
2014-08-08 10:15王敬雍康吴有华杨庆稳
湖北农业科学 2014年9期




中图分类号:S858.23;S857.26 文献标识码:A文章编号:0439-8114(2014)09-1989-04

Advances on Defensive Mechanisms of Dairy Cow Mammary Gland Infection

WANG Jing,YONG Kang,WU You-hua,YANG Qing-wen

(Department of Animal Science and Technology, Chongqing Three Gorges Vocational College, Chongqing 404155, China)

Abstract: Intramammary bacterial infections can be caused by bovine clinical type, chronic and subclinical mastitis. Different clinical results are mainly related with bacterial infection after activating the immune system in different ways of breast. It is necessary to well understand the activation and regulation mechanism of the breast immune system for developing effective prevention programs. This paper reviews breast defensive mechanisms of the Escherichia coli mastitis and Staphylococcus aureus mastitis and the immune response to the two bacteria.

Key words: cow; mastitis; mammary gland; bacterial infection; immune response


大部分乳腺感染是细菌突破了乳头管的生理屏障。细菌一旦进入乳池,就会大量生长繁殖,如果先天免疫反应未能及时建立,细菌就会定居在乳腺组织[2]。在分娩和泌乳早期,乳腺免疫功能下降,并且体细胞数(Somatic cell count,SCC)会在感染之前降低,这些因素均增加了乳房炎发生的风险。除了这些宿主因素外,细菌种类的不同也会影响乳腺的免疫反应,最终出现不同的临床结果[3]。



一个快速而有效的先天免疫反应是基于对潜在病原体的早期识别[4]。先天免疫系统是非特异性的,当表面有特定的模式识别受体(Pattern recognition receptor,PRR)或在宿主细胞内结合特定的细菌时先天免疫系统被启动。当致病或非致病性微生物复制或降解时,这些不同的病原体所共有的保守结构就会释放[5]。

PRR在牛奶中的白细胞和乳腺上皮细胞表达[6]。Toll样受体(The toll-like receptor,TLR)群是哺乳动物中发现13种类型受体中最具特色的一种。TLRs的激活启动各种免疫调节剂的转录,随后核因子NF-kB迁移进入细胞核。另一个重要的病原受体CD14在乳腺嗜中性粒细胞和巨噬细胞中被发现,它结合脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)-蛋白质复合物并诱导肿瘤坏死因子TNF-α的合成和释放[5]。



TNF-α既是乳腺免疫应答最早的起始中心,在急性大肠杆菌性乳房炎中,也是发热、内毒素休克发展的中心。白细胞介素IL-8、 受激活调节的正常T细胞表达和分泌因子(RANTES)等趋化因子是从血液中吸引白细胞的关键。补体、乳铁蛋白和溶菌酶也为炎症反应提供了便利[2,5]。


虽然病原真菌能引起乳房炎,但最常见的是细菌。大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)是引起乳房炎最常见的两种细菌[5]。




金黄色葡萄球菌性乳房炎往往引起SCC的增加且持续时间较长,感染后可导致慢性和亚临床性乳房炎[8]。被感染的乳腺细胞中TNF-α mRNA增量表达[13]。




乳房链球菌(Streptococcus uberis)是引发乳房炎的常见病原菌,它诱导TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-8分泌进入乳汁[18]。有趣的是,一株从急性乳房炎中分离得到的金黄色葡萄球菌在体外诱导乳腺上皮细胞IL-8和IL-1β的表达量比慢性乳房炎中分离得到的菌株诱导分别高出2倍和4倍[19]。此外,支原体、铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)、黏质沙雷氏菌(Serratia marcescens)和肺炎克雷伯菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)对牛乳房炎症反应的影响也有报道[20]。




与大肠杆菌感染相比,葡萄球菌感染的细胞中IL-8水平更高[21]。在体外,大肠杆菌感染24 h后乳腺上皮细胞IL-1β、TNF-α和IL-8 mRNA比金黄色葡萄球菌表达量大[22]。然而,感染后3 h,金黄色葡萄球菌所诱导的这些细胞因子的表达量比大肠杆菌明显,但这种差异在感染10 h后消失。相同浓度下,热灭活的大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌刺激体外培养的乳腺上皮细胞,TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6、IL-8、RANTES和C3的表达量比大肠杆菌刺激在体乳腺上皮细胞产生的多[10]。Strandberg等[6]用LTA诱导体外培养的乳腺上皮细胞时发现,细胞因子的表达量比LPS诱导产生的少。总的来说,这个标准是很重要的,可量化的参数如SCC被用于不同PAMPS乳腺免疫反应的比较研究[5]。

