2022-05-30 17:14
时代英语·高二 2022年5期


1—5      BBAAB 6—10    BCCCC 11—15  BCBCB

16—20  ACBAA 21—25  ABDDC 26—30  ABCDA

31—35  DAADD 36—40  CFAGB 41—45  CDCBD

46—50  BABCD 51—55  ABACD 56—60  DADBC

61. was walking    62. with    63. to give    64. It    65. unable   66. until/till    67. minutes    68. occasionally    69. offering    70. stranger


In the afternoon of May 25th a charity sale∧held by the

On      was

Student Union on our school playground. Although it was hard work,

students actively took a part.

In order to organize it successful, we made full preparations.


After the sale, we collected various using books from the students and

Before                                              used

second-hand goods which were still in good condition, and classified them. When the day came, students and teachers all came and took

an active part in it. At the end of the activity, we raise 5,000 yuan in



All the money we raised will go to the students from poor family in our school to help finish our studies. Its so a meaningful

families                their    such

activity that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.

One possible version:

Dear British guests,

On behalf of our school, Id like to express our warm welcome to you. We are lucky to have you here in the middle of our English Week activities.

To develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking, we have an English Talent Show today as scheduled. The program consists of the following activities: singing, spelling bee, story-telling and so on. The show will begin at 2 pm at the Student Center. All of you are welcome to take part in some activities. I hope we students will benefit from your presence.

I sincerely wish you a pleasant time with us.

Thank you!

1—5      ABACA 6—10    CBACB 11—15  AACBB

16—20  CABAB 21—25  BABAB 26—30  CDDCB

31—35  CCABC 36—40  GEBAD 41—45  BCADD

46—50  CBACA 51—55  DBABC 56—60  DBBAC

61. are    62. filled    63. a/his    64. cities    65. opened    66. yearly    67. to expand    68. running    69. when    70. Since


Do you want to enjoy a family tour of China? We would like to help you to discover∧best family holiday destinations and fun thing

the      things

to do with your kids in China. You can also get usefully tips for traveling


in China with your kids and guidance on organizing your trip in this

family tour-planning guide.

Have fun is very important for kids during a trip. They are probably


not as interesting in learning about Chinese culture or history like adults

interested as

are. But your daytime journey should involve in some child-friendly


attractions or enjoyable activities. You can also allowed some free


time for your kids to play with friends or your toys, to explore new


things, or just to sleep or relax.

One possible version:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Im writing in response to your advertisement for a temporary position as a shop assistant. My interest in selling goods contributes to my qualification for this job. Now let me introduce myself first.

Im a 16-year-old student and will be able to work during the summer holiday. I dont have any experience but Im interested in this career. Im fluent in both Putonghua and spoken English. Besides, Im good at computer. Whats more, I am energetic and hard-working. I am outgoing and I can get along well with others.

I would be very grateful if you give my application strong consideration and offer me an opportunity for a personal interview at your convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ping

1—5      BBAAB 6—10    BCABA 11—15  CCACA

16—20  BCBAA 21—25  CBCCD 26—30  BBBDD

31—35  BDDBC 36—40  GECBF 41—45  CDBAB

46—50  DBCAA 51—55  CBADC 56—60  ABDDC

61. has made    62. gracefully    63. The    64. shows    65. which    66. toys    67. are    68. hoping    69. better    70. but


Our school organized an activity to climb Mount Tai last week. The majority of my classmates joined∧the activity. Early in the morning,


we head straight to Mount Tai. We set out for the top in high spirits


when the moment we arrived at the foot of the mountain. In a course


of the climb, we cooperated with each other to pass the rocky and steep areas. Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, which we enjoyed the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing

where   Viewed

from the top, the city was beautiful. We entertained us with stories,


songs, dances and game. This event was extreme beneficial. Therefore,

games                        extremely

we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!


One possible version:

Dear Peter,

Hows everything going? There is going to be a Chinese painting exhibition on the second floor of the school library next month and it will last a week. Many artists enjoying a good reputation will come in the flesh for the exhibition.  I know you have been studying Chinese painting and have painted some. Last time, you showed us one of them in class, which appealed to us. Therefore, I suggest you provide your paintings for the exhibition, which will certainly make the exhibition more appealing. Whats more, you will be inspired by the works of others, which can further improve your painting skills.


