2022年中考英语 综合复习题(一)

2022-04-04 19:26
中学生英语·中考指导版 2022年3期




A)单项选择从 A尧B尧C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)

(  )1. Smile at the world, _______ the world will smile back to you.

A. but  B. and C. or

(   )2.—We _______ very simply at home and do not spend a lot of money on


—Thats why youre called the Greens.

A. ate  B. eat  C. will eat

(  )3.—What good books did you read recently?

—I _______  since last year, and now the third time.

A. readB. am reading  C. have read

(  )4.—Beautifully done! You didnt make a single mistake.


A. Thank youB. Of course C. All right

(   )5.—It is often _______ to have your parents in the room when important news

is expected.

—I cant agree more. Their being here makes me less worried.

A. peacefulB. harmful C. helpful

(  )6.—This printing machine looks good. Ill buy it.

—You have a great eye. If it _______ break down within the first three months, we will change it for a new one.

A. would B. shouldC. could

(   )7. The young man from _______ European country has stayed in the room for



A. a; an  B. an; a  C. an; an

(  )8.—Are you going camping this afternoon?

—A typhoon is coming. Im not sure _______ the road to the mountains willbe closed.

A. which B. what  C. whether

(  )9. A year is divided intomonths. August is themonth of the


A. twelve; eightB. twelve; eighth C. twelfth; eight

(  )10.—Dad, I think Im very interested in nature, but I canttell _______.

—It doesntmatter, Bob. I will help you find out the truth.

A. where was this kind of plant found

B. when will UFOs appear next time

C. how elephants communicate

B)完形填空閱读短文,掌握其大意,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,每小题1分)

When my sisters  brother and I were little, we took(小睡). We did not haveto sleep every time, but we were expected to go to our rooms and be 11   for at least an hour.

The summer I was seven, I was12  to take my naps in a tree in the garden. Everybody knew I liked being outside better than anything. I had a favorite apple tree in the garden, the place I went to when I wanted to be alone and peaceful. This tree became my“naptree”even though I never13  fell asleep in it.gzslib202204041937

During my nap times, I pretended to sleep in the tree, the way a bird sits. I learned  to  keep  still  enough  that  the  small  animals who  always  visited,  such  as sparrows, came to14  in the tree the same way they always had.

One afternoon I15  the tree as usual, and placed my feet carefully until I was comfortable. Then I searched the leaves for whatever animal might be in the tree and was surprised to meet a wide-eyed(貓头鹰)  16  at me. The owl just stayed for one second before it lifted its wings and dropped away into space. I just watched it go, hoping it would return.

After that, I climbed into the tree every day hoping to see the owl. Several times it flew close, but17 when it saw me.

I began to spend more than my usual nap hour in the tree. I imagined I would make myself so natural to the tree that the owl would not be nervous of my being there. I tried my best to make the owl believe that it was18 to come back.

One day the owl did return, and this time it19 . The owl landed on a thick  (树枝). She folded her wings and became calm. We20 the tree as if we had done so all our lives. That was a real fantastic experience that I will never forget.

()11. A. awake                     B. quiet                 C. calm

()12. A. allowed            B. requested           C. ordered

()13. A. finally                     B. suddenly           C. actually

()14. A. arrive               B. rest                   C. search

()15. A. checked            B. visited               C. climbed

()16. A. crying                     B. laughing            C. staringgzslib202204041937

()17. A. got off             B. ran off                     C. flew off

()18. A. safe                 B. easy                  C. lucky

()19. A. stayed                     B. lasted                C. appeared

()20. A. protected          B. shared               C. hugged




How  can  kids  become  heroes ? Do  they  have  to  save  the  world ? No .Tobecome  a  hero ,  kids just have to think  about what  others need  and find  a wayto help . Katie Stagliano is one of those hero kids .

Katie  loved  to  garden . When  she  was 9 ,  she(收获)  a  hugecabbage  which  weighed 40 pounds . The  cabbage  was  far  bigger  than  what  herfamily needed , so she thought about what to do with it .

