Unit 2?What time is it Part B Time to?talk

2016-05-30 01:23陈媛媛
小说月刊·下半月 2016年3期


教学内容:本课时是四年级下册第二单元B部分的对话课。通过Mike早上起床上学的情景,使学生感知核心句型Its time to……的意义及语用情景。



2.能够在情景中恰当运用句型Its time to……描述即将要做的事情。

3.能够在情景中理解短语get up,go to school,hurry up的意思并能正确发。



教学过程(Teaching Steps)

Step 1 Warm-Up

1.To sing a wonderful song “Its twelve oclock!”


2.Greeting each other

Step 2 Revision

1.To show a clock to revise the time,to ask the question “What time is it?”


2.To show a photo of Xi Yangyang with a cover,have them guess who he is,then the teacher says:Today is Wednesday.Lets see what Xi Yangyang and his friends do on Wednesday morning.

Picture 1:Its 7.Its time for breakfast.

Picture 2:Its 7:30.Its time for school/to go to school.

Picture 3:Its 10.Its time for music class.To show the picture of Lan Yangyang.He is singing and says:Now,Im Lan Yangyang,I can sing very well.Lalala…… Can you……? Let someone show a song and dance.

Picture 4:The teacher says:Its 10.The sheep are here,but where is Hui Tailang.Look! He is sleeping.Now,Im Hong Tailang “Hui Tailang,hurry up.Its time to get up.” Lets do it together.

Picture 5:Hui Tailang gets up.

[设计意图:本环节通过引入喜羊羊与灰太狼这些深受孩子们喜爱的卡通人物,设计他们周三早晨的活动。既复习旧知,又引出新知,将本课目标语言点:Hurry up,Its time to get up,Its time to go to school,Im ready.穿插入本情境中,为下一环节做好了铺垫。]

Step 3:Presentation.

1.To say:Hui Tailang is lazy,what time does he get up? At 10.Then ask the boys and girls:What time do you get up?

2.To show a picture of Mike,and ask:Who is he ? Do you want to know what time Mike gets up? Lets listen and find out,then fill in the time train.


3.Part one:To ask one boy to act like Mike.I am mother,then change the roles,to act out the dialogue.

4.Part two:To says:“Im full.Look! Its 7:30.Mike is packing his schoolbag.Mom looks worried,Mom,what do you say to Mike.

5.Part three(two steps)”.To say“Everyone is ready for class.What class? What time is it?” Have them say,Its 8.Its time for English class.Look! Mike comes in.Are you ready,Mike?


Step 4:Practice

1.Listen to the tape and retell the Time Train.

2.Read the dialogue loudly.

3.Act out the dialogue and show their action.

Step 5:Enjoy time.

1.To say:At last,lets enjoy some videos.You see,who is that boy in the pictures? Yes,hes my son,Jingsong.Lets see what he does?

Video one:Look! He gets up early.He can dress himself.

Video two:Hes doing homework! He packs his schoolbag.

Video three:He likes sports.He is tall and healthy.

Video four:Its 9.He goes to bed and ready for tomorrow morning.Good night!

2.To says:Boys and girls,you should be an early bird.Forming a good habit is good for your health.Youll be stronger and stronger.Thank you.You are so great today.Goodbye!


Step 6 Homework

1.Read the dialogue.

2.Discuss your own time tables.


在情景Mikes morning 中,感知理解新语言:Whats for breakfast? Some bread and milk.Hurry up.Its … Its time for…\to…并通过情景模仿与跟读,体验与学习不同人物的不同语气,语调,从而训练孩子的朗读与交流能力。

本课也很注意对孩子的情感教育,由妈妈催促Mike去上学,告诉学生要做一个守时守纪的孩子。从欣赏他人的timetable到Make your timetable.教会学生学会安排计划自己的作息时间。并通过丰富的教学评价活动培养了学生参与竞争,合作交流的情感态度。学生的发展永远是教育教学的主题,每课时教学设计教师要考虑的不仅是学生通过学习,能够习得多少知识,要更加关注到学生的情感需求。

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