Wellnitz等[5]发现0.2 μg的LPS和20 μg的LTA分别接种到泌乳奶牛乳腺后诱导大约相同的SCC的增加,虽然诱导的细胞因子有变化,乳腺在LPS刺激下,牛奶中TNF-α、乳酸脱氢酶的浓度、TNF-α和IL-1 mRNA的表达量增加而LTA刺激并没有出现类似的变化,LPS也是牛奶中细胞IL-8和RANTES更强的诱导剂。对人类白细胞的研究还表明,LTA是TNF-α的一个较弱的诱导因子。综上所述,大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌激活乳腺免疫反应的重要差异影响了这些感染的临床表现[23](表1)。

乳腺感染易受到SCC的影响,低计数会增加乳房炎的风险和严重性[5]。Suriyasathaporn等[24]发现,低浓度的SCC会增加奶牛患严重大肠杆菌性乳房炎的风险,而高计数,动物则更易发生金黄色葡萄球菌性乳房炎。在感染乳房内SCC增加或降低的速度因病原菌而异:大肠杆菌可引起SCC快速、高剂量的增加,而金黄色葡萄球菌感染会使SCC在2~3 d内逐渐增加。Djabri等[25]计算不同的细菌感染乳腺SCC的平均值发现,大肠杆菌SCC的计数比金黄色葡萄球菌更高。






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-ccharide and lipoteichoic acid induce different immune responses in the bovine mammary gland [J]. J Dairy Sci, 2011,94(11):5405-5412.

[12] SCHMITZ S, PFAFFL M W, MEYER H H D, et al. Short-term changes of mRNA expression of various inflammatory factors and milk proteins in mammary tissue during LPS-induced mastitis[J]. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2004,26(2):111-126.

[13] ALLUWAIMI A M, LEUTENEGGER C M, FARVER T B, et al. The cytokine markers in Staphylococcus aureus mastitis of bovine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B: Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health, 2003,50(3):105-111.

[14] YANG W, ZERBE H, PETZL W, et al. Bovine TLR2 and TLR4 properly transduce signals from Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, but S. aureus fails to both activate NF-kappaB in mammary epithelial cells and to quickly induce TNF-alpha and interleukin-8(CXCL8) expression in the udder[J]. Molecular Immunology, 2008,45(5):1385-1397.

[15] BOUGARN S, CUNHA P, HARMACHE A, et al. Muramyl dipeptide synergizes with Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid to recruit neutrophils in the mammary gland and to stimulate mammary epithelial cells[J]. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2010,17(11):1797-1809.

[16] WELLNITZ O, REITH P, HAAS S C, et al. Immune relevant gene expression of mammary epithelial cells and their influence on leukocyte chemotaxis in response to different mastitis pathogens[J]. Veterinarni Medicina,2006,51(4):125-132.

[17] RAINARD P, FROMAGEAU A, CUNHA P, et al. Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid triggers inflammation in the lactating bovine mammary gland[J]. Veterinary Research,2008,39(5):52.

[18] RAMBEAUD M, ALMEIDA R A, PIGHETTI G M, et al. Dynamics of leukocytes and cytokines during experimentally-induced Streptococcus uberis mastitis[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2003,96(3):193-205.

[19] WELLNITZ O, BERGER U, SCHAEREN W, et al. Mastitis severity induced by two Streptococcus uberis strains is reflected by the mammary immune response in vitro[J]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd,2012,154(8):317-323.

[20] BANNERMAN D D. Pathogen-dependent induction of cytokines and other soluble inflammatory mediators during intramammary infection of dairy cows[J]. Journal of Animal Science, 2008,87(13):10-25.

[21] LEE J W, BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, et al. Characterization of cytokine expression in milk somatic cells during intramammary infections with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus by real-time PCR[J]. Veterinary Research, 2006, 37(2):219-229.