She  knew  that  there  were  lots  of hungry  people  in  South  California ,  whereshe  lived . So  she  decided  to  donate  her  huge  cabbage  to  a  soup  kitchen . It turned out that her kind (捐赠) helped feed more than 275 people .

Then  Katie  thought  about  other(园艺爱好者) who  had  morevegetables than they could eat .

Suddenly ,  she  saw  a  way  to  solve  both  problems . Katie  realized  that  shecould  help  fight  against  hunger  by  encouraging  kids  to  plant  vegetable  gardensand donate their harvest to hungry people . That s how Katie s Krops was born .

Katie says , “My dream is that there are no hungry people .”To make that dream come true , Katie got her whole school involved . The students planted a huge  garden ,  but  Katie  knew  she  could  do  more . She turned  to  anorganization(组织) called Fields to Families, which sent a master gardener to help.gzslib202204041937

“Its  so  great  to  help  people ,”Katie  adds,  but  kids  dont have  to  grow huge cabbages. If they could grow“even one vegetable plant and donate it to a local  soup  kitchen ,  we  could  make  a  huge  difference  in  the  fight  againsthunger ”.

Its  been  several  years  since  Katie  Stagliano  started  work  on  her  dream.Today ,  more  than 60 gardens  around  the  United  States  are  being  grown  bykids. Young  gardeners  have  donated  tens  of  thousands  of  pounds  of  freshvegetables to stop hunger .

Sadly, many people are still hungry. However, Katies Krops and hundreds ofchild gardeners are planting and harvesting to change that.

(   )21. Katie Stagliano wanted to help those hungry people .

(    )22. Katies duty to help the poor made her start to help hungry people .

(    )23. Katie asked an organization for help.

(    )24. The underlined words“got her whole  school  involved”in the  passagemean“offered all her money to the students”.

(    )25. Katie Stagliano s Dream can be a good title for the passage.


(  )26. The material above is probably _______.

A. an instructionB. a news report  C. an advertisement

(  )27.“Social”in the material refers to _______.

A. an event at which people can meet and enjoy themselves

B. an event in which people try to win a prize by being the best

C. a sale in which the things are sold to the person who will pay most

(  )28. The material offers information mainly to people who _______.

A. sell ice-creamB. run restaurantsC. like sweet foods

(  )29. In the Ice-cream Social, you can have _______.

A. iced juiceB. hot drinksC. organic ice-cream

(  )30. If you want to join in the Ice-cream Social, you can come at _______.

A.12 a.m. on March 25                          B.4 p.m. on March 25

C.132 Main Ave, New York Citygzslib202204041937

C)阅读选择阅读短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案回答问题或完成句子。(共5小题,每小题2分)

Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you, and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves? Although it might sound a little far from you, living in a “smart”city like this could happen sooner than you think.

Great changes have taken place in towns that we have lived in for centuries, while completely new cities are being built. One such place is the city of Songdo. Every home there will have a “”  (远程。控系统)—allowing users to  control the  heating  and looks,  take part  in video  meetings,  and  receive education, healthcare and government services. Around the city,   (自动扶梯) will only move when someone is on them, and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.

The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco. In fact, technology companies around the world such as IBM, Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business.

About 75% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050, so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems.“Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn make cities greener,”said Dan Hill, headof a research company.

(  )31. According to the passage, living in a“smart”city _______.

A. is not a green way

B. will be far from you

C. will soon become true

(   )32. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. A city of the future.

B. A meeting in Songdo.

C. A plan to build a house.

(   )33. Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo?

A. Cisco.               B. IBM.                 C. Siements.

(   )34. Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to

A. drive people out of cities

B. control the worlds population

C. solve the citiescoming problems

(   )35. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Future Education.    B. Smart Cities.          C. Famous Companies.


Are you a bit bored with your daily life? Have a look at some exciting holidays to see what kind of trip youd like.gzslib202204041938


Take a ship to the North or South   (极点), see a land of white natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. The  experts will explain everything about the two poles. Theres no greater experience than traveling to the ends of the earth.

音Cultural journeys

The cultural journeys will help you discover ancient culture: India, Thailand and Egypt. Just remember to bring your camera! Get to know local ways of life by going to markets, trying local foods and meeting local people.