Li Hua

1—5      BCBAA 6—10    CABAA 11—15  CBBAB

16—20  ABCAB 21—25  CDBDA 26—30  BDBBC

31—35  ACADB 36—40  DBCGF 41—45  BCADA

46—50  CBDCA 51—55  CBADC 56—60  DABDB

61. beginning    62. it    63. are becoming/have become    64. choice    65. whose    66. countries    67. are allowed    68. from    69. thought

70. traditional


As far as Im concerned, hard work is most important than


intelligence. Firstly, as∧known to all, a knife will not be sharp if not


sharpen regularly. The same is true of studying. In other words, unless

sharpened         if

you dont study hard and only depend on your intelligence, perhaps you can stand out in the beginning. But it is no doubt that you will


fall behind those whom work hard in the end. Secondly, most great


people were not smart at the school, but they get lots of achievements


through hard work. However, it proves that hard work can help you to


make progresses in study and become a great person.


One possible version:

Members Wanted

English Drama Club, which presents wonderful performances and interesting activities every term, is recruiting some new members! The main responsibilities of the members include writing scripts, performing plays, preparing for the drama festival and so forth. If you would like to apply for it, you should meet the following requirements.

First, you should have a strong sense of responsibility, which is of great importance for teamwork. Besides, you should be good at performing so that you can touch the audience on the stage. Those with fluency in English are especially preferred.

If you are interested, please send your application form to the English Drama Club before May 10.

English Drama Club

1—5      ABCAC 6—10    CBBAB 11—15  CBCBA

16—20  BACCA 21—25  DCADD 26—30  BADBC

31—35  ABDCA 36—40  ADEBF 41—45  DCABB

46—50  CCDAA 51—55  CDABD 56—60  CDACB

61. to provide    62. raised    63. turkeys    64. with    65. who    66. feeding    67. has been earned    68. fairly    69. frozen    70. the


People find it hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve because∧


excitement. Santa is coming and you cant bear how long it took for the


time to pass. Here is two suggestions that may help you overcome


the excitement but get some necessary sleep before the big day. Wake


up early than usual on Christmas Eve morning. Do this will make you

earlier                                Doing

more tired when you want to go to the bed. Help your family, friends,

or even neighbor prepare for Christmas Day. Being helpfully will

neighbors          helpful

successfully take your mind off the excitement, but it will still let

them feel involved and happy.


One possible version:

Hello, dear friends. I feel very glad to introduce the Spring Festival to you.

The Spring Festival falls on January 1 in Chinese Lunar year. Its a time for the family reunion. The festival is the most important in most peoples minds and all the family members try to come back to get together with their family. Usually therell be a big dinner on the New Years Eve. Everybody will be happy to eat, drink and have a wonderful time together. On New Years Day, people will get up early, visit and give their best wishes to their relatives and friends, make phone calls or just send short messages. Children are always the happiest because they can usually get some money as a gift.

I do hope you can have an opportunity to celebrate the Spring Festival in China.

Thats all. Thank you!

1—5      ABCAA 6—10    BCACA 11—15  ABBCB

16—20  AABBC 21—25  BDBDA 26—30  BCBDA

31—35  BBCDA 36—40  BACEF 41—45  BADAC

46—50  CDABD 51—55  BCBAD 56—60  CACDB

61. the    62. is destroyed    63. himself    64. crops    65. gives    66. perfect    67. to leave    68. in    69. taking    70. which


Last month my husband and I bought our two-year-old daughter a little dog. There were not many children of her age near there we


lived, and we thought a dog would make her more lonely. We were


right. They play together happily all day long. Our daughter now smiles


and laughs a lot more than she used∧. In a way it is like having two


children in the house. All of them are very unclean, but they cry

Both                                             and

when they do not get what they want. The dog is easy to look after


than my daughter. He always eats up all his foods and we dont have


lots of dirty clothes to wash. My husband is also happy because of I

have given up smoke. The dog doesnt like the smell.


One possible version:

The Value of Books

People often say that gold and silver are very valuable things in the world. In my opinion, books are more valuable than anything else.

Books are our friends. They introduce us different kinds of knowledge. And if we feel lonely or unhappy, we always can find comfort in them.

Books are also our teachers. They teach us truth, science, literature, and philosophy of life. Besides, they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience, strengthen our character and do many other things which we cant do without them.

Books tell us what is right and what is wrong. And books can also tell the good from the bad.

Therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students.

1—5      CCBAA 6—10    BBCAA 11—15  BCCCB

16—20  ABBAC 21—25  DBADD 26—30  AADAD

31—35  ABBAD 36—40  ADFEG 41—45  BCDAD

46—50  CBDBC 51—55  DABDC 56—60  ABACA

61. who/that    62. whether/if    63. was placed    64. hid    65. to remove    66. himself    67. neighbors    68. later    69. strength    70. Under


WeChat is becoming popularly with people. I had already made

popular have

a survey among my classmates about the use of WeChat. According to a result, 45% of the classmates admit they often use it because


comparing with other means of communication, WeChat has more


advantages. Its cheap, convenient but easy to send all kinds of message

and                messages

around. However, 35% of them is against using it, saying it will affect


their study. Never using WeChat, the rest of the students have no

opinion about them. As far as Im concerned, since WeChat offers us


great convenience, it should be made good use∧. But we shouldnt


let it to govern our minds and behavior.