[22] LAHOUASSA H, MOUSSAY E, RAINARD P, et al. Differential cytokine and chemokine responses of bovine mammary epithelial cells to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli[J]. Cytokine,2007,38(1):12-21.

[23] WENZ J R, FOX L K, MULLER F J, et al. Factors associated with concentrations of select cytokine and acute phase proteins in dairy cows with naturally occurring clinical mastitis[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2010,93(6):2458-2470.

[24] SURIYASATHAPORN W, SCHUKKEN Y H, NIELEN M, et al. Low somatic cell count:A risk factor for subsequent clinical mastitis in a dairy herd[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2000,83(6):1248-1255.

[25] DJABRI B, BAREILLE N, BEAUDEAU F, et al. Quarter milk somatic cell count in infected dairy cows: A meta-analysis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2002,33(4):335-357.

[26] BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, GOFF J P, et al. Innate immune response to intramammary infection with Serratia marcescens and Streptococcus uberis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2004,35(6):681-700.

[10] GRIESBECK-ZILCH B, MEYER H H D, K?譈HN C H, et al. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli cause deviating expression profiles of cytokines and lactoferrin messenger ribonucleic acid in mammary epithelial cells[J]. Journal of Dairy Science,2008,91(6):2215-2224.


-ccharide and lipoteichoic acid induce different immune responses in the bovine mammary gland [J]. J Dairy Sci, 2011,94(11):5405-5412.

[12] SCHMITZ S, PFAFFL M W, MEYER H H D, et al. Short-term changes of mRNA expression of various inflammatory factors and milk proteins in mammary tissue during LPS-induced mastitis[J]. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2004,26(2):111-126.

[13] ALLUWAIMI A M, LEUTENEGGER C M, FARVER T B, et al. The cytokine markers in Staphylococcus aureus mastitis of bovine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B: Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health, 2003,50(3):105-111.

[14] YANG W, ZERBE H, PETZL W, et al. Bovine TLR2 and TLR4 properly transduce signals from Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, but S. aureus fails to both activate NF-kappaB in mammary epithelial cells and to quickly induce TNF-alpha and interleukin-8(CXCL8) expression in the udder[J]. Molecular Immunology, 2008,45(5):1385-1397.

[15] BOUGARN S, CUNHA P, HARMACHE A, et al. Muramyl dipeptide synergizes with Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid to recruit neutrophils in the mammary gland and to stimulate mammary epithelial cells[J]. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2010,17(11):1797-1809.

[16] WELLNITZ O, REITH P, HAAS S C, et al. Immune relevant gene expression of mammary epithelial cells and their influence on leukocyte chemotaxis in response to different mastitis pathogens[J]. Veterinarni Medicina,2006,51(4):125-132.

[17] RAINARD P, FROMAGEAU A, CUNHA P, et al. Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid triggers inflammation in the lactating bovine mammary gland[J]. Veterinary Research,2008,39(5):52.

[18] RAMBEAUD M, ALMEIDA R A, PIGHETTI G M, et al. Dynamics of leukocytes and cytokines during experimentally-induced Streptococcus uberis mastitis[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2003,96(3):193-205.

[19] WELLNITZ O, BERGER U, SCHAEREN W, et al. Mastitis severity induced by two Streptococcus uberis strains is reflected by the mammary immune response in vitro[J]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd,2012,154(8):317-323.

[20] BANNERMAN D D. Pathogen-dependent induction of cytokines and other soluble inflammatory mediators during intramammary infection of dairy cows[J]. Journal of Animal Science, 2008,87(13):10-25.

[21] LEE J W, BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, et al. Characterization of cytokine expression in milk somatic cells during intramammary infections with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus by real-time PCR[J]. Veterinary Research, 2006, 37(2):219-229.

[22] LAHOUASSA H, MOUSSAY E, RAINARD P, et al. Differential cytokine and chemokine responses of bovine mammary epithelial cells to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli[J]. Cytokine,2007,38(1):12-21.

[23] WENZ J R, FOX L K, MULLER F J, et al. Factors associated with concentrations of select cytokine and acute phase proteins in dairy cows with naturally occurring clinical mastitis[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2010,93(6):2458-2470.

[24] SURIYASATHAPORN W, SCHUKKEN Y H, NIELEN M, et al. Low somatic cell count:A risk factor for subsequent clinical mastitis in a dairy herd[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2000,83(6):1248-1255.

