
2023-08-19 04:30莫炎芬
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年7期











I was a vet in Yorkshire. One day I received a call from Mrs Tompkin asking me to cuther budgies (虎皮鹦鹉) beak (喙). I dropped what I was doing immediately, armed myself

with a pair of clippers and stepped onto the narrow strip of pavement which separated thedoor from the road. A pleasant looking red?haired woman answered my knock. “Im Mrs Dodds next door,”she said.“I keep an eye on the old lady. Shes over eightyand lives alone.”

Chatting with me friendly, she led me into the cramped little room, and said to the oldwoman in a corner,“Heres Mr Herriot coming to see Peter for you.”Mrs Tompkin noddedand smiled,“Oh thats good. The poor little fella can hardly eat with its long beak and Imworried about him. Hes my only companion, you know.”

“Yes, I understand, Mrs Tompkin.”I looked at the cage by the window with the greenbudgie perched(栖息)inside.“These little birds can be wonderful company when theystart chattering.”

She laughed.“Yes, but its a funny thing. Peter never has said that much. I think heslazy! But I just like having him with me.”

“Of course you do,”I replied patiently,“but he certainly needs attention now.”

The beak was greatly overgrown, curving away down till it touched the feathers of thebreast. I would be able to revolutionize his life with one quick snip from my clippers. Theway I was feeling this job was right up my street. I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand. “Come on, Peter,”I wheedled(哄骗). Lifting him out, I hunted in my pocket with theother hand for the clippers, and then stopped. The tiny head was no longer poking cheekily from my fingers but had fallen loosely toone side. The eyes were closed. He was dead. Mrs Dodds and I stared at each other in horror. When I turned my head towards MrsTompkin, I was surprised to see that she was still nodding and smiling. I drew her neighbor to one side.“Mrs Dodds, how much does she see?”

“Oh, shes very short?sighted, but shes right vain despite her age. Never would shewear glasses. Shes hard of hearing, too. ”

“Well, look,”I said. My heart was still pounding.“I just dont know what to do. If Itell her about this, the shock will be terrible. Anything could happen.”

Mrs Dodds nodded with a sad face.“Yes, youre right. Shes that attached to the littlething. ”


Paragraph 1:

Suddenly it occurred to me that I could buy her a new bird in the nearby store.______






Paragraph 2:

It was a long time before I dared to go back to Mrs Tompkins to see how she got along with the new bird._________________________________________________________________













【例1】I armed myself with a pair of clippers.


【例2】I keep an eye on the old lady.


【例3】I hunted in my pocket with the other hand for the clippers.


【例4】My heart was still pounding.


评析与点拨:根据人物所处的环境和性格特点,选用准确恰当的动词能把人物刻画得活灵活现,同时也能让读者在具体的语境中体会到夸张或幽默等表达效果。如果上面四个例子中的四个粗体动词(词组)分别用prepared、look after、looked for、beating来替换,各个句子就会变得平平淡淡,读起来索然无味。从应试的角度来看,准确地选用动词,能体现考生的语言水平,是作文获得高分的基础。




【例5】Chatting with me friendly...


【例6】“Of course you do,”I replied patiently,“but he certainly needs attention now.”


【例7】I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand.


【例8】Mrs Dodds and I stared at each other in horror.



我们在平时的学习中,要有意识地积累地道的修饰语并分类整理,建立自己的语言素材库。比如,在描写动作的快速、短暂时,我们可以选用下列修饰语:rapidly、immediately、speedily、swiftly、instantly、promptly、hastily、without pausing、in no time、inan instant、without delay等。


【例9】I dropped what I was doing immediately, armed myself with a pair of clippers

and stepped onto the narrow strip of pavement which separated the door from the road.


【例10】Chatting with me friendly, she led me into the cramped little room, and said to the old woman in a corner,“Heres Mr Herriot coming to see Peter for you.”


【例11】I opened the cage door and slowly inserted my hand.


【例12】Lifting him out, I hunted in my pocket with the other hand for the  clippers,and then stopped.



连动的描写可以是最简单的两个动作的描写(如例11),用“A and B”的句式;也可以是三连动(如例9),使用“A, B and C”的句式;甚至可以是更多个动作连续发生,使用“A, B, C, ...and X”的句式。另外也可以借助分词作状语的手段来描写(如例10、例12),使用“doing/having done...+主干”或“主干+doing...and doing...”的句式。当然这些都是基本的句式结构,在实际使用中可以有更灵活的变化,还可以加上必要的形容词或副词来修饰,从而写出更细腻的动作,使动作描写更有层次感和画面感。



1. 妈妈睡着以后,他从后门溜了出去。

After his mother fell asleep, he_________ out by the back door.