One possible version:

Dear Peter,

I am exceedingly delighted to hear from you. You asked me in your last letter about the physical exercise in our school and the following information may give you a rough sketch.

To begin with, a fabulous new stadium has been built up, which has become the new landmark in our school. Moreover, with the stadium set up, a wide range of sports events are held everyday, of which ping-pong, football as well as running competitions enjoy great popularity. More and more students like taking part in sports. As for me, Im very excited by basketball since it has been giving me strength to confront the challenges in my life.

All in all, I sincerely invite you to come to our school and see for yourself.


Li Hua

1—5      BBABA 6—10    CABCA 11—15  ACCBC

16—20  ABAAC 21—25  BADAD 26—30  BCADA

31—35  CCAAD 36—40  FGECD 41—45  CADAD

46—50  CACBA 51—55  CDDDB 56—60  ABCAA

61. telling    62. to    63. weight    64. what    65. seems

66. balanced    67. regularly    68. stores    69. which    70. helpful


Xiao Ming was walked in the forest near his village when he


smelled smoke but saw a big fire that was out of control. Many trees


had been burned already. He found a dog under a larger tree. He knew


the dog was in danger. He lifted up the falling tree, put the dog into


a box and runs back to his village with the box. He showed his mother


to the beautiful dog and begged her to let him keep them. He fed a dog

it      the

on meat and gave it a huge area in the yard to live∧. He also invited


one of his best friend to feed it. Both of them liked the dog very much.


One possible version:

Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether the zoo should be moved out of the city.

Some of my classmates are in favor of the move. They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams. They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs.

However, other students are against the idea. They say it will take much time for many animals to get used to new living environment and whats more, moving the zoo may cause the death of some animals.

I agree to moving the zoo out, for the animals can live in a larger and more comfortable place.

1—5      CACBA 6—10    BBCCA 11—15  BCCAB

16—20  AABAC 21—25  BACCB 26—30  DADCA

31—35  ABACC 36—40  EDGAF 41—45  CBDBA

46—50  CCBAA 51—55  DBCAB 56—60  CBCCB

61. illnesses    62. mainly    63. which    64. Smoking    65. that    66. caused    67. to fight    68. of    69. importance    70. will be solved


Now many students are on the sports field, take part in all kinds


of sports. The ball game is going on between Class 1 and Class 2. Do


you see the students over there? Some young boys is practicing the high


jump. One of them is the better high jumper in our school. He practices


very hardly every day. He wanted to break the school record at the

hard     wants

sport meeting next spring. In this corner of the field, you can see


other group of students. Their teacher is telling them how∧do better.

another              to

Our students love sports. They want to keep fit so as to serve for their


One possible version:

Dear Lucy,

Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. Well go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. Well also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We will leave for the nursing home at 9 am and return at around 4 pm by bus. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and well wait for you at the school gate.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

1—5      BABAC 6—10    ACBAB 11—15  BACBB

16—20  AACBA 21—25  ACDDB 26—30  BCAAD

31—35  BBACD 36—40  DEGBA 41—45  CBDBA

46—50  CADAB 51—55  CDBDC 56—60  ABDCA

61. has been    62. types    63. to help    64. on/upon    65. greatly    66. allowing    67. it    68. difference    69. who    70. understands


Parks are places that you can relax. You can see a lot of plants,


which are such beautiful. Parks are usually crowded because they are


good places to go to, and parks scenery was very beautiful. You can


see a lot of old people in parks because they love fresher air. Old people


like fresh air and that is how you can see a lot of us in parks. However,

why                               them

parks are not only for old people and also for young people. They are


good places to go to if you want to relax, and you can also have a picnic

there. You will surely have∧good time. I like to go to parks because


they make me to feel very comfortable and relaxing.


One possible version:

Dear Mike,

How is it going recently?

I will fly to your country to attend the Culture Trip to the UK  next week. I feel excited because my dream of visiting the UK will come true. Through the trip, I hope to broaden my vision as well as learn more about the customs and history of your country. Besides, it is a good chance to practice my English.

Meanwhile, one thing Im concerned about is that I may have difficulty communicating with the local people. After all, there are many cultural differences between China and the UK. Id appreciate it if you could give me some proper advice.

Im looking forward to your early reply.

Yours truly,

Li  Hua
