
2023-02-28 06:28安徽周艳霞
疯狂英语·新策略 2023年1期

安徽 周艳霞


主题语境:气候与健康 篇幅:303词 建议用时:6分钟

Heat-related sickness is top of mind today for many people around the world not used to dealing with extreme heat. When the body's temperature rises faster than it can cool itself,damage to the brain and other important organs can occur—even death. Here are the key signs of heatstroke and other heat illnesses and how to respond. We have also included tips on how to prevent becoming ill in the first place.

Signs of heatstroke include excessive (过分的) sweating, a headache, fast breathing,being very thirsty and loss of appetite and feeling sick. The body temperature will be very high,and can climb to 41℃or higher within 10 to 15 minutes.

If you find someone with heatstroke, quickly get him/her to rest in a cool place, such as a room with an air conditioner or somewhere in the shade. Remove any unnecessary clothing. Cooling his/her skin or fanning his/her skin will help his/her skin cool down. You should also get him/her to drink water.

Children and the elderly are at the highest risk from heatstroke. Children often can't tell adults when they are thirsty. Also, the body's ability to signal thirst to the brain declines as we age. Being fat also raises your risk, as does having heart disease, a mental illness or drinking alcohol. People who have poor circulation or who are already dehydrated(脱水的)are also at higher risk.

The good news is that there are ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones from becoming sick from heatstroke. Here are some of the top tips experts recommend:Drink water even when not thirsty.Wearing sunscreen,limiting sweating and avoiding alcohol,saying“yes”to fans,taking a lot of breaks,and eating hydrating foods are also important.

Reading Check

1.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A.The levels of heatstroke. B.The risks of heatstroke.C.The cause of heatstroke. D.The signs of heatstroke.

2.What can be the correct method of/for dealing with people with heatstroke?

A.Sending them to a cool place at once.

B.Getting them to drink hot water immediately.

C.Taking their clothing off as soon as possible.


D.Calling the doctor and giving first aid quickly.

3.Who's at the highest risk of having heatstroke?

A.A man with poor circulation. B.An old man.

C.A fat child. D.A drunken man.

4.In which column of a website can we find the text?

A.Travel. B.Health.

C.Climate. D.Education.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

When the body's temperature rises faster than it can cool itself, damage to the brain and other important organs can occur—even death.当体温上升的速度超过它自身的冷却速度时,就会对大脑和其他重要器官造成损害,甚至死亡。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。When the body's temperature rises faster 是when引导的时间状语从句;than引导的是比较状语从句。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

deal with 应付

loss of 缺失

such as 例如

in the shade 在阴凉处

cool down(使)变凉;(使)冷却;(使)降温

at risk 处境危险;在危险中

protect from 保护

敬廉 守廉 践廉
An Analysis on Application and development of COCA Corpus in Translation Practice