
2022-06-08 14:30陆春祥
文化交流 2022年5期



南宋周密的笔记《癸辛杂识》续集上,有《讼学业觜社》,曾说到松阳人嘴的厉害。我到松阳,松阳人这样形容能说的 :甲厉害,能将树上的鸟儿骗下来。还要再加一句 :乙胜甲,他能将骗下的鸟儿,再骗上树去!













Ancient Covered Bridge as a Soul Paradise

By   Lu Chunxiang

Lu Xiaomin was born in Songyang, Zhejiang. And Songyang is home to good talkers.

When I visited Songyang, I heard some local description on good talkers: a good talker could trick a bird on the tree into flying down, and a better talker could then talk it into flying back on the tree.

Some good Songyang talkers recorded in ancient books are a thing of the past. But Lu Xiaomin is certainly one of the best today. Instead of tricking, he can write and has written millions of words about the old buildings there. He also talks, turning tons of interesting anecdotes about local ancient architecture into vivid oral history. The stories of covered bridges of Songyang, and even the entire country, keep falling from his lips like pearls, nice on the ear and easy to visualize.

In his book, Notes on Covered Bridges, Lu started introducing the covered bridges from his hometown, which he knows inside out. There are over 100 well-preserved ancient villages. They are like pearls scattered deep inside the southwestern mountains in Zhejiang, which Lu picked up, dust off and has been trying to sell to the outside world.

There was this one time that I followed him into the Huang Compound, and he showed me how good a storyteller he is. Wearing a tour guide’s earphone, Lu explained bit by bit the Huang Compound in his eyes, as a literary historical expert, writer and Songyang native. Almost all the technical terms related to wood carving, brick carving and bracket just fell incessantly off his lips, and the full story, the people and incidents involved were told by him in such a life-like style that as if he were there on the scene.

What makes him so fond of these old buildings and ancient villages?

When he was a primary school student, he was quite naughty and did not like studying. One day he was shut by his parents into the study for doing something really wrong, and made to reflect on his mistake there. Having nothing to do, he picked a book on world architecture from his father’s collection, and was fascinated by it, where a lot of Chinese ancient architecture was introduced. That was the start of his passion for ancient architecture.

One year he invited me to come to Songyang and give a lecture there, and accompanied me to the Shanxiayang village, where he gave me the second answer to my question. He once worked at a local power grid, and sometimes had to collect overdue electrical bills door to door. Walking around the village, he gradually grew familiar with the pagodas, the old houses with their halls, pillars, plaques and everything. These weathered parts of the village have activated his knowledge of ancient architecture.

I seem to see right in front of my eyes an industrious lover of ancient bridges who have run miles and dug deep into ancient maps whenever he is free for research on his beloved covered bridges and villages. Now I understand how interest is his best teacher and why he could describe the covered bridges so skillfully and with so much ease.

And his attention for covered bridges has gone beyond Zhejiang to cover the whole country. He just loves these things to the bone — they are the paradise for his soul, and the inspiration of his literary realm. With his magic pen, he decomposes them and reproduces them into a melodious, endless river.

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松阳:以科技为引领 推进产业转型林业增效
田园松阳 宜尼桃源