President Xi’s Debut State Visit to the Middle East

2016-03-22 09:08

President Xi’s Debut State Visit to the Middle East

C hinese President Xi Jinping’s arrival in Riyadh, saudi Arabia on January 19, 2016 marked the start of his three-nation tour of the Middle east. The visit is China’s first major diplomatic event in 2016.

President Xi and King salman bin Abdulaziz Al saud of Saudi Arabia announced during the Chinese president’s twoday stop in Riyadh the upgrading of bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership. President Xi said that as Saudi Arabia stands at a key junction along the “Belt and Road” the two countries should discuss aligning their development strategies and promoting interconnectivity and intercommunication in the Middle East and the Gulf region. The two sides signed an MOU on industrial capacity cooperation, agreeing to pursue cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative, as well as a slew of cooperation deals covering sectors such as energy, communications, environment, culture, aerospace, and science and technology.

Egypt was the second leg of Xi’s three-nation tour. The first Arab and African country to establish diplomatic relations with China, Egypt has maintained for decades a healthy and stable relationship with China. During Xi’s visit the two countries signed 21 cooperative documents that included endorsing a five-year plan to boost two-way ties and pledging to co-build the trans-Eurasia Belt and Road Initiative. In the meeting with his Egyptian counterpart, President Xi said both countries should carry forward their friendship and forge ahead to the future, letting the two peoples benefit even more from the development of bilateral relations. The two heads of state also attended the opening ceremony of the Sino-Egyptian Culture Year in 2016.

When speaking at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, President Xi urged countries in the Middle East to resolve their differences through dialogue rather than use of force. The Chinese president also proposed in his speech a host of fresh moves, including loans, financial aid, and a common investment fund to help improve people’s livelihood, fight terrorism, and promote development in the Arab world.

President Xi Jinping arrived in Teheran, capital of Iran, the last leg of his three-nation tour of the Middle east, on January 22. Xi met with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, and discussed aligning their national strategies and boosting cooperation on both political and economic fronts. “China-Iran relations hold great opportunities for new development,” Xi said. “China is ready to work with Iran and elevate our relationship and practical cooperation to new heights, so ushering in a new chapter of ties that feature comprehensive, long-term and stable development.”

President Xi delivers his speech “Work Together to Create a Bright Future for China-Arab Relations” at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo on January 21, 2016.

Chinese President Xi Jinping holds talks with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi on January 21, 2016 at Quba Palace in Cairo.

President Xi Jinping holds talks with Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in Riyadh on January 19, 2016.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani holds a welcome ceremony for visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tehran, Iran, on Jan. 22, 2016.