
2023-05-31 01:27昝亚娟
求学·理科版 2023年10期


A new international organization consisting of partners from 15 countries and 44 aquariums, is challenging the diminishing shark statistics. According to National Geographic, ReSharks goal is to release 500 endangered zebra sharks in Indonesian waters to revive a self-sustaining wild population that is on the brink of extinction.

This is the first-ever attempt to reintroduce captive sharks into the wild, unlike land animals such as California condors and giant pandas in China that have been successfully reintroduced in the past.

“Its such a milestone,” Nesha Ichida, an Indonesian marine scientist helping manage this work for ReShark, told National Geographic. “This is such a hopeful, momentous moment.”

In January, Ichida kneeled in a picturesque turquoise lagoon located in Indonesias Raja Ampat archipelago, tenderly cradling a baby zebra shark named Charlie, the first captive animal to be released into these waters. Charlie was named after a West Papuan provincial official who had championed the project. The shark was adorned with a combination of light stripes and circles that spiraled down its seemingly endless tail.

This 15-week-old zebra shark, similar to its counterparts, develops in an egg, which is also referred to as a mermaids purse. This egg was laid at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium in Australia and transported to Indonesia, where it was hatched in a newly established shark nursery.

Although the zebra shark population is thriving in the Pacific Ocean off North Queensland, the species is almost extinct in Raja Ampat, located 1,500 miles northwest, due to the global shark trade. Only three zebra sharks were spotted during 15,000 hours of research conducted between 2001 and 2021.

“Im feeling very hopeful that Charlie is going to be the ambassador for all shark species,” Ichida told The Daily Mail, as she released Charlie. Raja Ampat was selected due to its globally acclaimed conservation success as Asias first shark and ray sanctuary.


1. Why will 500 zebra sharks will be put in Indonesian waters?

A. To promote the development of local tourism.

B. To attract more tourists to the aquariums.

C. To prevent zebra sharks from dying out.

D. To increase the number of species in the ocean.

2. Why are condors and giant pandas mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A. To prove the success of reintroducing captive animals into the wild.

B. To illustrate the successful reproduction of extinct animals.

C. To present good examples international cooperation.

D. To show the necessity of protecting wild animals.

3.What is Nesha Ichidas attitude towards ReShark?

A. Disapproving. B. Supportive.

C. Critical.D. Unconcerned.

4. What caused the number of zebra sharks to decline?

A. Human activities.B. Climate change.

C. Loss of habitats. D. Broken food chains.

1.C。解析:細节理解题。根据材料第一段中的“ReSharks goal is to release 500 endangered zebra sharks in Indonesian waters to revive a self-sustaining wild population that is on the brink of extinction”,我们可知,ReShark的目标是在印度尼西亚水域放生500只濒临灭绝的斑马鲨,以拯救濒临灭绝的野生种群。故最佳答案为C。


3.B。解析:推理判断题。根据材料第三段Nesha Ichida说的话(“Its such a milestone”和“This is such a hopeful, momentous moment.”),我们可推断出Nesha Ichida支持这项活动。故最佳答案为B。

