
2009-06-02 03:12徐元
中学生天地·高中学习版 2009年6期




(1) 常用句式:make sb. do sth.,其中do sth.为省略了to的动词不定式,作宾语补足语;侧重于表达“强迫或坚持使某人做某事”的意义。

例1How did the nurse make the baby stop crying? 那位护士是怎样使婴儿停止啼哭的?

(2) 当使用被动语态时,不定式前省去的to要补回来:be made to do sth.。

例2She made me clean my room. I was made to clean my room. 她非得要我自己打扫房间。我只好打扫自己的房间。

(3) 除了用不定式作宾语补足语外,还可以用过去分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语被施于某种动作。

例3He spoke loudly in order to make himself noticed. 他大声地说话,以便引起别人的注意。


(1) 常用句式:get sb. to do sth.,不定式to do sth.作宾语补足语;侧重于表达“劝、说服某人做某事”的意思,但不是非要某人做不可。

例4The salesman got me to buy the computer. 推销员说服我买了那台计算机。

例5Youll never get her to agree with you. 你想要她同意是完全不可能的。

(2) get 后面的宾语补足语也可以用动词-ing形式,即get sb./sth. doing,意思是“使某人/某物做出某个动作”。

例6The joke got us laughing. 那个笑话使我们笑了。

例7Let me try now. Ill get the car going. 这回让我试试,我会使这车子发动起来的。


(1) 常用句式:have sb. do sth.,do sth.为省略to的不定式,作宾语补足语;表示“使/要求某人做某事”,但别人能否做到就不能保证了。

例8Mrs. Adams had the staff arrive by 9:00. 亚当斯夫人让职员在9:00前到。

例9Whom did the teacher have write an article for the wall newspaper? 老师让谁为墙报写一篇文章?


例10Ill have my children clean the house before you arrive.=Ill get my children to clean the house before you arrive. 在你们到之前,我会让孩子们把屋子打扫干净。

(2) have后面也可以用动词-ing形式作宾语补足语:have sth./

sb. doing,意为“让某物/某人处于某种状态”;在疑问或否定句中,意为“不允许/不同意某人做某事”。

例11Be quick, Tom. I have the taxi waiting at the door. 汤姆,快点儿。我让出租车等在门口了。

例12I wont have you smoking in the sitting room. 我不许你在起居室里抽烟。

(3) 当表示“使事情通过他人得以完成”时,常用have sth. done的句式,其中have也可用get替换。

例13I must have/get the television fixed. 我必须请人把这台电视机修好。

例14Ms. Friedman had/got the garden watered. 弗里德曼女士叫人给庭院浇了水。


cause是较正式的用词,常用句式:cause sb./sth. to do sth.,不定式to do sth.作宾语补足语。cause本为名词,意为“原因”;用作动词时,仍暗示着一种前因后果的关系,强调使某事发生的原因。

例15The sway of the train caused some water in the cup to spill out. 火车的摇晃使杯中的一些水洒了出来。

例16A sudden shift in weight caused the boat to turn over. 重量的突然转移导致船翻了。


1. Sheher children wash their hands before eating.

A. asked B. got C. made D. caused

2. His fathers death him to leave school.

A. made B. got C. had D. caused

3. His speech soonus thinking.

A. got B. made C. let D. caused

4. Tom made this mistake again, so his teacherhim copy the sentence fifty times.

A. caused B. made C. got D. wanted

5. The earthquakethe wall to sway(倾斜) to the left.

A. got B. made C. caused D. had

6. Whom would you ratherwith you, Jim or Jack?

A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go

7. Paul doesnt have to be made ; he always works hard.

A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning

8. It was very cold in the cave, so theythe fire burning all night long.

A. had B. got C. caused D. made

9. Theyre going to have their house .

A. painting B. paint C. painted D. paints

10. The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself .

A. to hear B. hearing C. hear D. heard

11. She had three childrencare of at home, so she couldnt go out for an outing with us.

A. taking B. to take C. taken D. take

12. Her mother wouldnther walking home all by herself at night.

A. get B. make C. have D. cause

13. They had to make bricksthe house themselves.

A. built B. build C. building D. to build


1~5. CDABC6~10. ABACD11~13. BCD
