Adventure park for kids 孩子们的冒险公园

2022-04-29 20:28谷战峰
疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年5期



1 Kids want to have adventures in parks, with features like flying foxes, trees for climbing, swings and obstacle courses on their wish lists, new research has found.

2 The national study into suburban parks and playgrounds also found teens preferred places to hang out with friends like sports courts and cafes, while older adults wanted to relax in parks.

3 Associate Professor Jenny Veitch and her team from Deakin University found that while children, teens and older adults all looked for different features in parks, all age groups benefited from well designed urban spaces that catered for play and relaxation.

4 Veitch said the findings were important because many parks were an underutilized resource in the urban landscape.

5 “COVID 19 reminds us of the critical role parks play in our community,” she said.“For many people during lockdown, visiting a nearby park has been one of the highlights of the day. They are a free space, easy to access and can have a significant impact on health and well being.”

6 The study surveyed more than 1,700 people and found well designed parks should include different features for different age groups.

7 “Children like opportunities for physical challenges and adventures, such as flying foxes, adventure playgrounds, trees for climbing, swings and obstacle courses,” Veitch said.“Teens like places to hang out with friends, such as sports courts, grassy open spaces, large swings, and cafes. Older adults enjoy more peaceful and relaxed settings with walking paths, shady trees and birdlife.”

8 The study found that planners and designers needed access to research that highlighted how to get the most value from spending on park refurbishments (翻新).

9 “In a previous park refurbishment study, a cost benefit analysis showed it cost 58 cents

to gain an additional hour of moderate exercise per person,” Veitch said. “Many councils do spend a lot of money on parks, but it must be the right expense that achieves the well designed, attractive environments that are wanted by the public. Otherwise, we are wasting valuable space and funds.”

10 Veitch said that creating active environments that promote physical activity was

a global priority, given the international trend in crowded urban living and rising obesity levels.

Choose the best answers according to the text

Vocabulary 1. What does the underlined word “underutilized” in paragraph 4


A. Being not studied carefully.

B. Being not equipped fully.

C. Being not prepared well.

D. Being not used fully.

Inference 2. In Veitch?蒺s opinion, what advantage do parks bring to people?

A. Parks make them much freer.

B. Parks make them unite tighter.

C. Parks let them become healthier.

D. Parks give them more confidence.

Inference 3. What is suggested to planners and designers in the study?

A. Focusing on teens preferences.

B. Making full use of park refurbishments.

C. Studying the methods of saving much money.

D. Offering opportunities for physical challenges and adventures.

Detail 4. Why did Veitch think creating active environments is necessary?

A. There are more fat people and crowded places.

B. The government cares little about parks.

C. Teens and adults are calling on to do so.

D. Valuable space and funds are easy to obtain.

Ⅰ. Analyze the difficult sentence in the text

Veitch said that creating active environments that promote physical activity was a global priority, given the international trend in crowded urban living and rising obesity levels. 維奇表示,鉴于城市生活逐渐拥挤和肥胖水平不断上升的国际趋势,创造促进体育运动的活跃环境是全球的优先事务。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,that creating active environments...是宾语从句,作动词said的宾语;creating active environments是动名词短语作主语;that promote

physical activity是限制性定语从句,修饰先行词active environments;given是一个介词,相当于considering,意为“鉴于;考虑到”。

Ⅱ. Memorize some text?鄄centered chunks

hang out 闲逛

benefit from 从……中获益

remind...of 使想起;提醒

have a significant impact on 对……有重大影响

新目标英语九年级UnitStep 2