Unit 7 How much are these pants?教学纪实及感悟

2009-05-31 07:45张丽华
黑龙江教育·中学 2009年11期

曹 娟 张丽华



语言知识:熟练掌握词汇: pant, sock, T-shirt, sweater, shoe, color, black, white, red, green, blue, this, that, these, those, Number 10-31;熟练掌握句型: How much is/are…? Its… yuan /dollars. Theyre… yuan/dollars;熟练掌握促销广告的写法。

语言技能: 具备较熟练的运用所学语言进行购物的能力。如:熟练运用英语来询问价格以及谈论对购买物品的喜好;能根据实际生活写促销广告,使学生具备初步综合运用英语的能力。










Step One: Leading-in

(The teacher plays the song “Who is wearing yellow today?”)

T: I think this song is very beautiful. Do you think so?

Ss: Yes.

T: Would you like to sing it with me? Great! You sing very well. Now lets have a class.Class begins. Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Mrs. Cao.

(教师课前播放有关服装和颜色的英文歌曲“Who is wearing yellow today?” 并让学生跟唱。目的是让学生在轻松愉快的气氛下将注意力快速投入到本课教学上,同时也让学生对本课教学内容有了初步感知。)

Step Two: Show the topic and the functions

T: Boys and girls! We have learnt Unit 7 How much are these pants? I know you have learnt a lot from it. Today, lets review it together. OK?(Write the title of Unit 7 How much are these pants? on the blackboard.)First, think it over. What did we talk about in Unit 7?

S1: Buying something.

S2: Shopping.

S3: …

T: Yes, you are right. We talked about shopping. “Shopping” is the topic of Unit 7. (Put “Shopping” and “Topic” on the blackboard.)I think going shopping is very interesting. Do you like going shopping?

Ss: Yes.

T: I like going shopping very much. I often buy many things when I go to the shop. And what things do you often buy?

S1: Clothes.

S2: Fruits.


T: OK, You also buy many things, such as clothes, fruits, vegetables, school things and so on. They are the names of the things you buy. So when we are shopping, we should know the names of goods(Put “Names of goods” on the blackboard.) The goods in the shop are very nice. I like them very much. I want to buy them. What should I do?

S: You should ask about the prices.

T: Yes, I should know the prices of the goods. But can you tell me how to ask about the prices?

S1: How much is…?

S2: How much are…?

S3: Whats the price of…?

T: Well done. Then how to answer it?

Ss: Its … / They are … / Its…

T: (Put “Prices”, “How much is…? / How much are…?” and “Its… And “They are…” on the blackboard.)OK. Thanks for your help. Now I have known the prices of the goods I like. I have paid the money for them. Then what should I do after paying the bill? Should I go home directly without saying anything to the shop assistant?

Ss: No, you must say thanks to the shop assistant.

T: Yes. You are polite boys. When we finish buying the goods, we should show thanks to the shop assistant. And we should show thanks to someone, when we ask him for help. Even though he couldnt help us, we should also say “Thank you all the same.” Are you clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good boys.(Put “Thanks”, “Thank you all the same.” on the blackboard.)


Step Three: Review the key words

1.Review the words about “clothes” and “colors”.

T: Look! This is my friend Mrs. Greens clothes store. There are many things in it. Can you tell me the names of the clothes?

Ss: Yes, we can.

T: Please say it out with the color, and then spell it.(Show some pictures about some clothes.)

Mrs. Greens Clothes Store

S1: Yellow T-shirt. Y-E-L-L-O-W, T-S-H-I-R-T.

S2: Green pants, G-R-E-E-N, P-A-N-T-S.

S3: …

T: Excellent, you did a good job. Now try to remember all the words quickly.(Give the students one minute to remember the words.) OK. Stop here. Write down the names of clothes according to the pictures.(Ask the students to write down the key words.)

T: Have you finished it? OK, change the paper with your partner, check it and correct it. And then hand in your paper, please.

(教师利用多媒体呈现多幅朋友Mrs. Green服装店里出售的服装图片,帮助学生快速再现本单元相关颜色、服装等词汇。通过看图写单词,完成对学生记忆单词情况的检测。同桌互批后交换并改正,再交由组长统计单词学习的情况,便于老师调控教学。)

2. Review the numbers.

T: We know, we need to use the numbers when we talk about the prices. Now lets count the numbers from 1 to 31 together.

Ss: One, two, three, four…

T: Wonderful. Now look at the screen, can you tell me the rule of numbers? The first part is from 1 to 12. The second part is from 13 to 19…Well done! I remembered we had learnt a chant about numbers. Have you remembered it?

Ss: Yes.

T: Excellent, lets chant together.




二十三十至九十, -ty放后是规律;


hundred 是“一百”,请你记住别大意。

T: Congratulations! You chant very well.


