
2023-10-07 04:38山东孙启禄
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年8期

山东 孙启禄

主题语境:科技 篇幅:307词 关键词:AI,online data,brain scans

1After waking up, you may feel frustrated because you cannot recall the dreams you had last night.Artificial intelligence(AI)may be able to help.

2Previously,there have been AI models that can turn texts into images.They do this by learning from a large amount of data from both texts and images.This time,researchers from Japan have developed an AI system called Stable Diffusion to recreate images based on people's brain scans,Sciencemagazine reported.

3The researchers used an online data set provided by the University of Minnesota,which consisted of brain scans from four participants after they each viewed a set of 10,000 photos.The scans were recorded by functional magnetic resonance(磁共振)imaging.

4The AI then learned about the brain activities by analyzing changes in blood flow shown by the fMRI data——when a part of the brain is activated,more blood will flow to it.It then matched the brain activity with the photos.Through this method,AI learned how human brains would react when seeing different photos.

5Finally,the researchers tested the AI on additional brain scans from the same participants when they viewed photos of a toy bear,airplane,clock and train.

6If the person looked at an airplane,for example,the AI would use the brain scan data to create an image of a very blurry airplane.Then,it would turn on the previous“text-toimage”model and improve the quality of the image by feeding itself the keyword“airplane”.

7The final images were“convincing”to about 80 percent accuracy,according to the researchers.The new study created a novel approach that combines texts and images with“deciphering(破译)the brain”.

8In the future,scientists hope the technology can be used to record imagined thoughts and dreams or allow people to become familiar with how differently other animals perceive reality.



1.How is paragraph 2 mainly developed?

A.By making comparisons.

B.By making classification.

C.By referring to previous tests.

D.By using theoretical possibilities.

2.What did AI learn about the brain activities by analyzing changes in blood flow?

A.The part of the brain activated.

B.Analyses of changes in blood flow.

C.Participants'reactions to different photos.

D.Images of participants'viewing the same photo.

3.What does the underlined word“it”in paragraph 6 refer to?

A.The AI. B.The airplane.

C.The image created. D.The brain scan data.

4.What did researchers think of the result of the experiment?

A.Doubtful. B.Satisfying.

C.Unbelievable. D.Disappointing.







1.After waking up,you may feel frustrated because you cannot recall the dreams you had last night.你可能会因为醒来后不记得昨晚做的梦而感到沮丧。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。you may feel frustrated 是主句,After waking up 是介词短语作时间状语,because you cannot recall the dreams 是原因状语从句,you had last night是省略了关系代词that或which的限制性定语从句。

2.The researchers used an online data set provided by the University of Minnesota,which consisted of brain scans from four participants after they each viewed a set of 10,000 photos.研究人员使用了明尼苏达大学提供的在线数据集,其中包括四名参与者在每人观看了一组1万张照片后进行的大脑扫描。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。The researchers used an online data set 是主句,provided by...Minnesota 是动词-ed形式短语作定语,which consisted of brain scans是非限制性定语从句,after they each viewed a set of 10,000 photos 是时间状语从句。




I have made up my mind to go to teach English in the countryside________________.


My English teacher recommended buying an English-Chinese dictionary,__________________.










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