[25] DJABRI B, BAREILLE N, BEAUDEAU F, et al. Quarter milk somatic cell count in infected dairy cows: A meta-analysis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2002,33(4):335-357.

[26] BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, GOFF J P, et al. Innate immune response to intramammary infection with Serratia marcescens and Streptococcus uberis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2004,35(6):681-700.

[10] GRIESBECK-ZILCH B, MEYER H H D, K?譈HN C H, et al. Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli cause deviating expression profiles of cytokines and lactoferrin messenger ribonucleic acid in mammary epithelial cells[J]. Journal of Dairy Science,2008,91(6):2215-2224.


-ccharide and lipoteichoic acid induce different immune responses in the bovine mammary gland [J]. J Dairy Sci, 2011,94(11):5405-5412.

[12] SCHMITZ S, PFAFFL M W, MEYER H H D, et al. Short-term changes of mRNA expression of various inflammatory factors and milk proteins in mammary tissue during LPS-induced mastitis[J]. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2004,26(2):111-126.

[13] ALLUWAIMI A M, LEUTENEGGER C M, FARVER T B, et al. The cytokine markers in Staphylococcus aureus mastitis of bovine mammary gland[J]. Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B: Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health, 2003,50(3):105-111.

[14] YANG W, ZERBE H, PETZL W, et al. Bovine TLR2 and TLR4 properly transduce signals from Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, but S. aureus fails to both activate NF-kappaB in mammary epithelial cells and to quickly induce TNF-alpha and interleukin-8(CXCL8) expression in the udder[J]. Molecular Immunology, 2008,45(5):1385-1397.

[15] BOUGARN S, CUNHA P, HARMACHE A, et al. Muramyl dipeptide synergizes with Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid to recruit neutrophils in the mammary gland and to stimulate mammary epithelial cells[J]. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2010,17(11):1797-1809.

[16] WELLNITZ O, REITH P, HAAS S C, et al. Immune relevant gene expression of mammary epithelial cells and their influence on leukocyte chemotaxis in response to different mastitis pathogens[J]. Veterinarni Medicina,2006,51(4):125-132.

[17] RAINARD P, FROMAGEAU A, CUNHA P, et al. Staphylococcus aureus lipoteichoic acid triggers inflammation in the lactating bovine mammary gland[J]. Veterinary Research,2008,39(5):52.

[18] RAMBEAUD M, ALMEIDA R A, PIGHETTI G M, et al. Dynamics of leukocytes and cytokines during experimentally-induced Streptococcus uberis mastitis[J]. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2003,96(3):193-205.

[19] WELLNITZ O, BERGER U, SCHAEREN W, et al. Mastitis severity induced by two Streptococcus uberis strains is reflected by the mammary immune response in vitro[J]. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd,2012,154(8):317-323.

[20] BANNERMAN D D. Pathogen-dependent induction of cytokines and other soluble inflammatory mediators during intramammary infection of dairy cows[J]. Journal of Animal Science, 2008,87(13):10-25.

[21] LEE J W, BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, et al. Characterization of cytokine expression in milk somatic cells during intramammary infections with Escherichia coli or Staphylococcus aureus by real-time PCR[J]. Veterinary Research, 2006, 37(2):219-229.

[22] LAHOUASSA H, MOUSSAY E, RAINARD P, et al. Differential cytokine and chemokine responses of bovine mammary epithelial cells to Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli[J]. Cytokine,2007,38(1):12-21.

[23] WENZ J R, FOX L K, MULLER F J, et al. Factors associated with concentrations of select cytokine and acute phase proteins in dairy cows with naturally occurring clinical mastitis[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2010,93(6):2458-2470.

[24] SURIYASATHAPORN W, SCHUKKEN Y H, NIELEN M, et al. Low somatic cell count:A risk factor for subsequent clinical mastitis in a dairy herd[J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2000,83(6):1248-1255.

[25] DJABRI B, BAREILLE N, BEAUDEAU F, et al. Quarter milk somatic cell count in infected dairy cows: A meta-analysis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2002,33(4):335-357.

[26] BANNERMAN D D, PAAPE M J, GOFF J P, et al. Innate immune response to intramammary infection with Serratia marcescens and Streptococcus uberis[J]. Veterinary Research, 2004,35(6):681-700.