音(徒步) tours

We  have  trekking  holidays  to  famous  places  such  as  Machu  Picchu  or  the Qomolangma  Base  camp,  as  well  as  the  Highlands  of Scotland. If youre  quite healthy, youll have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new friends.

音Wildlife holidays

We organize small-group tours to get closer to nature in Africa or Asia. Go on          (游猎) in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari in Sri Lanka. The most special part is this: you wont sleep inhotels, but in tents or tree houses!


Polar expeditions           You  can  go  to  the  North  or  South  Pole 37.in  order  to  see  a  land  of  whitenatural beauty and wonderful wildlife .

Theres no greater experience than traveling to the ends of the earth.

38.__________      Our  cultural journeys will  help  you  discoverancient culture. Get to know local ways of life bygoing  to  markets, trying  local foods  and  meetinglocal people.

Trekking tours                     We  have  trekking  holidays  to  famous  places.39.               youre quite healthy, you wont have a great time enjoying nature with a group of new friends.

Wildlife holidays           We  organize  small - group  tours  to  get  closerto  nature  in  Africa  or  Asia . 40.               isthe most special part .gzslib202204041938




Jasmine Harrison decided to(划船) alone across the Atlantic Ocean.

Ms. Harrison didnt have much 41. e__________ in rowing long distance. She had gotten the idea three years earlier when she happened to see a game.

Her journey wasnt easy. She rowed about 20,000   (劃桨) a day for 12 hours, which covered about 97 kilometers.

Ms. Harrison had a(卫星) phone that allowed her to talk with family andfriends. But the journey still 42.               (leave) her with a lot of time all byherself, which she says she enjoyed.

During  the  journey ,  she  saw  lots  of  sea  life ,  including  several  whales . One  even  rose  out  of  the  ocean  right  next  to  her  boat . For  several  days , she  was 43.  f__________ by  a  small  group  of   (海豚).“ I m  intheir  environment , ” she said.“Its just amazing.”

But there was 44.              (危险), too. Twice, her boat was turned over inthe night by large    (浪). The second time, she hurt her hand quite badly. Another time, she nearly ran into a ship.

Somehow,  she  kept going. On  February 20, 2021,  she  reached  the  island  of Antigua—the end of the journey. When asked what she was most 45.forward to, she said,“Food, of course.”She celebrated her success with a hamburger and potatoes.

Ms. Harrisons rowing  effort has  made  her the youngest woman  ever to  row across the Atlantic—or any ocean.


A: What time is the football match on?46.

B: We must have had the wrong time. Well, football is not my favorite sport anyway.I much prefer basketball.

A: Oh, really? I thought your favorite sport was football!


B: How often do you play basketball?

A: Three times a week.48.

B: Have you won any games?

A: Yes. The Junior Basketball Championship was held last year.


B: Wow, thats amazing! How about a game sometime?

A: Sure thing!  50.____________________gzslib202204041938

B: Excellent idea. Lets go.


For the last three nights, I havent slept too well.51. I woke up an hour earlier than normal and then I was unable to get back to sleep. I was a bit tired when I went into my bedroom to watch TV this evening. I picked up a book and tried to read, but could feel my(眼皮) getting heavier and heavier.52.最后,我閉上它们并把书放在了桌上。 Suddenly I felt something   (唤醒) me. It was warm breath hitting me right in the face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a long, sweet-looking face covered in white and gold fur. Its pink nose was breathing on me and its big, brown eyes were looking at me with love.

I smiled and said, “Hello, Fluffy.”53. Suddenly my face was covered in dog kisses. I hugged his neck, and laughed as he continued to show me with his love. I thought to myself,“54. If only we humans could love each other as(纯真地) as our dogs love us and how wonderful that would be.”

55.狗是我们最好的朋友,也是关于爱的最好的老师。 We should not forget their lessons. We should give our hearts freely and our love joyfully. We should live our lives on the side of love.















Good morning, everyone! Glad to know youre interested in the digital life inChina. Id like to tell you something about it around me.

70 Days in a Lifeboat
First All-Female Spacewalk