
2019-08-19 01:38
中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年5期


1~5 CADCA 6~10 CADAB 11~15 BABAB

16~20 ACACB 21~25 ACACB 26~30 ADCCB

31~35 DBDBA 36~40 BABBD 41~45 ADBAD

46~50 DBAAA 51~55 ADABD 56~60 BBACD

61~65 ADDCC 66~70 BADDB 71~75 DBBDD

76~80 DCDDC 81~85 AADBC 86~90 DAACD

91~95 BDDCA 96~97 BA


1~5 ACAAC 6~10 BCACB 11~15 ACBAC

16~20 ABCAB 21~25 TFTFT 26~30 ACBAC

31~35 AEBFD

36. ideas and language 37. skills

38. relax yourself/beat nerves

39. natural body languages

40. fully understand

41. Its far from his house and he has to go to work by bus.

42. 除非他按时上班,否则他就会被开除。

43. He wants to buy a car, but he hasnt enough money.

44. 那是早上五点,街上没几辆车。

45. 他想停下来,但是却没停住车。他险些撞到一位正在过马路的老妇人。

46. In the bathroom.

47. I should stop and think if I can use that item again.

48. Because items with food or drink cant be recycled, and this also saves time for the workers in the recycling center.

49. A whole life.

50. The passage is mainly about how to make recycling work better.

One possible version:

You raise me up. I will be with you in your life. You are an important person in the process of my growth. You give me life and take care of me all the time. When I have problems with my study and life, you are always patient enough to help me and encourage me. In order to let me live a pleasant life and receive good education, you always work hard from morning to evening every day. You are also a man who has a heart full of love.

You are ready to help people in need. It is you who teach me to be a kind person. In the past, I never said “I love you” to you. Today is Fathers Day. I want to say it to you loudly. I will study harder to get better results.

I hope you will be happy and healthy forever.


1~5 CABAC 6~10 CCABA 11~15 BAACB

16~20 BCABC 21~25 TTFFT 26~30 BBCCA

31~35 DCBFE

36. Keep Fit/Healthy 37. except

38. hotel 39. sports facilities

40. walking/taking a walk

41. Without sound we cannot talk or listen to one another.

42. 当飞机在陆地上方低空飞行,巨大的声音可能会损坏房屋。

43. 我们知道,声音在3秒钟里能传播约1公里。

44. This is because light travels much faster than sound.

45. 这会告诉你多少公里外有雷雨风暴。

46. Virginia, US.

47. Third.

48. Some had thicker eggshells.

49. In 2015.

50. For poultry sciences.

One possible version:

Me in the Mirror

Looking at myself in the mirror, I know I am an outgoing girl. I like to make friends and Im always ready to help them. So Im very popular in my school. But I have a big problem, Im less interested in my lessons and I cant concentrate in class. In my spare time I spend too much time on computer games, so I dont get good grades and it makes my parents disappointed.

When I go to senior high school I hope to get along well with my classmates and try to make more friends. I hope we can help each other and learn from each other. I will make a good study resolution and try my best to go for it. I decide to have a healthier lifestyle. Ill spend more time on my schoolwork and develop good learning habits. I will concentrate more in class and finish my study tasks carefully. Whats more, I will read more books and master good leaning methods. I hope I can make great progress and make my parents proud of me.

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