“制作动画并非我的职业,我更愿意做教育领域的组织建设者”—专访加拿大谢尔丹学院数字动画专业创始人Robin King

2017-02-21 01:50周晓琪玉之麻ACG胡婷
留学 2017年2期

_周晓琪 _玉之麻 _ACG _胡婷

“制作动画并非我的职业,我更愿意做教育领域的组织建设者”—专访加拿大谢尔丹学院数字动画专业创始人Robin King


谢尔丹学院被誉为“动画教育界的哈佛”,其数字动画专业的创始人Robin King近日接受《留学》记者采访,阐述了其教育理念,以及在中国参与创办国际艺术留学机构ACG的过程。

加拿大谢尔丹学院数字动画专业创始人Robin King

位于加拿大安大略省附近的谢尔丹学院(Sheridan College),是一所老牌的公立学院,素有“动画教育界的哈佛”之美称。它被视为世界电脑动画领域的先锋,其制作水平在世界上名列前茅。而谢尔丹学院数字动画专业的创始人正是国际艺术教育泰斗Robin King先生。近日,《留学》记者有幸对其进行了专访。



Robin本人游历过多所世界顶级名校,也曾参与了众多国家教育基地的设计与策划。在别人看来,无论是在动画设计产业,还是艺术教育领域,Robin都算得上是极具阅历和眼界的大师。而Robin自己则更倾向于在教育领域定位自己,他告诉《留学》记者,“与其称我是一位职业的动画创作者,不如说是一位教育界的组织建设者更为恰当,尽管自己从事的工作延伸到了很多非教育领域的建设项 目。”




得益于学院悠久的历史和精湛的教学质量,三十多年来,其毕业生绝少有就业方面的担忧,他们不仅在各个岗位上能够做到得心应手,而且其中还涌现出众多具备卓越技能的动画界专家和成功的故事作家,还有多人曾获得奥斯卡最佳视效、动画片奖和提名。例如,电影《捉妖记》的导演Raman Hui就是谢尔丹学院计算机动画专业1980年的毕业生。毕业之后,他前往美国排名前十位的电影、电视节目制作公司—梦工厂工作,还曾执导过电影《怪物史莱克》。此外,谢尔丹学院的毕业生不少都任职于迪士尼、索尼动画、工业光魔(Industrial Light and Magic,简称:ILM)等美国顶级电影制片公司,在电影特效制作、电视剧等多项与动画相关的产业都有所建树。






Robin向《留学》记者介绍,学习动画专业有众多益处,动画专业的就业前景十分广阔,同时,他相信,在中国,和动画相关的其他娱乐产业也将在2017年拥有非常光明的前景。Robin称,“学好动画专业要求学生拥有坚实的基础,除了出众的叙事能力,还有辩证思维能力、创造力、沟通表达能力、小组合作能力等,这些都是新时代的杰出人才应具备的工作技能。而相比于中国来说,国外的教学课程更擅长将这些技能的传授融合到动画教学 中。”


在ACG筹建创办过程中,Robin邀请了若干国际大师来华讲学,他们发现在国内的美术学院中,新兴设计、互动等专业的高校师资力量相对薄弱,老师们在座谈会上也提到希望能有国际讲师来做培训。于是就有了ACG在中国的第一个运作项目,即国际艺术设计高校教师培训。ACG国际艺术教育总裁张军先生曾在接受《留学》记者采访时表示,“这种培训在国内是首次举行……ACG开展的国际艺术高端教育项目率先在国内引进了国际一流院校的师资课程,帮助ACG在专业领域积累了良好的口碑和国际化的品牌形 象。”







Q=Reporter of Studying Abroad Magazine

A=Robin King

Q:As the data suggests, you are the founder of the department of Animation in Sheridan College. What is the consideration for you to choose Animation as your career?

I have in fact had five careers. Prior to computer animation I was first involved in physics research in the UK and Canada, then for 12 years or so as a professional photographer and at the same time completing my graduate work in the psychology of creativity in the late 1970s. It was a result of the graduate work that I became interesting the potential impact of digital technologies on the creative process in the arts. Of course, that was VERY early days as the technology has not been invented at that time to implement the results which became more common in the late1990s and throughout 21st Century. I am not an animator my profession but rather an organizational architect in education although I have work on other noneducational building projects through my company Imagina Corporation.

Q:When was the department of Animation of Sheridan College founded? Please introduce the background of the department of Animation of Sheridan College.

A:The Classical Animation Program had been in existence for 12 or 13 years (established I think in 1968) prior to the development of Computer Animation which was slowly emerging as a field in the early 1980s., of course there were many successes due to the high quality of instruction in classical animation that was pioneered at Sheridan by many talented instructors at that time and many graduates went on to stellar careers at Disney in particular but also around the world.

The Computer Animation Program was a separate initiative at Sheridan and not directly connected to classical animation. In fact many departments in the School of Visual Arts where uninterested in computer technologies until the mid-late 1990's andby then computer animation graduates were starting to make their mark at George Lucas's Industrial Light and Magic are were being nominated for Academy awards.

Q:What are the advantages and characteristics of the department of Animation of Sheridan College?

A:Well it depends to some degree on whether you are referring to the once“tradition” undergraduate Animation Program or the advanced Computer Animation program but in either case the advantages are primarily in both cases the emphasis on string fundamental animation principles together with strong storytelling. At Sheridan the major advantage is the long and successful history of skills and techniques that have been handed down in both programs resulting in many Academy Award winning graduates and highly successful storytellers and animation supervisors over the past 30 years. For example, Monster Hunt was directed by Raman Hui was a graduate of Computer Animation in the 1980's and went on to work at Dreamworks on films like Shrek. Others continue to direct films at Disney and supervise animation at Dreamworks. ILM.Sony Animation and other companies. In addition, others have specialized in episodic television, special effects film production and other animation related projects around the world.

Q:What benefits do you think students will receive from studying Animation?

A:Of course there are many benefits. There is a great future in animation and animation related entertainment with China being the world largest film venue starting in 2017. But in addition to a solid background in animation, students need to become excellent storytellers and build additional important 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking, communications, teamwork and collaboration. These are incorporation in foreign program to a a much greater degree than in China (except I believe in the Advanced Animation Program at DeTao Masters Academy where I have incorporated these skills into the curriculum - which makes it unique in China!)

Q:Do you suggest Chinese students go to America to study Animation? Why?

A:Well of course Sheridan is in Canada (a great country in which to learn!) but North American has many excellent schools with a long history of great teaching. It's that experience that you can draw upon to enrich your skills as well as develop important industry contacts and opportunities to bring back to China for the future.

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