Can You Classify Matter as Solid,Liquid,or Gas?

2022-12-24 08:50河南郑州市惠济区实验小学编译
疯狂英语(双语世界) 2022年4期

河南郑州市惠济区实验小学 李 颖 编译

Solid,liquid,and gas are states of matter.Matter is anything that takes up space.Matter can come in different states,or forms.


When matter is a solid,it has a definite volume and a definite shape.So,a solid has a size and shape of its own.Some solids can be easily folded,bent or broken.Such as,a piece of paper is a solid.Also,some solids are very tiny.For example,a grain of sand is a solid.


When matter is a liquid,it has a definite volume but not a definite shape.So,a liquid has a size of its own,but it does not have a shape of its own.Think about pouring juice from a bottle into a cup.The juice still takes up the same amount of space.However,it doesn’t take the shape of the bottle,but takes the shape of the cup.Some liquids do not pour as easily as others.For example,honey and milk,but pouring honey takes more time than pouring milk.


When matter is a gas,it does not have a definite volume or a definite shape.A gas’ volume expands,or gets bigger,until it completely fills a space.A gas’ volume can also get smaller if it is squeezed into a smaller space.Many gases are invisible.For example,air is a gas.


All the matters can be classified to be solid,liquid and gas.For example,wood is a solid,water is a liquid,and oxygen is a gas.You can find that different matters have different states.


However,sometimes some solid can be changed into liquid.Such as,ice is a solid.It turns into liquid when it’s heated.Water is a liquid.It changes into gas when it’s heated.In winter,when the temperature is below 0℃,water becomes ice,which is a solid.


Can you classify matter as solid,liquid,or gas? Have a try.


1.Is rain a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

2.Is the water from a faucet a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

3.Is a tortoise shell a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

4.Is a handsaw a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

5.Is the air inside a soccer ball a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

6.Is wet glue a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

7.Is the air moving through a trumpet a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

8.Is a baseball glove a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

9.Is a piece of rope a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

10.Is a piece of glass a solid,a liquid,or a gas?

(参考答案见本期第73 页)

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