2. 他嘀咕道:“她怎么敢!”

“How dare she!”he_________.

3. 他突然大哭起來,气呼呼地跑了。

He_________and stormed off.

4. 狼没有动,默默地瞪着我。

The wolf didnt move,_________ .

5. 她拖着脚,不情愿地跟在她的父母后面。

She_________her feet as she followed her parents.

6. 那个猎人手里提着枪冲进了树林。

The hunter dashed into the forest, _________.

7. 她冲上前去,跪在地上,把儿子抱在怀里。

She dashed forward, _________and gathered her son into her arms.

8. 那个歌手看了观众一眼,深吸了一口气,开始唱歌。

The singer at_________ the audience, _________and began to sing.

9. 他们站在空旷的路旁,仰望天空,感受着内心珍贵的平静。

_________beside the empty road, they looked up into the sky, feeling the precious peace from within.

10. 贝贝垂着胳膊,坐在池边,不知道自己是对还是错。

With his arms_________ , Beibei sat beside the pool,_________ whether he was right or wrong.



Paragraph 1:

Suddenly it occurred to me that I could buy her a new bird in the nearby store. MrsDodds also thought it was a good idea and even suggested one in the town. I calmed down,cleared my throat, and informed Mrs Tompkin that I was going to take Peter along to thesurgery to do the job. I left her still nodding and smiling and, cage in hand, fled into thestreet. I soon found the shop and luckily there was a green budgie in the shop. With thebird in the cage, I sped back and hung it in its place by the window.“I think youll findeverything is well now,”I told Mrs Tompkin.

Paragraph 2:

It was a long time before I dared to go back to Mrs Tompkins to see how she got alongwith the new bird. The old lady herself came to the door.“How...”I stammered,“How is...er...?”She peered at me closely for a moment and then laughed.“Oh, you mean Peter. Heis just grand. Come in and see him.”In the little room the cage was still hung by thewindow and Peter the Second hopped around the bars of the cage, running up and downhis ladder. His mistress reached up, tapped the metal and looked lovingly at him.“Youknow, you wouldnt believe it,”she said.“Hes like a different bird.”I swallowed.“Is thatso? In what way?”“Well, hes so active now and even chatters to me all day long. Itswonderful what cutting a beak can do.”



Steve was the most amazing person in all of Minneapolis, and he was my cousin. Bythe age of 19. Steve was a star baseball player at the University of Minnesota. I wanted tobe exactly like him. So when Steve asked me to go with him on a spring fishing trip in nor?thern Minnesota, I was excited!

After planning the trip, we gathered clothes and supplies, and began our great adven?ture. We reached the Superior National Forest in northern Minnesota by early evening. Onour way to the campsite, Steve pointed to a faraway small house in one of the mountains,saying that it was the foresters station where the forester worked.

Finally, after a long walk, we reached the campsite and set up the camp as the sun wassetting. Steve knew all the tricks of an experienced wilderness camper. After we gatheredenough wood from the forest, he started the campfire using only stone and steel—nomatches. For supper, we feasted on freeze?dried beef, wild rice and pea soup. I ate greedilyafter all that work.

Tired enough, we climbed into our sleeping bags early and talked about our plans forfishing the next day. We were still talking quietly when a sudden north wind picked up; thetemperature dropped and it began to snow. Steve found a way to increase the temperatureinside the tent. He dragged a log from the forest to the opposite side of the campfire. Thenhe wrapped aluminum foil around the log. The heat from the fire reflected off the foil andinto the tent. Soon, images of lake fish were filling my dreams.

The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up theflames of our dying fire. I was abruptly awakened by Steve. Our tent was on fire. Fright?ened, I ran out of the tent immediately. The tent collapsed with Steve inside.


Paragraph 1:

Without any thought of endangering myself, I rushed into the burning tent and pulled Steve to the icy lake.__________________________________________________________


Paragraph 2:

Suddenly, we heard a noise in the forest._________________________________________



1. 读原文时,我是否找到了原文的动作描写亮点?


2. 续写这篇文章的时候,我是否运用了动作描写的一些技巧?


3. 读完本文,我是否积累了一些可以用于以后续写的高级词句?


虎皮 虎皮