronchoscope.However,there is little research on how to train anesthesiologists to use ORSIM simulator to improve their ability to cope with difficult airway.According to this,the following scientific hypothesis is put forward.Through group training,the ORSIM simulator group is more skilled than the conventional manikin group in using fiberoptic bronchoscope.Meanwhile,the former group has lower failure rate of endotracheal intubation and can deal with difficult airway more opportunely and effectively than the latter group.This project intends to explore the optimal teaching and training scheme using ORSIM simulator and incorporate specific training methods into the anesthesia training system,so as to ultimately improve the ability of training anesthesiologists to cope with difficult airway.

[Key words] ORSIM simulator; Standardized training physicians; Fiberoptic bronchoscope; Practical research; Difficult airway

