
2021-12-23 04:23郭晓娟
走向世界 2021年49期








Populus euphratica, also known as swamp poplar, hero tree, desert poplar, and three-leaf tree, is one of the oldest tree species in the world. As a fossil plant, it has a strong vitality, and is highly tolerant of cold, drought, salt and alkali, as well as sandstorms. Thus, it is praised as the “Backbone of the Desert”. Located in the depths of the Gobi Desert, Ejin Banner has one of the world’s three extant populus euphratica forests with natural river courses.

Leaves of three shapes, maple, poplar and willow, can grow on a populus euphratica tree. So it is also known as “Three-Leaf Tree”. The peculiarity of its leaves is because of its growth in an extremely arid desert area. To adapt to the arid environment, it has long and narrow leaves like willow leaves on twigs, but plump leaves like polar leaves on mature branches.

The period from late September to mid-October is the most gorgeous period of the Ejin Populus Euphratica Forest. Looking around, you can see numerous populus euphratica trees releasing life energy without scruple, beautifully decorating the desert, and forming a golden sea, with golden reflections in the river.

The lifespan of a populus euphratica tree is around 300 years, not more than 500 years. To absorb water, the taproot of a populus euphratica tree can extend six meters underground; its lateral roots like a closely woven net have a length of a few dozen meters, clinging to sandy soil when taking root. Even if it falls down, the environment of drought, water shortage and sun exposure could inhibit the activity of microorganisms, and slow down its natural decay process to preserve its previous image.

Though dead, they are still sturdy. Though prostrate on the ground, with broken branches, they still show an unyielding spirit... Standing before them, you may marvel at the magnificence and eternity of life, and comprehend, “Without seeing populus euphratica, you will not know the grandeur of scenery; without seeing populus euphratica, you will not know the splendor of life.”

哪项世界遗产被 誉为“中华民族不 屈的脊梁”