
  • Frog whisperer
    genetic(基因的)material.“What we've done in the face of the problems of catastrophic loss of species is to establish the first genome(基 因 组) bank for Australian frogs,”he said.Professor Mahony has also contributed to a study by the W

    疯狂英语·新读写 2021年10期2021-12-07

  • Genome and healthcare
    ic code(基因编码)mapped at birth,the head of the worlds’ leading genome sequencing(基 因 图 谱)company has predicted.“A complete DNA read-out for every newborn will be technically possible and affordable in less than five years,promising

    疯狂英语·新读写 2018年3期2018-11-29

  • 遗传变异类测试题
    进京1.下列有关基因与DNA的说法正确的是( )A.生物的性状由DNA和基因共同控制B.RNA通過逆转录产生DNA分子,DNA通过转录产生RNAC.一条染色体上有一个或两个基因D.基因是DNA的一个片段,但并非DNA的任意一个片段就是一个基因

    试题与研究·高考理综生物 2016年4期2017-03-28