Step Four: Review the structures

1. Review how to ask about the prices of clothes.

T: Look! The clothes at Mrs. Greens store are very beautiful. The colors are very nice. I want to buy them. Do you want to buy them? Good, lets know about the prices. Tony, how much is the yellow T-shirt?

S: Its 35 yuan.

T: How much are the green pants?

S: They are 47 dollars.

T: Whats the price of the shoes?

S: Its 59 yuan.

T: Good. Remember “is” is used with single nouns, and “are” is used with plural nouns. And we can add “s” after “dollar”, but we cant add “s” after “yuan”.

T: Now, look at the clothes at Mrs. Greens store. Ask and answer the prices in pairs. Are you clear? OK. Do it one by one.

(The students practice the sentences about asking about the prices in pairs.)

(本环节通过要买Mrs. Green服装店里的衣服,让学生实现对询问价格句型的再现。同时强调要依据所买物品的主语判断谓语动词单复数变化的使用规则。在复习过程中引出人民币和美元的区别。再让学生看图片,两人一组练习询问价格的句型,将所学句型运用到口语交际中,提高学生在实际生活中运用英语的能力。)

Step Five: Review the useful expressions about shopping

1. Recall the useful expressions.

T: My mothers birthday is coming. I want to buy a gift for my mom at Mrs.Greens clothes store. Would you like to go shopping with me? (Put “Go shopping” on the blackboard.)OK! Lets go. But I dont know what I should talk about with the shop assistant. Can you help me?

Ss: Yes, we can.

S1: Can I help you? / May I help you? / What can I do for you?

S2: What color do you want?

S3: How much is it? / How much are they?

S4: Here you are.

S5: Thanks. / You are welcome.

T: Perfect. /You have a good memory. /You can use them correctly. /Well done.(Put “Can I help you?”, “What color do you want?”, “Here you are.”, “How much is it/ are they?” etc. on the blackboard.)

(教师设计情境“在Mrs. Green服装店里为自己的妈妈购买礼物”请求学生给予帮助。通过此环节,让学生对购物用语进行全面复习和总结,让学生再次强化本单元的重要知识点和交际用语,同时为下面的对话操练做好铺垫。)

2. Pairwork

T: Now I have a good piece of news to tell you. Mrs. Greens clothing store is having a sale this week. Many things are very cheap. Now Tony is talking with the shop assistant. What are they talking about? Look at the picture, and complete the dialogue. OK, give me your answer.

Ss: …

T:Anna also wants to buy a gift for her mother at Mrs. Greens clothes store. Make up a conversation between Anna and the shop assistant. Do it with your partner and then act it out, please.

(创设情境Mrs. Green服装店里正在打折销售,教师让学生根据Tony 的购物情景,完成补全对话练习,训练了学生对残缺信息文字的再加工能力。接下来让学生仿此对话模拟购物情景做对话,并进行表演。这既是对所学知识的再次巩固,也是对学生综合运用英语能力的一个评价。)

Step Six: Task:Write an ad for Mrs. Greens clothing store

T: We know Mrs. Greens clothing store is having a sale. But only few people come to buy the clothes. Would you like to help Mrs. Green? Lets write an ad for the store. Before it, who can tell me how to write an ad?

Ss: …

T: Yes, in the first part, we should write down where to buy. In the second part, we should write down the names of clothes, the colors and the prices. In the last part, we need to write some ad languages. We know the ad language is very important. It can attract more customers, so dont forget it.

T: OK. Now you can write your ad to help Mrs. Green.

(Give the students about seven minutes to write the ad.)

T: OK. Many students wrote carefully just now. Now, who wants to show your ad? Come here, please.

S1: …

T:The ad is very nice. I think Mrs. Green must like it. Thank you.

S2: …

T:The ad is very special. I am sure more customers will come to Mrs. Greens store when they read it. Thank you!

T:OK. So much for this. All of you did a good job. The others can show your ads to us after class.

(本环节的任务型活动设计是让学生动手为Mrs. Green服装店写一个促销广告。在教学过程中,教师首先引导学生对写“促销广告”的要点进行了归纳、总结。再让学生即时进行了笔头操练及展示。完成了本单元写作任务的复习,同时对学生写作能力做了评价。)

Step Seven: Summary

T: Time flies! Its time to end our class. I am very glad to spend the time with you. Now can you tell me what you have learnt in this lesson?

Ss: …

T: Wonderful!In this lesson, weve reviewed the words about “clothes”, “colors” and “numbers”. We also reviewed the useful expressions about shopping, and how to write an ad. You remembered them very well. Congratulations!


Step Seven: Homework

T: Todays homework. Design an ad for Carrefour.


T: Class is over. Goodbye, boys and girls!
